hold the tobasco please

  • Thread starter thunderbritches
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Kind of funny in a warped kind of way. A couple of weeks ago me and several buddies were eating in local hang out swapping lies and having a good time. One of the gang was flirting a little with the waitress, nothing out of line just having fun. waitress was giving as much as recieving. Dont really know how it all came about but waitress had an oppertuninty at one point to dribble a few drops of tabassco sause down the guys "plumbers crack". Sounds weird as write this but thats what happened. It was all in fun, just a bunch of older geeszers and a younger pretty waitress. WELL tabasco is an amazing substance, doing great things to the flavor of food but it does not doanything good for the soft tissue and delicate area of the buttocks. With in a few minutes a wild look came into the guys eyes. Jumped up and began to pace. Broke out in a cold sweat and the paceing became more urgent. The wild look in eyes was replace by a look of definant discomfort quickly being replaced by agony. Well the story ends up in emergency room with buddy trying to explane his predicament while gyrating in a weird dance/two step kind of thing. He ends up in hospital for three days, can you believe it. Blisters on his rectum. Well the waitress felt really bad. Buddy was not mad or upset with her. Was able to laugh about it after about 3 days. Needless to say going to the john for next few days was a very delicate matter. Just had to tell some one. I thought it was funny but the wife says im weird.
What if that happened to you, think you could still laugh at the joke the waitress pulled on him? And how are YOU going to explain to the wife how it happened, now that would be funny.

I firmly believe that I, just like my buddy, would some how find the humor in the whole situation. He was not married and besides the flirting that was going on was all clean and fun, it could have happenened at church. Well until the tabascco happened at least. He even laughs about wanting to scoot his back side down a snow bank. Aint that a visual. Oh well brian Im just glad that i am not as up tight about life as you seem to be. Sorry if I affended ya. You can be certain that all involved in this tale still get together at the cafe, give the waitress a hard time, leave her a big tip, and will continue to to do the routine week in and week out. This will just be one of the fine and pleasant miseries we have accumulated in the last 15 years of living in a small town. Loosen up and try to see the humor, life is hard enough as it is. And just in case your wondering no legal action is or ever will be considered. Kind of like the saying It aint fun till someone gets hurt and then its hilarious.
HAHAHA LOL that would suck, I think she should at least take the guy out on a date or something....

sounds like a genuinely nice guy

most folks would not deal with it nearly as well

and that is darn funny to boot
That is pretty funny. Paying for a three day hospital stay would take some of the humor out of it though.:)


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will say that yes the waitress did feel horrible. She did say that she can not imagine what came over her. oppertunity was there and she just acted on impulse. He was sitting in one of those open backed chairs, he is a little over weight, and pants where riding low. No harm was ever intended. She just wishes that she would of used ice water....and so does he. Oh well, we all learned a very good lesson...never ever get tabasco close to the outlet.
Just let your mind wonder for a minute and just think of all the puns that are going around our table. This is going to give us something to talk/laugh about for months.
you know what they say,
frick around with a waitress long enough and you're going to get burnt,
bet it's a day or two before he screws with another waitress.
Pass the Tobassco. Wow that had to hurt! Ever chopped up Jalepenos then went and took a leak? I have. Once.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
Three days in the hospital cuz he got a few drops of tobasco on his assl??? People get there Knees and hips replaced and never spend the night...
maybe because they can not surgically replace a BuT orfice. If that ever becomes feasable, alot of people will be in big trouble. Guess it was basically treated as a burn. Read severe burn to soft tissue. Tender area. If that part of your anatomy stops working your in bad trouble. That orfice probably desirves a lot more respect. Talk about a high pucker factor!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-10 AT 01:10AM (MST)[p]you are not a real man until you a "Jimmy Stewart"...tobasco and ice water enama! you know that icy-hot flushing that makes ya sound like Jimmy ..WHOA! WHOA!
I put tobasco in friends parents Emotion lotion (TRUE STORY)..(his dad did not care but mom hated me for ever!I was 14)...Seems I am forgeting a few other pranks...oh the dog one was not as funny as I though....all it did is foam up and want more! Also if you rub a Habenaro pepper(sp) on a toilet seat its works good!

That was funny. RACK, I'm gonna have to remember habenaro & toilet seat one though. That sounds like the ultimate prank.

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