Holocaust museum shooter


Long Time Member
Since the "grandma tazered" post went over sooooo well and brought out the best in everyone, I thought I'd try this news topic.

I will say in advance this time that I cannot understand how hatred for a group of people can run this deep for so long.

What say you? Isolated wacko or are there many more like him?


"An 88-year-old gunman with a violent and virulently anti-Semitic past opened fire with a rifle inside the crowded U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum on Wednesday, fatally wounding a security guard before being shot himself by other officers, authorities said... "
I might add that I have been to DC and to the holocaust museum and I just can't imagine how an individual gets that far carrying a rifle. It is little more than a short walk fromthere to the capital and white house. WTH?
Same here NV. My wife and I went in 2002. This makes me think we have dropped our guard because DC was almost like a fortress back then.
Ill bet Jackrussel and Nevadabadger will stand up for him(shooter) and say he was justified. They seem to take the crooks side.

Theres some sick people in this world.
Weeelll, I won't put words in those guys mouths, but there was a statement made on this forum by someone else just the other day that gave me reason to pause. Fortunately the thread is gone now but it went something like (edited version) "the only good f@% is a dead f@%." Hatred is hatred, regardless of who it is for or the reasons for having it.
>." Hatred is hatred, regardless
>of who it is for
>or the reasons for having

Well NV,
Let's play a lil Devil's advocate....
I get about a gutful of the Political Correctness crap.
Hatred is wrong?
Tell me your feelings toward child molesters, murderous gang members,Islaamic terrorists, treehugging animal rights activists that want to end our hunting heritage etc..etc...
Are we suppose to take a deep breath and understand their feeeeeelings?
Is "strong dislike" the term we should use instead of "hate"?
I see the "N" word, (God I hate not being able to talk like adults) being bantered about amongst some of your chat buddies, have you lectured them about hatred?
Hate is part of our make up, warring tribes dating back to the cavemen have killed each other in droves based on real or imagined hatred.
Killing other humans is about the ultimate offense unless in self defense and taking hate to that extreme is off the charts.
Due to our free society, if a person is willing to die in the course of his mayhem we are pretty much helpless to stop them.
As humans we all have people we dislike and feel threatened by.
In a similarity to the "Tazered Grandma" thread, if we are to live in a civilized culture, there must be rules.
You break those rules there are consequences, some of those consequences being much more severe than others.
Hating is one thing, acting on the hatred takes things to a different level.
If I have a "strong dislike" for certain people it is based on their actions, not on ethnicity, race or creed.
"If I have a "strong dislike" for certain people it is based on their actions, not on ethnicity, race or creed."

Well said HH.
Why is it that the big cities with the most anti gun agendas keep having incedents like this? Anyways......Why did they have to shoot the guy....could have just tazered him :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
HH, what happens in the chat room stays in the chat room.......lol


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-09 AT 04:07PM (MST)[p]>Tell me your feelings toward child molesters, murderous gang >members,Islaamic terrorists, treehugging animal rights >activists that want to end our hunting heritage etc..etc...

I feel that the justice system should deal out punishment for the first three. Not me individually. And not driven by hatred. Terrorists are no different than the individuals who carried out atrocities in Europe during world war II. As for activists against hunting, I think that is way below the level of deserved hatred.

>I see the "N" word, (God
>I hate not being able
>to talk like adults)

Is that talking like adults?

>bantered about amongst some of
>your chat buddies, have you
>lectured them about hatred?

Harry, unlike yourself, I prefer not to lecture. I prefer to make people think about what they do or say. Maybe that's the purpose of this post. Rather than jump into a sermonette maybe some thought is what I was hoping to provoke.

>As humans we all have people
>we dislike and feel threatened

But we don't go around shooting people we dislike as judge, jury and executioner.

>In a similarity to the "Tazered
>Grandma" thread, if we are
>to live in a civilized
>culture, there must be rules.
>You break those rules there are
>consequences, some of those consequences
>being much more severe than


>Hating is one thing, acting on
>the hatred takes things to
>a different level.


>If I have a "strong dislike"
>for certain people it is
>based on their actions, not
>on ethnicity, race or creed.

I agree with that statement entirely. My question is how can someone hate a group of people simply for what they believe so bad that at age 88 they go to a museum and begin shooting innocent people? I just don't get it. Maybe I just don't have that kind of passion to hate.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-09 AT 04:45PM (MST)[p]HH, not only should Thomas be a great hunter and fisherman, he should have a good moral compass to direct him through life.


Edit: NV, I think this particular 88 year old man has been a hater all his life. The Jew thing was just an excuse. And I think most Jew haters are he same. Nothing builds yourself up like putting someone else down. Human nature.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-09 AT 05:06PM (MST)[p]Well said HH..

I hate no one based on race, creed, religion, sexual oriantation..
People of all sexes, races, religions can be world class F-ups.

This old bastard has held that penned up hatred so long, he porbably felt it was time to do something before he took it to the grave with him.. And if he made it to the grave as a result of those actions, so be it.
I know WWII veterans that still harbor an intense hatred for the Japanese.
They fought to the death and some of our guys never got over that.
Hell, one guy I know has refused to buy ANYTHING made in Japan since he returned from battle.

Thank you Steve, your a great guy.

I'm really not a jerk.
I just push back when I get pushed.
Though we may bump heads along the way, this place (MM) ain't no different than a big family.
Ain't all smiles & good times 24/7 under my roof either.
Most all you guys would be welcome round my campfire anytime.
Actually lookin forward to hearing some fishing stories from Bessy.
Dammitt I miss battling those chromers.
I think I've had a bit of depression going since they took away our salmon fishing.

Been watching a few good bucks lately, archery season is about a month away good times ahead.

See ya guys...
HH, didn't mean for anyone to think I was pushing. It was just intended to be thought provoking conversation. Often times I learn the most about myself when I have to stop and think about what I might do or say. It's easy to say he's this or she's that or I hate what he does, but if I stop and look at myself often times, to coin a phrase, I am what I hate in others. Your discussion made me do exactly that.

Now get out there and do some fishing or something.
Every race has guys like this....insane hatred for what they see as the cause of their failures....hardly, if ever, are these awful crimes carried out by "successful" people. 88 years old and this fool ends his worthless life like this....without any care of the consequences. In his twisted mind he is probabally some kind of hero now.

I like racial jokes and tell them often....I think they are funny...and no race is safe from me. Jokes by other races on any race are funny too and I am unoffendable. Like most others have said here, I like or dislike people for how they live and act, not by the color of their skin.

Wear your helmet if you want to chat....


Interesting topic this spun into and I'll add one observation. In reference vets and past conflicts, I was watching 'we were soildiers' the other day and spent some amount of time watching some of the additional features on the dvd. I found it interesting and quite remarkable, a statement from the Lt. Col. He made reference to the military commander over the North VC of the battle he fought in. In short, he was very respectful, gave a lot of admiration to his credentials, and mentioned that he would one day like to meet him. It was very powerful to me that he held who would seem a bitter opponent in such high respect.

Sorry Harry - hate has no place when you are talking about a human being. Hate the behavior yes and the circumstances and consequences for sure, rage against it and punish wicked deeds to the fullest extent of the law - but do not hate that man or woman. Ultimately, he or she is your brother or sister.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
How about the spin some of our leftist leaning media channels added almost immediately after the incident - "He was known to frequent conservative web sites." Never ends.
Anyone that says they don't harbor a prejudice against some group of people is a flat out liar or they are in denial. It could be as simple as thinking fat people are nasty or thinking someone is white trash. However, violence based upon prejudice is never justified.

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