Hobo spiders....


Very Active Member
Feleno I said "Hobo", not "homo". Anyway, last night my wife killed another hobo in the house. That makes 3 this month. Last week she got bit in the boob at night by one (no I will not post the pictures). She is fine, but we need to kill the suckers. We have an inside dog and two small kids. What is the best way to poison them? Spray? bug bomb? bring in bigger spiders to eat them?

Any tips appreciated

Yeah, Hobo's and Recluse's are two of my most favorite things in the world! Not! I knew a kid that got bit on the cheek and another on the back by a recluse. Oh it was ugly! I would have a professional come in and spray and ask them if there are any specific measures you should take in keeping those things out of the house!
Andy andy andy.....that was prolly YOU that bit her on the boob and blaming it all on that little itzy bitzy spider....C'mon!! Lol ;-)

Dang Andy you had me all worked up there for a second :)
sorry to hear about the wife, glad she is ok, them little things are bad.
Did it look anything like this?
>don't dik around... call an exterminator
>and have them bomb your

I don't know about hobos but if they're mentioned in the same sentence as a brown recluse then the exterminator is probably a good idea.

I spray all around our house in the spring and put the sticky mouse traps all over inside our house. I don't care for chemicals inside the house, but I have bombed our house a time or 2 when we were out of town for a couple days.
they have hobo spider traps u can buy at wal marts or albertsons or places like that alot less the an exterminator but a dog or kid might get in to it u just gotta put it in a less then high traffic area...i had a friend in the marines convinced him we had homo spiders too and if ya got bit turned you gay .....anyways it was always a fun time with him around any spider....

has anyone seen my kittie
Andyman take it from someone who has been bitten and more on the nasty side then not. dont mess with it do what ever it takes to kill the little buggers. they are mean ones i had two hospital visits and a softball sized hole eatin away out of my calf put me down for a month you cant be to careful with them they have a weird bite to them!

Bury me in the hills so i can fertilize the grass and grow bigger animals for the rest of ya
You can't bomb the house because they will keep coming back. You need to set spider traps in appropriate places. My property is loaded with hobos. They like to come in basement especially in the fall when things begin to cool down.

Learn to recognize the funnel webs.

Wolf (jumping) spider kill hobos, we keep those as much as possible--except in my daughters room because she is arachnophobic. Wolf spiders are pretty small (look like little tanks)--actually pretty cool. Otherwise, there are many hobo-like spiders (grass spider)--I kill all hobo-like spider.
>No Slam, I didn't bite her.
>I did offer to suck
>out the poison though...............

Your a good man Andy.. I would have done the same for my wife..
Now if that's not love... I figure it would be the least I could do..

See there, you are never too old to learn..........I have never heard of a Hobo Spider. Bad as they sound, you better call Orkin!!!

Where do you guys live anyway?

I live in California, so of course, I am aware of Homo Spiders!!!!

We also have B&C class Black Widows....2 of which have taken a whack at me, but they never sent me to the hospital. Lost some tissue but nothing like mentioned. They must be mild mannered compared to Hobos'.

We occasionally have Brown Recluse, Scorpions and Vinigaroons,(SP), but we also have 3 housecats, a Britt, a Lab and a Chiuahua, 3 large parrots and a Coopers Hawk...anything crawlin' around here don't have much of a chance.

Obviously, we vacuum constantly, so bugs don't have much time to get settled in.
Put sticky traps in corners in the basement. That will get the ones in the house. Then spray around the foudation of the house to kill them before they come in. They have some stuff that has a pretty long residual effect and you spray it outside and don't bomb your house. Sorry I can't remember the name of the product but I think it was a really strong permethrin. Good luck with the first aid!

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