....Hitting The Fan



I had the pleasure of accompanying my lovely wife of almost twenty years to Costco today. I have not been in a grocery store for anything more than ice or a boottle of something for a very long time. In fact, the last time I was in Costco it was called Price Club. Anyway, have to love the Costco guys. They got you coming and going...asswipe to trail mix and everything in between.

That experience along with the financial system fiasco over the past week got me to thinking a little more apocolyptically than usual so I decided to make sure that our backstock was squared away. Over the years we figured out a pretty good system.

We have three of pretty much everything we use. For instance, Peanut butter. We are a family of five so we use the big tubs of everything. We have the open one we are using in the cuboards in the kitchen, we have an unopened one in the pantry in the kitchen as back up and then we have one in backstock in the big cabinets in the laundry room. We try to keep up with what is thrown away and restock as needed every week. That way when have plenty of the stuff we use everyday and not a bunch of "emergency" type food just sitting around waiting to be tossed for nonuse. Works pretty good. I spose we have three months worth of food in the house all the time.

I also keep plenty of drinking water, fuel, and propane on hand.

What I find interesting is that a lot of my friends are buying gold. I got out of the market a year ago so I don't care what the market is doing but the gold thing intrigues me. I keep enough gold in the safe to "buy off the boarder guards" and that is about it. My big stock piled commoditys are Kirkland individually wrapped TP, Kirkland unscented Baby Wipes and ammo in .223, 12 ga, and .45 ACP. I figure if the stuff ever really hits the fan, we will shelter in place, use what we have in the house and barder for everything else with the ammo, TP and baby wipes. After all, you can't wipe your butt with gold.

Just thinking out loud. Cheers!

I agree Wade. Gold, while not a bad investment idea, and certanily maintaining its merit to have some on hand, would become as worthless as a Cadillac Escalade in the middle of the Mohave to a man with no water and no gas in the event of a total meltdown.
I have a pretty secure feeling should the country melt down.
Home is paid for, year round stream in backyard.
Good backstock of supplies (basic essentials, water, first aid, candles, ammo etc...)
And a constant supply of groceries wandering around the yard.

HH, there is more good eating there than all of Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado combined!

My house is paid for also. No matter what happens, I have a place to camp.

well those 80lbs coastal blakies will keep you fed for alittle while until every one else in town starts droppin one LOL.

it wouldn't take long to wipe out a heard any where if it really hits the fan, my house ain't paid for, first mistake, should'a built it myself instead......could'a saved 159,000....

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