
I have never hunted any of the HMA's in Wyoming nor am I aware of anyone who has, so I'm just wonder what people have had for experince on them better than most public land around them? or is there really no difference? do they tend to be just as crowded?

It depends. The best ones are larger tracts a in good country for the species you are hunting. Some of the unlimited ones are pretty crowded, but it's better than not being able to access the land at all.
Yep, and if you can find ones in good country that also only allow a limited number of persons on the property all the better.
In my opinion, only very few HMA's offer quality opportunities, most are nothing short of pathetic.

If you look through all of the elk and deer HMA "opportunities," the majority only allow for Antlerless hunting. The Game and Fish and PAYING greedy landowners to allow access for antlerless hunting. Most of these greedy landowners already take government welfare for wildlife "damage" yet they will not allow limited public access without taking donated funds to the G&F.

I hunted an HMA area last year and quickly realized MOST of the HMA was public land to begin with. The amount and quality of private property that was included in the HMA was terrible. Because public land was included in the HMA, the G&F enforced that hunters COULD NOT HUNT THE PUBLIC land included in the HMA, even through public access, if they did not draw an HMA permit!
Therefore, this joke of a program often DECREASES opportunity and pays landowners to allow public access to largely public lands!?!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-13 AT 01:15PM (MST)[p]One lady I talked with said her and her husband hunted a HMA in unit 7 elk and saw 300 head or more in the week they were there. I think she said they were hunting cows and both tagged out.
HMA's suck...I'd stay away from them.

All of these from crappy HMA's










...and still more from HMA's, I could post another 5 pages of antelope I've seen taken on HMA's:









LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-13 AT 01:00PM (MST)[p]some more from HMA's...I should get out the scanner and search my computer and download a few dozen more from HMA's.







My wife and I donate $100 each per year (at least)...and have been for the last 12 years or so.

Each dollar contributed opens up about 4.5 acres of access, best program for access there is.
I agree that Wyoming's access program is great. I always donate what I can when I apply. Hunting a private ranch for free is pretty cool . . . It does appear that their acquisition of properties will slow way down due to budget cuts. For now it looks like they'll just be maintaining what they've got. I wonder when they'll be unable to pay the price?
Wow, I never realized how great the hunting opportunities were for 10-13" bucks in HMA areas! The fact that most of those photos look to be 10+ years old is beside the point. In particular, I like how you take photos from behind to make bucks look bigger!

You must really be a super-duper hunter!

Granted, that old man in the black vest and hat took a nice one! My question is, if you are a WY resident, why do you need HMA access to hunt pronghorn???? Our opportunities are endless for pronghorn without such a waste of funds to paid to greedy landowner that only care about the $$$, not about opportunities or management.

If you bothered to READ my post I referred specifically to DEER and ELK. OOPS, you missed that point...

The idea that every dollar opens up 4.2 acres of "opportunity" is a joke. LOOK for yourself in the HMA list and tell me how many offer hunting for antlered deer and elk opposed to antlerless deer and elk???

Now, how many of the existing HMA areas could be accessed by public lands? Better yet, how much public lands are cut-off from the public who do not apply for HMA permits?

Keep wasting your money!
BuzzH if ever need a someone to hunt one of those crappy hma's you've found with I'd be happy to come along.

Thanks for the posts I've got some good in site from both sides, and I didn't have anything in mind right off the top of my head just kind of looking for the future.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-13 AT 09:28PM (MST)[p]Juniper81,

Several of those bucks I posted are 75+...the only thing you've proven is your lack of knowledge about pronghorn as well as the HMA's.

2 of those bucks are over 80, one is entered in B&C in the 27th awards book and grosses 81 6/8, nets 80 6/8.

Same hunter took this buck, also a record book buck, within 5 miles of the HMA where the first one was taken:


Same hunter this past season, shot this one within 2 miles of the same HMA (matter of fact the HMA boundary is in the picture), also a record book buck:


As to the rest of the pictures, most are of friends who come up every year just to have a fun hunt, see some critters, and maybe even take a few home for the freezer. They dont get all knotted up over B&C scores, but have taken some great bucks over the years. Most years they end up passing better bucks than they shoot, mainly because they only have 2-3 days to hunt.

As to elk and deer...yeah the hunting on HMA's sucks for those too...both off an HMA in 2012.


I found this buck on an HMA the first time I saw it...luckily he crossed the county road onto some BLM into the unit my Wife and I had tags in. My wife shot it opening morning as the sun was coming up:

A pinch over 80 gross:


This one was on an HMA...drew a type-2 tag on a second choice and pretty sure someone got him before I could hunt. NO question Awards book to low all-time head:

Buzzh, you feel you have alot to prove, don't you? My guess is that you are a "tech" with nothing more than a diploma while acting like a senior-level biologist with a graduate-level degree. Honestly, am I right??? Guys like you are all the same.

Congrats to the same good-looking dude in the vest on a nice 300 class bull and a solid 320 for yourself (I am guessing that handsome devil is you). Those trophies are a great place to start a hunting career! Those are Shamrock unit bulls, yes? Exactly what HMA are you suggesting you hunted out there??

I don't want to brag like you do with mediocre-sized animal, but you leave me no choice... Below is my 399 from a PUBLIC, DIY hunt in Wyoming. Like I said, keep wasting your money if it makes you feel good about yourself.

Juniper81, Its fair to note that scores mean next to nothing to me...other than for conversation. However, I do a pinchy more than just a bit of hunting each year. Probably spend too much time helping people the expense of my own opportunities.

I've always been impressed by people coming to Wyoming to hunt and have a good time without having to listen to sniveling a-holes like you whine about "quality" over everything else. HMA's work out great for both R and NR hunters. For most, inches of horn/antler likely isnt even in the top 5 reasons for why they hunt. I'd rather hunt with a person thats excited and happy to take a "mediocre" animal and be happy than to deal with someone that is disappointed with their animals.

Of the three older guys I hunt with each year in Wyoming, all on HMA's, all have had heart surgery, one has had 2 quadruple bipasses. One has parkinsons on top of heart surgery.

I find it pretty rude that you'd come on a site and b itch and complain about HMA's when they provide guys like my friends some great opportunities. Just like with public land hunting, you get out of HMA's the amount of effort you put into the research and hunting. There are quality animals on HMA's...and thats a fact.

Its not my fault you cant find a quality animal on an HMA...
Juniper81,...oh and BFD about your elk, if its even yours. It is a great bull though...if elk are your thing. On my personal list, elk are in about 5th or 6th place. Really wouldnt care if I never shot another one.

Even though I've shot 51 elk, I'm no elk hunter and put right next to no effort into hunting them. Someday I should get serious about it, maybe it will be more challenging when I'm retired.

Mediocre Wyoming archery raghorn from a few years back.

Just sayin'...


Another look...It was good that my Dad and Brother were there when I arrowed this bull (went out for a quick morning hunt to kill time before we hunted a crummy HMA for antelope the next day).


Even a couple in AZ:



Montana even has a few raggies that I cross paths with while hunting whitetails. This one took about a day and a half away from chasing Western Montana Whitetails...probably wasnt worth it really.


I like hunting rams much better:

2012 desert:

1995 record book dall:


Feast your eyes on'll never see that many inches of dall sheep horn again in a single pile in your life, all record book rams, two over 170 net.


Couple record book Montana Rams, public land DIY...

one for my buddy:


Record booker for Dad:

Yep! I was exactly right about you. You obviously feel threatened for whatever reason and have alot to prove. All taken on HMA areas, right? Please be as boastful as possible, it says alot about you.

I too killed a dall a few years ago. I would agree that any mature dall is a good dall, I just did not realize the "book" minimum was 140" for dall sheep....

Anyway, I am speechless that you feel you must post every hunting photo your computer can come up with to try to prove yourself in a dispute over the quality of Wyoming HMA's. I have never before seen anyone on a hunting forum do that. That is just too funny...

Like I said, your a super hunter. Perhaps one day you can be kind enough to be my mentor?

BTW, the top bighorn needed a few more years before he would come close to "book" status, 160 does not cut it for B&C. The bottom ram was closer. I can say the desert is very nice!

Enough for now, you should get to bed. Don't you have to be up in the morning for your $15/hr blue-collar job?

You best stick to're way over your pointy head on the sheep...WOW! just WOW!

140 dall?...yeah, check the 23rd awards book...164 4/8 net on my ram, you'll find it there. At the time was the largest ram Dan Montgomery had every guided. Dans probably guided for more record book dalls than anyone in Alaska.

Have a clue now? Are 14 inch bases good for a white sheep? How about 40 inch horns?


My buddies ram he shot the same day:


A great ram no doubt, but "only" 160 and change net.

The top bighorn ram scored 180 1/8 gross and netted 179 4/8 officially, although it was never entered. Both horns were over 40 inches and the ram was 10.5 years old.


My same friend shot this record book ram a few years later on the Idaho statewide raffle tag...182 and change official net. He didnt enter this one either, although you'll probably claim its somewhere near 160.


My dads ram makes the all-time book and was entered with an official score of 183 3/8 net...over 40 on the long horn.

A live pic of the ram.


Another look...Montana Rams are in a class all their own, even the "lesser" unit rams.


You need to brush up on your sheep...the desert is the lowest scoring of all those rams, not even awards book.
This is awesome, I've been waiting for more productive discussions to come down to more "Buzz vs. Whiskeyman" competitions.

Those of you who've become confused or may be joining for the first time, the original poster was wondering about the HMA's in Wyoming. Here's what you should take from the posts to this point: Wyoming's public access program is great. It opens up tons of ground that would otherwise be off-limits.. When's the last time you asked to hunt a big ranch in the west and got to do it for free? I've been rejected twice so far for next year . . . So donate what you can when you apply, go hunt, and be happy.
Like I said, any legal dall is a good ram but your "1995" dall ram is not the same sheep pictured as the "book" ram you posted above. Not even close. I like how you get your photo taken with other people's critters though, makes you look accomplished...

Before you started to beat on your chest like a mountain gorilla by posting every hunting photo you could come up with remember this thread was started for FEEDBACK on HMA's in WY. You tried showing off your *huge* elk until you decided to tuck your tail between your legs and suggest "elk aren't my thing." You have a hard time allowing anyone to express an opinion with anyone who is not in full agreement with your ignorant self.

Like I said, take a look at the list of deer and elk HMA's and compare the percentage of how many allow for antlered hunting...Yep, sure is great to hunt a cow elk for "free." After all, it only costs THOUSANDS of dollars in donations from an agency that is fiscally broke and cutting programs left and right. But it is all about YOU, isn't it?

And, the next time a hunter is kicked off public lands because the G&F deem that area as an "HMA" you can thank the G&F for "opening up access." If you get off your ass and explore public lands you may find much better hunting that taking the easy route of using a map to the nearest HMA. MANY landowners allow access for modest fees as best, but that would require work wouldn't it?

Are ALL HMA's terrible? Of course not. A very select few ARE great, BUT, sportsmen need to look at the program as a WHOLE!

Are you the same type of person who bought into Obama's "hope and change?" How is that working out for you now?? Just curious.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-13 AT 09:43AM (MST)[p]I would have to side on Buzz in regard to HMA's. They open up incredible acreage to public hunters that otherwise wouldn't be available. I've had the opportunity to hunt quite a few HMA's over the years and have harvested some dandy antelope. It's a shame that the WG&F doesn't open up more of these areas to limited BUCK deer and BULL elk hunting. They often offer cow and doe hunters the opportunity to harvest animals on private land....which is a good thing for managing bulging big game numbers. Also, possibly pushing bucks and bulls onto adjacent public land where they can be hunted (if cow/doe season dates are similar to HMA season dates).

Here in Colo there is a constant battle with elk being pressured onto private land where they spend the entire hunting season. It is nearly impossible for the CDOW to manage elk herd numbers when this happens. Having timely HMA season dates in Wyo that push game onto adjacent public land would seem like a great scenerio rather than having cow/doe season dates that are not concurrent with public buck/bull seasons.

Colorado offers private land only tags in the draw; however, this does nothing to encourage ranchers to open up their land to hunting. Obviously most ranchers need some sort of incentive for allowing public hunters onto their property! Any system that opens private to public hunting has a thumbs up from me! Many of these HMA's may not produce B&C bucks and bulls but they definitely open up opportunity for public hunters!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-13 AT 10:27AM (MST)[p]juniper81 (29 posts)
Mar-31-13, 08:43 AM (MST) "RE: HMA'S??"
Like I said, any legal dall is a good ram but your "1995" dall ram is not the same sheep pictured as the "book" ram you posted above. Not even close. I like how you get your photo taken with other people's critters though, makes you look accomplished...

***Before BuzzH sizes you up for an azzhat you may want to retract that statement above that I just copied from your last post. I just clicked on the properties for those two photos and they are back to back photos of the same ram and were probably taken a minute or two apart from each other on that hunt! So much for another one of your expert opinions on sheep! If I might ask a question of you, why is it so important for you to go out and kill the biggest animal on the mountain? That type of apparent philosophy must really suck when you can't do it that often nowadays! I've had my most fun the last 5-6 years helping a goood friend on several deer, elk, and moose hunts when all I had along was my binos, spotting scope, and cameras. Good forbid that I couldn't carry a bow or rifle and had to "just" take photos and only enjoy the scenery and friendship that I so cherish when I'm outdoors. Try it sometime, as you may just like it!!! You also stated: "MANY landowners allow access for modest fees as best, but that would require work wouldn't it?" I'll also have to call BS on that, unless you have a completely different definition of the term "modest" than most of us!
Like I said, any legal dall is a good ram but your "1995" dall ram is not the same sheep pictured as the "book" ram you posted above. Not even close.

Once again Juniper81 strapping on the velcro pants and showing the world his azz...impressive "eye" you have for rams...Laffin!.

Care to make a wager on that being the same ram?

A few more...if only for conversation, all the one and only dall ram I've ever shot.


same ram:


Upside down...same ram after 1500 vertical rolling episode:


A little differnt angle:


Another look:


For conversation and hopefully so you'll understand how dall rams are scored, and where that score comes from...intuitively obvious, even to a casual observer

Good ram, yep. Congrats! Book ram? Nope.

Topgun; what state do you live in? Do you actually take the time to speak with landowners? No, you don't, otherwise you would agree that a large number understand the problems with access and will allow deer, elk and antelope hunting for little, if any, trespass fee. The problem is, this requires EFFORT that lazy-asses with an entitled attitude won't fork out.

I am sure you don't have time doing this living in some liberal union-loving state back east and find it much easier to let the G&F do the work for you.

100% fine by me. I love hunting public and private lands with virtually zero hunting pressure!

The reality that greedy, self-serving landowners will only allow antlerless management hunting if paid thousands of dollars in F&G donations is ridiculous. As I have already mentioned, most of these landowners already receive Govt welfare for "damage" caused by the same wildlife they will not let the public shoot for "free."

Do you need a calculator?
Hey hypocite (AKA Buzzh),

If hunting is, to you, about the "experience" and not about the trophies, why then do you continually post photos of everything you have ever killed (like a dumb@$$ gorilla beating on his chest) and brag about their score or place is some dum$hit awards book?

Just a question...
Book Dall ram? Yep...164 4/8 net...ranked 21st in the 1995-1997 awards book...chugach mountains 1995. 40 1/8 x 13 5/8.

You know as much about Dall sheep as you do HMA's...not much.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-13 AT 12:20PM (MST)[p]Good ram, yep. Congrats! Book ram?

***You have quite a mouth not knowing any of us and spouting all this BS in this thread. You even called BuzzH's wife a dude in one of the pictures, so obviously you need to be checked for your eyesite, as well as learn scoring and math, LOL!

>Topgun; what state do you live
>in? Do you actually take
>the time to speak with
>landowners? No, you don't, otherwise
>you would agree that a
>large number understand the problems
>with access and will allow
>deer, elk and antelope hunting
>for little, if any, trespass
>fee. The problem is, this
>requires EFFORT that lazy-asses with
>an entitled attitude won't fork

***You have contradicted yourself time and again on this thread and made a complete azz of yourself. You say the ranchers are only interested in getting rich and then you turn right around and say that all we need to do is go out and there are all kinds of ranchers that allow access for little, if any, trespass fee. Which is it or are you drunk on Easter wine? Not that you need to know, but I live in MI and have hunted Wyoming almost every year since 1992. Since I retired in 2002 I've been able to spend anywhere from 4 to 10 weeks out there EVERY year, so I'm no friggin newbie to the game dude. I talk to a lot of ranchers out there and very few will allow any hunting for free, other than possibly a doe antelope or two. It took me a long time and I've now made friends with two families out there that are allowing me some access for hunting. In return, just this last time out I repaired several miles of fences, brought in a lot of heavy irrigation pipe, repaired a chicken coop, worked a long day in the corrals during preg. test day, and am in the process of replacing the roof on an outbuilding that the older couple owns. Is that enough for ya bucko? None of them asked me to do any of that, but I enjoy being outdoors and it's a joy for me to be outside whether it's doing stuff like that or when I'm hunting.

>I am sure you don't have
>time doing this living in
>some liberal union-loving state back
>east and find it much
>easier to let the G&F
>do the work for you.

***See above smartazz!!!

>100% fine by me. I love
>hunting public and private lands
>with virtually zero hunting pressure!

***So do I and most of mine is DIY on BLM/State land with maybe 20% on those two small ranches I mentioned.

>The reality that greedy, self-serving landowners
>will only allow antlerless management
>hunting if paid thousands of
>dollars in F&G donations is
>ridiculous. As I have already
>mentioned, most of these landowners
>already receive Govt welfare for
>"damage" caused by the same
>wildlife they will not let
>the public shoot for "free."

***See above for your contradictions on this issue from one paragraph to another, LOL!

>Do you need a calculator?

***Nope; I can add one and one and come up with 4 every time smartazz, LOL!!! If you're such a great scorer of animals, tell me what this bull in the picture went oh smart one! PS: He was taken by my buddy on BLM land on one of our DIY hunts with four 1 1/2 mile packout trips to get him back to camp. I still do that every year at age 65 and just might be able to walk your young azz into the ground in a typical day out there! PS: I see you asked BuzzH about why he mentioned scores and I believe it was because YOU made the statement about lousy animals available and then also are questioning ram scores. BEFORE you make any other comments on this thread, please give us a score on this bull that was officialy scored in Cody right down to the 1/8" after the 60 day drying period. Let's see how close you can come! I'll give you a hint---he's over 300"!


Why do run down the HMA program, then turn around and hunt on one?

Just a question.

Bet you didnt donate anything, but you sure were quick to let someone else pay your freight...I'd imagine thats pretty typical for you though.

To answer your question, there isnt enough band-width on this site to cover even 25% of my hunting pictures...FACT.

I find it pretty entertaining letting know-it-all windbags like you show your arse...really funny.

I do hunt for the experience, and why I posted a few of the bucks I've shot, or helped my friends with, while on those chitty HMA lands. An honest opinion backed up with some pictures./facts...everything from record book bucks to 2.5 year old bucks. An honest assessment based on facts instead of bullchit like you posted.

I consider myself extremely lucky to have the opportunities I've had, the job I have that affords me the time and $$$ to enjoy the outdoors, and the times when I'm fortunate enough to take a top end animal that most will never get a chance at in a life-time.

Finally...2012 was about great experiences, just like the previous 34 seasons have been.

I know you dont like pics...but many do. I enjoy seeing others pictures, big, small, does, birds, doesnt matter...and I dont run anyones successful hunts into the ground. Something you should consider.

Even though, in 2012, I got to hunt desert sheep, shiras moose, B&C muskox for my friend and I, 3 78-84 inch pronghorn, mule deer, whitetails, 2 great 6x6 bulls, and helped some older friends on another 4 elk as well as several pronghorn...theres one thing I'm a lot more proud of than that in regard to 2012.

I found a greater amount of satisfaction donating my 2012 NR Arizona Bull elk tag to AZ Hunt-of-a-lifetime.

Knowing that a young hunter, that I dont even know, got a chance at bull elk, when they likely wont even be around within 6 months, cant do anything but put a smile on your face.

Thats what hunting is about...and that seperates the men from the boys.

Your mileage obviously varies...

Oh, and before you call me out on the ox...these bulls are 2 of the last 4 that will likely ever be taken on trophy tags out of Shishmaref AK. The trophy hunt is no more...shame, as its a very unique experience.



216 inches of ox...both all-time qualifers:

Very nice bull, but where is his required hunter orange if he is rifle hunting in Wyoming??? Usually, the only time you see a rifle hunter with a nice elk and no orange is behind a high fence.... Just sayin' Very disrespectful to take a photo of that guy riding a dead elk like a donkey, just sayin'

Yes, you read correctly. Why should the G&F pay one greedy landowner with funds they don't have when there are two that will allow free access for antlerless hunting? Again, do you need a calculator or are you out of medication for your alzheimers?

You and buzzh each feel you have a lot to prove to others, don't you? Any pretender that posts photos after photos and brags about their score in response to an HMA thread is, well, a see-through douche.

The fact that you live in MI says enough. The people of MI have run that state into the $hitter. MI is now broke, loosing jobs and has some of the highest crime rates in the nation yet SUCKING welfare from the taxpayers.I am sure you are a proud resident, but now you want to run WY into the $hitter as well with your self-serving BS you post on this site? You enjoy acting like an immature baby when the idea of a license fee increase is proposed, don't you? You have an entitled attitude, that is why your state is in dire need of new thinking.

That man in the photos is actually that guy's WIFE??? Dare I ask what that trophy wife scored out at in the record books??? lol

Happy Easter!

Topgun, be sure not to give yourself a stroke responding to this! Were you a mall rent-a-cop before you retired? You kinda have that attitude.
My opinions about the HMA were made after I made donations and after I hunted several of the areas. Do I continue to donate? Hell no. Do I hunt the HMA's? Hell no. You live in WY yourself, and you are telling me that you cannot find quality antelope hunting without the HMA gimmick? Buzzh, do you have a handicap sign hanging from your rear-view mirror?

Cool muskox, I can't wait for my Greenland hunt in August! The only shame is the fact that those Alaskan and Nunavut trips are more of a shoot than an actual hunt. Chasing them down by snowmobile is not my idea of fair chase. I am sure you hunted yours by foot in -40 below weather for miles.. bla bla bla

Thank you, once again, for boastfully sharing the scores and the record book status for these animals as well. I see clearly what aspect of these hunts are the most important to you. And no, you are certainly not a proud person. I see many older posts where you have attached many others that offered an opposing viewpoint than your own. This behavior seems commonplace for you..
BuzzH has laid the smack down. Just give up already. HMA's open up a lot of ground for hunters and Buzz has dropped the hammer on lots of cool sh*t all over the place.
I've enjoyed the HMAs with my buddies and can't complain. We were all appreciative of the opportunities they provided and will hunt one again this year.
Lets call this a win for Buzz and move on. I don't know either of you guys but its not really going anywhere at this point.

Where did I say I have a hard time finding pronghorn on public land in Wyoming?

Unlike you, its not always about me.

Lots of NR's come here to hunt and want to be assured they have a place to hunt...even if its a "crummy" HMA.

HMA's also provide opportunities in many areas that are mostly private...and where access would simply not happen without HMA's. Areas with little public land are typcially easier to draw as well...which is also great for NR's that want to hunt without building points or fighting chit draw odds.

I've killed a few pronghorn on HMA's, but probably 95% on either state or BLM. Big bucks are where you find them, and sometimes they're on HMA's.

I've helped out a ton of friends on HMA's you already know.

Found this one on my second buck tag this year in Wyoming...spent a grand total of about 2 hours hunting this tag. Took me longer to drive there than to find a quality buck and get it killed.


Found this one a couple weeks prior on BLM with my draw tag...another hunter wanted this one in a bad way and had been hunting it since archery season:


Heres the best picture from my ox hunt...I'll never forget swapping hunting stories with Clifford, and his son John, all night until the sun came up...thats covering a bit of "country" when near the arctic circle in February.

Frankly, even though Clifford is just a pinch over 5 foot and probably isnt 130 soaking couldnt pack his jock strap when it comes to hunting.

Thats a fact.

I love pissing matches that include pictures. Keep em' coming.

By the way, I love HMA's. I have killed several animals on them. How can it be bad to have access to private ground?

Stop feeding your face yellow cake and loose about 100 pounds, then we can talk about who can pack what..

I hope to God you don't have any kids. It would be a shame to see them grow up to be under-educated self-proclaimed know-it-all's like their daddy...

When you're involved in any discussion regarding can bet when its all said and'll have said way more than you've ever done.

I was somewhat enjoying the read and pictures till post 39. Buzz and I have not always seen eye to eye but post 39 is way out of bounds.


Consider the source...judging by that sawed off leprechaun looking dude in that elk picture (assuming thats juniper81)...not much to consider.

I think he's looking for his lucky charms.
Buzz, I don't know if you have kids or not but you could adopt me, and have an instant family as I have 9 kids and two grandchildren. I would like to go hunt some of those left over hunts that you go on each year. Even if you don't adopt me I will be out this year doing an Antelope and left over cow hunt. Hope we don't have to turn veggie this year as it takes at least three elk a year to feed the clan. Maybe I will look at a HMA.

Your pics are great. A couple dozen antelope, a few great bulls, sheep, musk ox but I bet you never shot a deer on an HMA or public land?;-)

Now get those buck pics coming. I love it when people come on here and challenge Buzz's hunting abilities. It keeps me from having to go search the archives for nice criters.
Hey Buzz,
Sorry man but you have not gotten any better lookin' over the decades (Much like the rest of us)!
You've taken some nice critters through the years though!
I especially like the sheep pics since they're my favorite critters.

Oh and back to the original post: Never hunted one so I have nothing to add.

I only hunted one HMA south of Casper and from my experience with antelope hunting there is,if you can't be there for opening day,then wait 8-10 days or longer into the season. Let the first of the season hunters do there thing and let it settle down and the animals will return.
my uncle and i each donate $100 a piece to the hma/wia ,we both killed mule deer in a walk in area, his was a 26 1/2 inch 3x4 and mine was a heavy horned 27 inch 4x4 ,both mature animals.

did not see another hunter while there.
And on a side note, if Buzz had posted each picture separately, this thread would have somthing like 56 additional posts, and would have busted the mystical 100-post barrier. Great picts Buzz, thanks!
I was looking at that arrow and comparing it to the elk and was having a heck of a time finding 348" or the longest arrow I've ever seen. Then I was like oh crap, Robin Hood!

Cool looking bull! Love the upturned fronts and the ivory tips all the way around.

MM has a 45" draw length don't ya know!!! That is a gorgeous bull with all that ivory showing!!!
Here is my 2 goats off a HMA. I am not a trophy hunter for antelope. My goal was a archery harvest doing spot and stalk. The other one was a last day goat but passed on several nice ones.

Not a big one but the thrill was worth it on this fat boy.


Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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