Hog Hunts



Does anybody know anything about hog hunting in Utah, Nevada, or northern Arizona? I've never hunted hogs before and want to get into it. Any information would be great.
I know there are a few hog farms around, and a big one down around Milford, but I don't think they hunt that kind of hogs. Although the people who live nearby probably wouldn't care!
Either animal. I've spent some time in Tucson and Phoenix and have seen and am somewhat familiar with javelinas, but I don't know anything about feral hogs.
The last time I went to the 3-Alarm Saloon in SLC, I saw a lot of hogs. That would be a good place to hog hunt in Utah.
yeah, there is alot of hogs at the westerner to. but none in the wild,in Utah.
Drive a little bit farther West to central California. You'll find the finest hog hunting in the USA here, and plenty of guides willing to lead you to em on private lands for $300-$500 depending on the guide service.

It's the one thing we can be proud of in Calif. And maybe Arnold, too (no, not the pig)...he's turning things around purty good already.....
Can you recommend any guides in the Red Bluff area? Within a hours drive of there?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-04 AT 09:49AM (MST)[p]Do a check for Dry Creek Ranch in Tehama Co. east of Red Bluff. They have guides on their ranch for Deer & Hogs.


P.S. Better yet, try to get hold of Yolla Bolly here on MM.com he might be able to help you out with what you are looking for. He is in the Guiding business.
Those guys seem to be beatin up on you.
Can't tell you where to hog hunt in those places but why bother.
We have killed five this year during deer season and plan to start hunting them this summer. I will tell you one secret. If you want a hog in Texas hunt aroung ponds that are getting low from the summer heat. Hogs don't sweat so they wallow in the mud to cool off. They spend more time there and will return regularly to cool off.
Look at the Ft Worth Star Telegram and you will see several adds to hunt hogs. Don't pay too much though $50.00 to $75.00 a day is plenty. Most ranchers want them gone because they cause so much damage to fields. They love sudan or wheat especally if it has just been planted.
They dig holes big enough to park a small car and are a terrible shock to the tractor driver that doesn't see the hole.
They are smarter than the whitetail and better to eat. I like them both but you can't beat a small 150 pounder for barbecue.
Two hundred is probably the average but some we get are over 4.
There are some ferral hogs in the lower Beaver Dam Wash and Virgin River Drainage in Southern Utah and Northern Arizona. The Arizona Fish and Game want them gone and you can hunt them without a license or tag. Try south of the town of Beaver Dam going toward Mesquite. I know a guy that got one, but they are hard to find.

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