home remidies past down, the ones that work!



Got this one from my wife's Aunt. When your sinuses/nose is all stuffed up and your head feels like it has an anvil in it, or if you just have hay fever and a burny runny miserable, it feels like I'm getting a cold moment, try mixing 1/3 to 1/2, (depending on how tough you are)mixture of hot water and the original Listerine. Make sure it is really warm. Lean over the sink, hold a spoon full of it up to one of your nostrils, pinch the other one shut, and gently back and forth suck it up into your sinus. Do this two or three times on each side until the sinuses open up, and they will open up! First time you do it you will think you're gonna die, but it makes things feel sooooo much better that you will start doing it every time you get plugged up.

One other one: Some of you probably heard of this one. When you or one of your kids have a bad cough, rub the bottom of their feet with Vick's and then have them wear some socks to bed. Don't know how it works but it stops the cough.
Marriage cures sex.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
next time you get a cold sore take a q tip and dip it in 409. rub it on and after the stinging stops wash it with hot water. cold sore will be gone in a couple days
>next time you get a cold
>sore take a q tip
>and dip it in 409.
>rub it on and after
>the stinging stops wash it
>with hot water. cold sore
>will be gone in a
>couple days

Qtip... sore... rub it... after the stinging stops...

there's just too much material there. I can't even make myself go there. Its just too easy.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-10 AT 00:20AM (MST)[p]
The butter and the burn is very bad - do not do this.
Best thing is to cool the burn - cool water.

Feel a cold coming on - get on a echanacia/goldenseal - along with Vit C. Take 3 in morning, 3 at noon and 3 in evening. It will either not make the cold as bad or you will get over it alot quicker.

Outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man.

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