
Very Active Member
and so it begins byu gets a big road win and UT is undefeated unless they loose tonight best game in the history of the rivalry??

Wildlife population control specialist
LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-08 AT 06:29PM (MST)[p]All I have to say about that is this:

Rise, all loyal Cougars and hurl your challenge to the foe.
You will fight, day or night, rain or snow.
Loyal, strong, and true
Wear the White and Blue.
While we sing, get set to spring.
Come on Cougars, it's up to you!

So Rise and Shout, the Cougars are out
Along the the trail to fame and glory.
Rise and shout, our cheers will ring out,
As you unfold your vict'ry story.
On you go to vanquish the foe
For Alma Mater's sons and daughters.
As we join in song, in praise of you, our faith is strong.
We'll raise our colors high in the blue,
And cheer our Cougars of BYU.


That is disgusting!

All I can say is 4th down and forever to go! The cougars will find a way to score on that defense and pull it out in a great come from behind victory!

I think on paper the Utes should win but I think the pressure is going to crack that offense!

Go Cougs!
That IS so disgusting!

I feel the same about B.Y.U. but was that picture necessary?

I predict 32-17 for UTAH!

I think you left out the part in the fight song where they battle through the brown cloud around SLC and parts close by.

They have to unlock the Zion curtain,put blinders on(so they dont bear witness to "the real world") before they can even get to the smoggy conditions. But we'd just as soon they stay down in Happy Valley, and mail us their score! Thus keeping their cheerleaders home , which would eliminate the need for a daycare center for the visiting team.
velvet...spoken like a true Ute fan...I like the Utes but hate their fans...GO COUGARS GO...My favorite game of the year...Utah won't stop the BYU offense so I think it will be a fun one...
Whats the difference between a litter of puppies and Ute fans?

The puppies will eventually grow up and quit whining!!

What does a Ute Alum call a BYU Alum???

What's the difference between a BYU fan and a trampoline?
you take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline!

-all joking aside, this should be a really good game, I'll enjoy watching it, and giving props to the winning side!
Ironic that a win by BYU will cost them millions. I believe each conference school receives around $2 million if a school from their conference goes to a BCS game. If BYU spoils Utahs party they will lose millions. Seems ironic to me that a win is a huge loss and a loss is a huge win if you are Cougar fan. I will never ever cheer for BYU but I think for some reason that they will pull off this one. Utah has been getting by just enough the entire year. I think their luck runs out this weekend but go Utes!
It has been BYU just "getting by" the last 2 years. This is NOT their year. They finally pull their head out of their arse the last game against Air Force and now the Cougar Nation is singing praise again. Utah by 14. Hall is gonna be pickin cleets out of his face mask all day long. Good luck Cougar fans because it's gonna take a lot of it.


It's always an adventure!!!
Cougars looking pretty banged up after beating AFA, Pitta may not practice all week, and could be a game time decision on Saturday. Which Ute is gonna get the task of covering Collie? Or do they double him every time?
I think you can expect a normal game from Collie. He's a damn good receiver (probably one of the best in the country). Others will have to step up to get past Utah's defense. It's better than people think.

It's always an adventure!!!
Utah Man

I am a Utah man, sir, and I live across the green.
Our gang, it is the jolliest that you have ever seen.
Our coeds are the fairest and each one's a shining star.
Our yell, you hear it ringing through the mountains near and far.

Who am I, sir? A Utah man am I A Utah man, sir, and will be till I die; Ki!Yi!
We're up to snuff; we never bluff,
We're game for any fuss,
No other gang of college men
dare meet us in the muss.
So fill your lungs and sing it out and
shout it to the sky,
We'll fight for dear old Crimson,
for a Utah man am I.

And when we prom the avenue, all lined up in a row,
And arm in arm and step in time as down the street we go.
No matter if a freshman green, or in a senior's gown,
The people all admit we are the warmest gang in town.


We may not live forever on this jolly good old sphere,
But while we do we'll live a life of merriment and cheer,
And when our college days are o'er and night is drawing nigh,
With parting breath we'll sing that song:
"A Utah Man Am I".


UTROY - the UT stands for UTAH (and for UT) GO UTES!!!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
For the first time in my life I'm rooting for BYU just like every Boise State fan will be.

I don't know a lot about either team, but have watched Utah on TV a few times and they are definately beatable.

I think BSU is a better team than Utah, hopefully BYU is better than Utah as well.....
Chukar - I think that Boise State is a good team. I would love to see them in the MWC. It would only strengthen the conference. I don't think they are better than Utah. I do think that EVERY team is beatable. Almost every number one team in the country has proven that theory so far. Utah is not gonna waste a season on a loss to BYU. They are as ready for this game as any other during the year. It should be a good game but I hope that Utah beats the HOLY crap out of them!!!

It's always an adventure!!!

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