Hogs in southern utah



LAST EDITED ON May-02-13 AT 10:16PM (MST)[p]Anyone catch the hog hunt on ksl tonight. With high top I'm definitely up for a wild pig hunt this year to break the new bow in. There in Arizona headed this way.
I think I'll get ahold of Big6!

Got a Nick Name for Him!

"""RIG A PIG"""!

Maybe He could get License Plates with the Handle?:D

The Dew I had for Breakfast wasn't Bad so I had one more for Dessert!:D
I will tell you right now, being from South Texas and having a lot of experience with them, SHOOT EVERY S.O.B. you see and poison or trap the ones you don't see. They will do more damage to your crops, fields, habitat than you can imagine and while they are fun to see on occasion they will become a nuisance and out of control.

well looks like chopper 5 could have taken out 2 of them if they had a shotgun....maybe a couple guys in a heli or chute plane could put a hurt on them quick.

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
Conspiracy Theorists!!! The DWR says they are not in Utah. Haven't you all paid attention. UTAH HAS A FORCEFIELD!! That forcefield has kept wolves out of Utah despite them being in every surrounding state. This same forcefield will stop the pigs, you need not worry!!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
That's a true story. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
They've been in that area since the 80's. My high school girlfriends dad used to go down there every year hunting them. I've been several times in the last five years and I think the Arizona dwr figures of a few dozen animals are more accurate than the guy on the news. I don't think that area could support 300 hogs. When I was there last we saw very little sign. My friends and myself have been lucky enough to take a few out of there. They were jet black just like the ones on the news. There was another group of hogs getting established west of cedar city but the gov. trappers wiped them out 3 years ago. While I don't want to see them established in Utah because of the damage they do, it would be nice to have more hunting opportunities.
I haven't been down there with higgins to see the true number but from talking to him when he says 300 I believe he is talking the whole population from the AZ strip and up and down the virgin river not just that particular spot they were at. Anybody that is interested in going you can send me a message and I can get you the details from jared I don't know a thing about it other than I wanna go I just need to find the time.

These Pigs are already in the southern parts of Utah . While flipping over boards in search of Tiger Salamanders on Smiths Mesa , we had seen a small Group . These pigs stick to where there is water and the Virgin River has been known for these pigs Interstate Highway Route. One of the Spendloves that own thousands of acres in Virgin has shot a couple of these pigs there in Virgin . Those of us that know the AZ Strip well, know well that there is likely well over 300 pigs out there . As of last year, now we captured pics of these pigs on the 13a Unit . These pigs breed like rabbits and as the #'s grow, these pigs are spreading out quickly now . Here is a recent pic . In this area alone , the likely hood of over 50 pigs, is a modest #
There are alot more than 50 pigs on the strip! Two friends of mine fly their chute planes out there and they are seeing more and more each time out.
The smiths mesa pigs were transplanted up there by some locals atleast 15 years ago. Those pigs did not migrate from the river. Their numbers topped out aroud the mid 90's and have declined dramatically ever since(locals taking home the bacon or predators is my guess). I spend a decent amount of time up there and havent seen a pig in atleast 5 or 6 years. If you dont mind me asking how long ago did you see them up there?
It was not quite 3 years ago when we had seen those pigs on Smiths Mesa . Dallen Spendlove who has owned about 3000 acres up there for almost a Century , has no idea where the Pigs came from, but they are just like the Feral pigs on the AZ Strip . Dallen has been like a Dad to me for 25 years , so hunting anytime up there for me is no problem , anytime . Yes the pig #'s have declined dramatically , but they are still there . Dallen says , any Pig , Coyote, and Mountain Lion on the property , kill them !!! lol .
I only know a small part of the strip and have seen the hog sign go from really heavy 5 years ago to nothing the last 2 years. On that trip 5 years ago they were all over the place. We all had shot opportunities and brought home 2. When I said I didn't think there was 300 down there I was talking about the area close to St George.
LAST EDITED ON May-05-13 AT 01:22PM (MST)[p]The last time I saw the pigs they were on Dallens' place. I think they hang around there to see what Dallen turns up after he plows.
Pretty crazy that the pigs made it all the way to Virgin. I didn't think they would be able to get around the diversion dam between LaVerkin and Sheeps Bridge.
@ huntinfanatic : I would not of thought about that dam , but I'd have to agree now that you mention it . But who really knows how these Pigs really travel . I don't know if you happen to know Gordon Wood , he owns that property down there by that old Power plant just East of the Hurricane/laverkin Bridge , where LaVerkin creek drains into the Virgin river . Gordon use to shoot those Feral Pigs down there back in the 90's , that LaVerkin Creek runs all the way up to the West side of the Smiths Mesa . So that may be the answer of how those Feral Pigs got up there ... though again who really knows? lol . All I know is that these Hogs have got to go !!!!!
If Utah/Arizona are anything like the other states infected with hogs you will never see them go because of private land owners. You can go out on public land in most states with hogs and not see one for days or weeks because any that show their skin get shot. Private lands however become a sanctuary for hogs because hunting is either not allowed or outfitters start leasing up ranches and charging for pig hunts so its in their best interest that the pigs stay plentiful. Its a no win situation with these things.
I am a son of farmer and if the pigs get thru Utah it would destroy my families way of life, if anyone knows they need to just come out and say the exact location so we can destroy them and try to get them gone and if found let everyone know where they are unlike these outfitters that want them here cuz they probably dont own any property so it don't bother them if they destroy crops and wildlife population cause they are making money and that's all that matters to them until there ain't no more deer or elk like there is and forget about turkeys and pheasants. We need to all join up and just pist where they are with maps and or locations so we can keep the draw at a higher number instead of keep going down.

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