Hobbys ?



Other than Hunting related stuff what are your interests ? I am a Gear Head that loves any kind of Racing. From 1/4 mile, Drag Boats, Sprint Cars, Indy to Nascar I enjoy it all. My top passion is the Score Series Off Road Racing.


Here's a pic after a not so successful Race. We tore the lower A-Arm right off the frame.


My other Hobby is spending time with My German Shepherd Dog. His Name is Artie and He will be 4 months tomorrow.


So what keeps you busy between Hunting Seasons ?
I also love anything fast enough to do something stupid on! I chase my gsp around training her for trials. Spend the rest fishing or building mud pies with my boys. I do some mechanic work on the side and I'm looking for a vehicle to build a rock crawler. And the rest is spent in bed or at my day job.

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

Sweet Tag!! I would paint it camo and take it shed hunting or scouting in Utah!!! :) What is her top speed down the road? Looks fun!
Boz, The GPS has clocked it at 148 across the Dry Lake Bed's in Mexico. The more impressive feature is how truly fast the Truck runs thru 4 foot whooped out roads.

Next Race is the Baja 500 June 4th - 6th.
Justr, Some of the Tools I bought from you will be riding along in the Ammo Can.
I collect old fishing tackle. I really like old fishing baits in their original boxes but any older gear is OK with me!!

This bait set, i bought more for the box than the lure...

i have one of these rare chippewa baits in my collection. It was in my Grandpa's old stuff. These start at $600. and go up depending on condition and which finish

Something that i picked up reasonably priced, maybe $20. or so

I have a bunch of these old Heddon River Runts from the 50's and 60's. Lots of Heddon lures in general. A lot of them that i've collected have the original box and paperwork. This group was bought for $50. by me after a payday. I used to go thru that, or more, easy on a Fri nite on the town. Now, since i quit drinking 13 yrs. ago, at least i have something neat to show for the money i blow off!!

Just another bait set i have. This one was given to me by a friend. Not a high dollar set at all but again, i just love this stuff!!

Sage, That is an awesome collection. Funny how the Box holds most of the value on the Collectibles.

I hear you on the quiting Drinking. Though you wouldn't know it now, 20 years ago I was into alot of bad stuff. Heck 20 years ago I would have started this thread, "So, who else went to Jail last night " Lol.
I love the collection, very cool and I would guess very unique.

I am a volunteer High school Folk style and Freestyle wrestling coach which keeps me really busy. During Freestyle season which is just tapering down a little I hold 3 practices a week and take kids all over the state on Saturdays to tournaments. I coach the junior high and high school for those times. Sometimes hunt times conflict which is why I am a volunteer coach and not full time. I let the head coach know when I need the time to scout and hunt.. Been doing it for 3 years now and so far things have really worked out great. I keep in really good shape and quit smoking after 25 years.

Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts with my sons. Am Cubmaster for the local cub scout pack.


My hunting spot is so secret, not even the elk have found it yet.
Baseball cards.(Yes,baseball cards.) I bought a 1955 Willie Mays 15 years ago during a trip to New York and it was downhill from there. I have some nice ones now that have really gone up in value-but mostly it's fun to play around with these little windows into the past.

I don't collect anything past 1970 and most of them are from the '30s,'40s, and '50s.
Tag 148 MPH? thats weak!!LOL :) I bet your right how well one of those rigged up with the right suspension and horsepower would sail right down a rough a$$ "jeep" road. Very Cool. Good luck in Baja, Keep us posted!!

Sage my dads friend is a huge collector of old fishing lures too. He is a Heddon man himself. The craftsmanship done on some of those lures is amazing, works of art!
OOOPS ! I hadn't even noticed. I guess he has been paying attention to me. Lol.

Some great Hobbies Guys. You Guys volunteering with the Kids have My Respect. Keep them coming.
Winter months, taking the daughter to club volleyball tourneys.

Summer months, helping my nephew on his sprint car.

I like lawn-mower races. But they are hard to come by in Utah. I don't know why but they seem pretty cool to me. Other hobbies, yes I read, about conservation genetics.

None hunting: I do the dishes, and I love doing them for some odd reason.

Other: Pinewood derbies and hotwheels, but I left the hotwheel collection at my parents for the grandkids to play with.

I spent many years playing team sports (as an adult, too). Now I help coach my son (daughters before). We still do a lot of fishing, 4-wheeling, llama packing, motorcycling and whitewater rafting.......guess I'm rather stuck on outdoor activities.

Although I am the finance chairman for a very good man who is running for the state legislature.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
LAST EDITED ON May-25-10 AT 07:06PM (MST)[p]My grandpa got me a flyrod for my 6th grade graduation and took me fishing the very next weekend because I couldn't stop talking about it. I still remember my first catch on my new flyrod. It was about a 3 or 4" long rainbow caught in Big Lake, AZ on a green wooly worm. When he hit that fly it felt Moby Di*k had struck it and that little bugger faught like Rocky. I haven't picked up a regular fishing pole since.

Then when my 8th grade graduation came around he gave me a fly tying kit. Man that was like throwing gas on a fire. I was using everything that I thought would make good fly tying material, peices of carpet, dog, cat, horse, & steer hair, alluminum foil and so on. Funny thing is that some of those rooky patterns caught fish.

So fly tying & fishing is my hobby.

Tag good to see someone will use them more than I. When I bought them I never thought they'd see 148 mph. Good luck on the races, I'm jealous!

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out! I'd love to go be a spectator at one of those races, they just dont happen in Utah.

I love this topic as i am always curious as to what everyone does for fun the other 6 months of the year. I personally am a fishing addict. I am a hardcore fly fisherman and am out almost every weekend. i also fish bass tournaments in California before and during hunting season so august september are expensive months for me. Otherwise its white water kayaking and back country skiing.
Nice collection Sage. I have a lot of old lures that I have obtained over the years, many from my grandfather and others from friends of the family who know I am a fishing nut. 4 tackle boxes showed up the other nite from one of my dad's friends, lots of gems in those.

So other than hunting my hobby is fishing. Trout, kokes and bass.

Nice A$$ Wiz. You Guys ever make it over to Phoenix ? LMAO. We had some pretty good Hobbies going up until then.
Come on, fellas. Don't hate the playa...hate the game! I bet you all wish you had lat's like those!

Wis are you becoming the new F'er? I haven't seen him around here lately.


Lmao! Didn't see that one coming... Lol.... Good one wiz.

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

Feleno is out of town for a bit, he will be back in a week or so. Whiz you are doing a fine job filling the part though!!!
Nobody can fill Felenos shoes! But I appreciate the compliment. Is Feleno on a backpacking trip or something? Anybody know? I know he does some landscaping on the side so maybe he's picked up a job or two?

Feleno is attending a 3 Week intensive Marriage Counseling Love Fest. Payback for leaving His Wife at the Gas Station.
My biggest non-hunting hobby kicks into high gear this weekend, as I coach summer baseball and run a large organization with 5 team and nearly 100 players ranging from 13 years old, all the way through collegiate players. We kick off on Memorial Day weekend each summer, and run through early August.

Between now and early August, we'll play nearly 200 games total in California, Arizona and Georgia. The youngest guys are fun, but the most special for me are my college players who are now returning home from school and their collegiate seasons, and who can't wait to get together to start playing for the next few months. I love baseball, and especially when it is played with wood, which is all we use in the summer.
200 games? Dang, thats a lot of games and a lot of traveling. Sounds like a good time with the boys though.

Wiz, it's a blast. Lots of them moving on to play college ball in the fall, kids I've coached for years in many cases. I've had some of these kids since before they were in high school, and to see them head off to the WAC, the Big West or Pac-10 is very satisfying now. A few should be drafted next month, but they will all go to college, except possibly one young fellow who is 6'5" and throws 95+. He graduates from high school on Saturday, and wants to go straight to pro ball. These guys are a lot of fun to coach and lead.

The best are when they come home from college, and are looking forward to playing 'at home' instead of somewhere else around the country. This summer, the collegiate team has players from Sacramento State, St. Mary's, Villanova, Lewis and Clark, UOP, Michigan, Simpson College, Yale and other schools all over the place. I can't wait to see these guys and hear how college was, and go out and compete for a few months before they head back to school.
My hobbies pretty much include spending time with my kids. I coach my oldest daughter's tee ball team her in Las Cruces, NM. I spend as much time with my family as possible. That's my hobby.
Poker for me also.

I did buy some clubs and picked up golfing this spring, I hate the stupid game but I can't get enough of it.

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