Hog hunt last week....with pics



LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-09 AT 03:39PM (MST)[p]




Hey y'all, I thought that I would post something a bit different,....these are pics of a boar hog that I killed Thursday near where I live in Bama. This hog was taken off a deer lease that we hog hunt on. These hogs are very nomadic, even for hogs, and thus are hard to keep tabs on. We had along 6 dogs I think it was....my 2 and 4 of my buddy's. There are all cur dogs of some type, they don't bark on track, only when the hog is located. We knew that these hogs had been using this soybean field that had been flooded when the river got out of banks a few days earlier. There is a swamp next to this field which is about 30 acres in size. We of course thought that all the hogs would be in the swamp bedded after daylight when we got there. I had left the fire station about an hour early that morning, so we got there about 7:30 that morning. The dogs had made a swing through the swamp next to us but didn't pick up any scent hot enough to run. My white dog in the pic is half Catahoula and half fiest and is making one hell of a stike dog. She and my half Plott, the brindled colored dog in the pic, had joined up and were headed out into the soybeans which are about straddle high now, so you can only see a dogs head out in them. They got out about 40 yards and came back almost to the field edge when Belle turned and headed back out in the beans followed by Abby. I looked away at some of the other dogs coming out of the swamp and when I looked back at my dogs they were bouncing up and over the beans rather like a coyote will do after a mouse. I thought that they would come on back when they got tired of running in the beans when they both started baying, I looked out and saw the hog stand up....and a good bit of him was above the beans! The rest of the dogs of got there quickly and the fight was on. Our dogs will catch a hog if they think they can handle it, otherwise they'll just bay it until you get there, that is all but one my buddy's Campbell cur female Annie....she is crazy when it comes to fighting a hog....she has no backup or quit. I was almost there when she came out of the beans end over end up in the air about chest high. I thought that she would be dead when I got there but she wasn't, just cut pretty badly. The dogs were all over this hog and he had no intention of being caught by a bunch of dogs. I couldn't get a shot for the life of me. I shoot an M1 carbine that is quick to aim and the best hog gun I've ever seen, but this hog was so quick and wanted to fight until I had no shot. My buddy got the with a 22 mag. pistol and got in close while one dog had the hog by the right ear and put the pistol to his head and pulled the trigger....SNAP...he had forgotten to chamber a round. the hog broke and moved a bit, my buddy got a shot in him but he hardly flinched. the hog finally broke again and ran by me at about 6 feet, got a bit ahead of the dogs and gave me a shot. I hit him in the left side, through the heart and the bullet lodged inside the skin under his right leg. He dropped right there and it was over. We took stock of the dogs....3 were cut that we knew of, all my buddy's dogs wear cut vests, mine are usually not bad to catch at all, so they don't wear them. We got Annie back to the truck, gave her a shot to knock her out and stapled her up on the tailgate....she had 4 or 5 inch cuts on each shoulder and a big one on her breast bone that was deep. My white dog was cut on the left shoulder, which we stapled up, and my brindled dog had been hit hard in the ribs but not cut. We got the hog out after gutting it and I took it to the meat man later that morning....he weighed 202 lbs. with the head and hide gone....a good one no doubt. Our dogs will heal up soon and be good to go again....just thought I'd share my kind of hunting with you all on here and give you a small idea about how exciting it can be, hope you've enjoyed the tale of my hunt.
What happened to my pics? They were here when I posted this....anyone have a clue?
Badazz!! One of my good friends has been trying to take me, we just have not had time. As soon as it cools down we are going to hit it! Your pics are missing but the story is pretty good!!
RE: Hog hunt last week....with pics I hope





Don't know what happened to them originally. But here they are.
RE: Hog hunt last week....with pics I hope

RE: Hog hunt last week....with pics I hope

It's a lot of fun if you like hunting with dogs. I enjoy hunting deer as well, but it pales in comparison to this.
RE: Hog hunt last week....with pics I hope

Our family used Catahoulas for hogs as well, big strong dogs and very loyal. We rode horses and chased after them around the Monroe, Louisiana area. Now hogs are everywhere, Catahoulas are still used with Pit Bulls as catch dogs. Fun for sure. John
RE: Hog hunt last week....with pics I hope

looks like a helluva lot of fun. Nice job on the big tusker.
RE: Hog hunt last week....with pics I hope

That's pretty exciting. When I was a kid I had a neighbor who had dogs. He took me out a few time when he was chasing bobcats. We treed one and he let me shoot it with my long bow. Great fun!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
RE: Hog hunt last week....with pics I hope

Glad you all enjoyed the pics and story. We went back yesterday morning, didn't do any good though. I didn't take the white dog since she was healing up from being cut last week, When we got back home I found that she had gotten out of her lot,...she was wearing one of those lampshade deals to keep her from pulling out the staples in her shoulder. She had managed to pull it and her collar off and wiggle out beside the gate, never done that before. The guy next to me tried to catch her but she wouldn't let him get close enough. They saw her at the store just out the road from me that morning, but she isn't around now. I got a call from a guy this morning saying that he saw her at a store about 3 or 4 miles from my house, someone must have picked her up and moved her to there. I left the fire station and went to check, girl at the store said she was there yesterday but not today. I'm praying that she'll turn up, I have posters out at 4 stores around.....wish me luck...I think she'll turn up soon.
RE: Hog hunt last week....with pics I hope

Update on my lost dog.....she's been found!!!! A guy that lives a couple of houses up from me saw her across the road from the house in the woods, called my wife, she went to check and it was Belle. She was too weak to walk on her own, seems some azzbrain had shot her with a shotgun but it must have been at a pretty good ways, she has several spots on her left leg and a few in her torso, but nothing critical it seems. She's at the vet's now, they called an hour or so ago and told me she is doing great and might get to come home tomorrow. She has eaten and isn't dehydrated. Now to find out who shot my dog....I'm a bit like Captain Woodrow Call from the movie 'Lonesome Dove'...."I can't stand rude behavior in a man......won't stand for it". I'm a happy man right now.....my dog is back and is going to be OK it seems......not so for the person that shot her though.
RE: Hog hunt last week....with pics I hope

looks like some good times congrats

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