Hog hunt pics



These are a couple of pics from our last hunt in GA last weekend. We've done really well this season so far.....got 40 last weekend, that puts us at 111 hogs since mid January. I love it!
First pic is me and one of my hunting buddies with my dogs and some hogs we got.

Here we are about to turn loose on some hogs in the field..they are the black spots in the distance.
Holy smokes! Finally, a hunting post with pictures!!!! I have started to look at this site less and less as it turns more and more into a cyber circle jerk....Great way to spend the slower season, thanks for sharing
It's a heck of a lot of fun....this is what I dearly love to do, I know of no other hunting that's this much fun, but you have to love to hunt with dogs to really appreciate it though. They have a problem with feral hogs down there.....a BIG problem, so much so that there's no closed season and no bag limit. On our best day we killed 31 counting pigs and all. The farmers love us and we love them for letting us hunt. We are truly blessed to have such a great place to hunt what we love. We took some big hogs last trip too, Ray killed a sow that the dogs had caught that weighed 225 lbs. gutted, another guy shot an old boar hog that dressed 215 lbs. and another guy shot a boar that dressed 217 lbs. Hope y'all enjoy the pics, I'll have more soon.
that had to be fun untill its time to clean all them hogs. i just got back from florida where we killed 11 in 2 days. we coulda killed more but we had enough meat to bring home. last years hunt we shot 16 in 2 days and coulda shot many more. and its a blast to hunt hogs if anybody hasnt tried it
Dang!....I thought I was doing something, with 28 'yotes since Jan 1st......I'll try to catch up!
They do have a serious problem with feral hogs down there. We went again this past weekend and got 14 more putting us at 125 for the year since mid. Jan. We got an old boar hog first thing Friday morning....I'll send some more pics in a bit. He was an old hog that had been seen several times lately in a certain field. He had only one tusk on his lower jaw, which isn't uncommon for old boars, I reckon they break them off fighting, but the one he had was a goodun'....about 2 1/2 inches long which is very long for a hog down there. The dogs bayed him up in one of the thickest, nastiest places in that area in that it's so full of sawbriars and vines that you just can't move very fast to get to the fight. He never ran an inch, stood up in his bed and fought. We are extremely lucky that he didn't know how to fight a bunch of dogs.....you see, we don't use bulldogs to catch the hog since we have to kill all the hogs we see or catch, that's the deal with the landowners, they want you to kill every hog, our dogs are mostly hounds with some cur dogs too. They will catch a hog if they can handle it, and I guess they thought they could handle this old boy. A couple of the younger boys that hunt with us got there first and stuck him with a knife but he spun around and the boy lost his blade. He was dragging dogs through the mud when I got there and knifed him on the other side. I must say it was one of the most intense fights I've heard in years.....this is what makes it all worthwhile for the dog guys,....to hear your dogs fighting a big, old boar hog with all they've got. About the time the old hog expired I looked up and saw my wife and step-daughter had made it into the mess, I was more than impressed. This was just the second time my step-daughter had been hog hunting and she was wide-eyed to say the least. He only cut one dog and it wasn't very bad, I sewed him up and he was good to go. This is what I live to hunt and there's nothing to compare with it as far as I'm concerned.

Here we are dragging him out of the swamp

Here we are after we got him to the open where we could drag a little better, those are my 2 dogs on the lead

Here he is after we finally got him loaded on a 4 wheeler

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