home invasion shootout

Brake in my house and if the great dane dont get you my gun will......................................................LOCKED AND LOADED...............................WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT OBAMA.................................................
If I shot at them they would probably just run off wounded so instead I'd chop them to pieces with my tomahawk.

I hate it when people can't shoot well. It upsets me. Kind of like one of those Hollywood movies where 50 guys with AK's can't hit Rambo. Maybe it's real after all.

I still think I could have taken them down with my 10/22 when I was 14 though.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-12-09 AT 08:40PM (MST)[p]I agree with Bean......WTF?

Here you are, given the perfectly legal right to whack some dirtbags......and you MISS!!!!!

That's like having the Govenors tag and blowing the shot!

Them azzwipes will get brave, knowing that this piker can't shoot....they will be back!
Update: suspect arrested in home invasion caught on tape

Posted: Feb 10, 2009 12:30 AM

Updated: Feb 12, 2009 10:38 PM Video Gallery
<1> Home Invasion Caught On Tape

Caught on Tape: home invasion leads to shootout

By Dan Marries - bio | email

A suspect has been arrested in connection with an attempted home invasion in Tucson. David Gutierrez, 22, is charged with attempted armed robbery, attempted aggravated robbery and aggravated assault with a firearm.

Investigators say the victim fought back by shooting at a group of armed men trying to break into his house. This all happened Feb. 5 near Cardinal and Irvington on the southwest side.

The video from a surveillance system overlooking the driveway of the victim's home. It shows the suspects pull up in a car and jump out. One of the would-be home invaders fires a shot as he runs into the garage. Within seconds several more shots ring out. Investigators say those came from the man inside the home.

In the video you can see shards of glass fly as bullets hit the front windshield. Two cameras caught the crime on tape. Once the homeowner shot back the suspects scattered. Three ran away on foot and the fourth jumped back into the car and sped away.

A neighbor, who didn't want to show his face heard the gunshots and heard the getaway car speed past his home, "this is new to me. I've been here 23 years and you see it on TV and you feel sorry but now you're living with it and you just got to deal with it."

Police found the getaway car a short while later. Another suspect, 23 year old Jesus Mendivil, remains on the loose, along with two others. If you know where any of them are, call 911 or 88-CRIME.
It's easy to sit back in the rocking chair and state "if that was me I would have not missed"!
I know of incidents where top rated pistol shooters did miss at close range. When the crap hits the fan, the adrenaline kicks in and most persons will hasten their return fire and miss. The guy that can control the adrenaline and keep calm will more then likely win the shootout.
It is easy to sit back and pass judgement, might be a different story if you had BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT!!!

No argument RELH.....when it actually happens, it is usually over before all the training memory can kick in.

Not exactly these circumstances, but I been there, done that.

I was just being funny with my orig post.
RELH is spot on. Situations like that are extremely quick and dynamic. At the end of the day, all is well that ends well. In all likelyhood, if he did miss them he was probably glad that he did. Once you use deadly force to defend yourself then your legal troubles just begin. Make no mistake, if armed gunman charged your home you are certainly justified in my mind, but, strange things have happened in similar events of the legal aftermath. Also, many times a robbery like that will go down only to have a suspect show up at the local ER looking like a swiss cheese. A handgun wound in reality does not have the same instant mortality effects that Hollywood portrays.

I would however be very interested in the rest of the story. Looks like they knew their target well and came in large numbers and armed for bear. That coupled with the fact that this house was set up with video on the perimeter, and firearms readily available to the occupant make me wonder if there was not much more to the story. There had to be a substantial incentive for them to make such brazen, daylight attempt at that house.

>RELH is spot on. Situations
>like that are extremely quick
>and dynamic. At the
>end of the day, all
>is well that ends well.
> In all likelyhood, if
>he did miss them he
>was probably glad that he
>did. Once you use
>deadly force to defend yourself
>then your legal troubles just
>begin. Make no mistake,
>if armed gunman charged your
>home you are certainly justified
>in my mind, but, strange
>things have happened in similar
>events of the legal aftermath.
> Also, many times a
>robbery like that will go
>down only to have a
>suspect show up at the
>local ER looking like a
>swiss cheese. A handgun
>wound in reality does not
>have the same instant mortality
>effects that Hollywood portrays.
>I would however be very interested
>in the rest of the
>story. Looks like they
>knew their target well and
>came in large numbers and
>armed for bear. That
>coupled with the fact that
>this house was set up
>with video on the perimeter,
>and firearms readily available to
>the occupant make me wonder
>if there was not much
>more to the story.
>There had to be a
>substantial incentive for them to
>make such brazen, daylight attempt
>at that house.

money or drugs....
I agee with 1911, all you can do is protect yourself and family. He did the right thing by having the camera install that helped police out alot.
I took a CQB class many years ago and as I recall the stats from police shootouts across the US was 17% of shots fired were hits. The most amazing thing about that stat is most gun battles avg a distance of something like 15'.

"In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences"
Robert Green Ingersoll
You are right 1911 - it looks like he was waiting on them - he sure started firing mighty fast! I have my 9mm put up where I can get it but the kids can't - I have drilled it down and the quickest I can get to it and get a round in is 3.4 seconds (from laying down in bed) - mind you - I have not practiced this with live ammo! That may sound pretty quick, but it is an eternity in a firefight! If I were the homeowner, I would be glad that no one died - when all is said and done, you don't want someone's blood on your conscience unless it is the ultimate last resort.

And it is just a little bit different from drawing the governor's tag and missing!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
roy, if I were the homeowner, i would be pretty bummed i didnt kill every last one of them. what do you think these dirtbags are going to do when they get out of jail? they obviously had some pretty bad intentions planned going into his home. prison does NOTHING for people like this. we are the ones who pay on both ends....paying for their prison time OR paying by being the victims of their crimes. KILL EM ALL. our country has become so soft and liberal when it comes to this kind of crap! i would not lose a minute of sleep if i killed someone defending my family/home. ITS OUR RIGHT TO DO SO! i do think its funny how fast he started shooting though. crazy bastard was probably waiting for them to come in:) anyway, GOOD FOR HIM FOR EXERCISING HIS 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS!!!

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
My home defense gun is a Benelli M4 and when the adrenaline rush kicks in all I have to do is pull the trigger in the general direction of the threat and after smoke is cleared the threat and half of my house will obliterated with 3 inch #4 buck...

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