Honest Politician

Being as there isn't such a thing, I can only assume the true meaning of his statement is -" I'm into little boys, but I'll say I'm into hot chicks so you don't look into my personal life"

The Italian PM is a notorious womanizer with a weakness for very young women. Sounds familiar doesn't it.

Honest politician = oxy moron!!!! No such thing....

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
"Yeah, sounds like me. "

Feleno..... Let's hope you never catch site of a young hotty leaving the gas station while your wife is inside..... Terry
>"Yeah, sounds like me. "
>Feleno..... Let's hope you never catch
>site of a young hotty
>leaving the gas station while
>your wife is inside..... Terry

Too late Stickman.


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