hog hunt



Looking for a good funhog hunt for me and some buddies. We are from WY and never been, but heard it was a lot a fun. Looking for a good place to stay and have a good time. Any suggestions?
Tejon Ranch. The biggest ranch in California. You could be surfing in the morning, and hunting hogs in the afternoon. Only an hour north of LA. Great country with lots of deer, and believe or not lots of elk (a freeranging private herd), antelope, bear, etc.
Do you want free range spot and stalk? Or do you want a Texas style hunt under feeders?

www.birdsandboars.com (for archery) and the Tejon Ranch (www.hunttejon.com) are great places in CA. I also know of a great guide outside of King City (South of San Fran about 2hrs) that will get you on them for a very reasonable price. PM me for info. 99.9% of hogs in CA are on private land so you'll have to pay for guided access.
I am open to about anything. I have had some fiends go to Texas a long time ago and had a great time. Was looking for a place for 4-6 people, room, food for a good price. Thanks for the info.
check these guys out - www.twisselmanoutfitters.com

I think they are the best hog hunting around for the price. 100% success for $495 which includes lodging. I have been there twice- first time killed 4 hogs with my buddy (one was a great 285 pound with ivory tusks) and the 2nd trip i got a nice 150 pound boar. Plus you will see tule elk, deer, and antelope on that ranch. Their best hunts are in the fall.

I have never been to tejon and i know they are good, but they are more expensive. You can hunt those elk their for $20K, o r$4K for deer or bear.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-07 AT 06:50PM (MST)[p]We have a ranch here in Oklahoma 3000 ac and we have hogs all over it. I kill 2 or 3 every time I am up there. If you are interested E-mail me. [email protected]

We also offer deer hunts. We have a lodge that sleeps 32 and a 5000 square foot house with 6 bed rooms that you can use to.

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