Historical Preservation


Long Time Member
I have an old barn that is about to fall over and the Historical Preservation Society (or whatever they're called) won't let me take it down. Does anyone have any experience with getting funding to preserve historical structures? I'd like to get a grant to help refurbish it and even make it livable. It's odd that I can't take it down but I'm paying taxes on it. What to do.
This is a trick question right????

If its my private property and a health hazard....I'd fire up my dozer and "poof" it would gone....

Zigga's socialistic ideas are finally getting the best of him...
"It's odd that I can't take it down but I'm paying taxes on it." Welcome to our/your democratic/socialistic society where the government tells us what we can do with our private property.
"I'd like to get a grant to help refurbish it... " lol, of course you would. It's yours, fix it yourself. I don't want to help.
Enjoy fighting with the "do gooders". You probably voted for some of them.

Best advice was to get forgiveness rather than permission.

This is best if you have been staying under the radar and not asking a bunch of questions about it.
If you haven't, be prepared to get lawyered.
>Got a match?
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

BINGO we have a winner.

"If it moves shoot it again"

why dont you just make it a wolf kennel. that way you could save two things at once.

Archery is a year round commitment!!
give that little pants shitter of yours a book of matches and instructions to go play in the barn....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

"Zigga's socialistic ideas are finally getting the best of him..."

That's weird. I first looked into this when w was in charge. Why didn't he fix this if it's a socialist thingy?

I could sell the barn wood for big bucks if I jumped through all the hoops or I could tear it down and build it back up with the same materials. Apparently none of you have any knowledge of historical preservation. That's all you needed to say......or nothing at all.

You rightys are all *&$ked up......and I mean that in a good christian way.:)
>That's weird. I first looked
>into this when w was
>in charge. Why didn't
>he fix this if it's
>a socialist thingy?

Actually it was President Harry S. Truman (D) who signed the legislation creating the The National Trust for Historic Preservation in 1949. It was your do-gooder friends who nominated your barn, with no regard for your rights, to be listed as a historic building.
My question is why did you even ask someone about tearing it down if it was on your property? Unless I missed something here.
Or is it you just want a "grant" translated into money from the govt that thos eof us who work pay taxes to support, in other words just give it to you.
If you dont want it and it is on your land tell em come get it or im having a BBQ.

Or better yet tear it down dig a pit throw the wood in, start a fire and invite all the local liberal leaders to your big az party and maybe you can claim it as a tax write off for supporting your local political movement whichever movement it is, I mean you could invite leaders of both parties if you wanted to then evrybod is happy..
I mean when did it ever occur to you that you could not do anything you wanted to something you owned? hmmm

Zigga, I am actually feeling sorry for you. Here you ask for a little help and all you get is a bunch of crap.

Funny as hell though.
I don't mind the crap because I'm a good sport. It's a two way street though. Some here take things wayyyyy too personally.

I like the pants $hitter idea. Thanks d.

I found out about this is by starting to tear down parts of the barn because it was falling over and someone from the city told me that I can't do it. They should wave my taxes if I can't tear it down and insure my property if someone wanders in and gets killed. Not gonna happen though. If the dems put this in place then why haven't the reps fixed it after 60 years? I guess the reps are just as guilty then huh??? That's how I see it. I guess I'll go through tax dollars to get it built up and have it sit empty or I could charge an arm and a leg to rent it out and pocket the money. Maybe that money comes from donations. Who knows.
>give that little pants shitter of
>yours a book of matches
>and instructions to go play
>in the barn....
>great post/pic, thanks for sharing

That shyt is f---ing hilarious right there JB. Zigga getting screwed by the very people he votes for and then wants us to pay to rebuild the damn thing! ROTFLMMFAO!!!!!
Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, it's past your bedtime!

Hdude, Jose needs a yob!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-02-09 AT 06:12PM (MST)[p]I like the idea of a wolf kennel. How bout a dual purpose historic facility. The Zigga Dept.of Economic Security Hybrid Wolf Breeding Facility. Maybe you could hire Piper to clean stalls and pass out food stamps, at least that would get him off welfare and if you fired him at least he'd know where to go to get his free cheese.








HOW BOUT IT Zigga???





THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
hey zigger....are you starting to notice that civil servants are no longer servants and certainly no longer civil??....(churchill 1945)

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I am sitting here and laughing my butt off, thinking about Zigga getting screwed by his fellow libs and being told he can not do things to his own property. Due to a bunch of historical preservation libs loving his dilapidated barn the way it is.
Could not have happen to a more deserving person. The real laughting matter is his stupidity to ask for help on this forum.
Zigga, I have no intention of telling you how one local farmer here got around to circumventing a bunch of those historical building libs who tried to do the same thing to him.
I can say one thing, he did not need to ask for help, but he was more of a consertive type that just took care of the problem and they could not touch him with their liberal rules.

>I am sitting here and laughing
>my butt off, thinking about
>Zigga getting screwed by his
>fellow libs and being told
>he can not do things
>to his own property. Due
>to a bunch of
>historical preservation libs loving his
>dilapidated barn the way it
>Could not have happen to
>a more deserving person. The
>real laughting matter is his
>stupidity to ask for help
>on this forum.
> Zigga,
>I have no intention of
>telling you how one local
>farmer here got around to
>circumventing a bunch of those
>historical building libs who tried
>to do the same thing
>to him.
> I can
>say one thing, he did
>not need to ask for
>help, but he was more
>of a consertive type that
>just took care of the
>problem and they could not
>touch him with their liberal


You'd reall be laughing if I told you how much that property is worth........thanks to the Historical Society.
lol...yeah right zigga.....we weren't born last nite....I know all about those designations...and rising property value is BS

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Make sure you insure the barn before the pant$hitt@r goes to the barn with the matches.

Keep it coming, I am really enjoying the laughter. You might be talking about "what it is worth on paper and the tax rolls" but try to find a buyer who is willing to put up with the Historical site laws is a different matter. You just might be in for a shock if you try to sell it.
I am very familar with the restrictions that come with a building being desinated as a "Place of Historical value" and most people are unwilling to put up with the rules of what you can and can not do to the place. It can get very very expensive for you to refurbish that barn to the requirements of it's historical origin.
Is that why you are looking for a handout from the Gov. to refurbish it, or are you just another free loading liberal with you hand out looking for our tax dollars.
My wife owns a late 19 th, century Victorian farm house that was way above the average on the fine detail in the gingerbread on the house. It was built by one of the richer early farm families that settled in the county in the 1800's on the Sacramento river.
It was considered to be of high historic value to the area, but my wife was smart enough to tell them to take a hike when they tried to get it listed on the register as being of historical value. She read the rules concerning how it is to be maintained and they even dictated as to what color it could be painted. I guess she was smarter then you. It is not dilaptidated as your barn. She has invested over 100K in the last year to update the roof, add insulation and more up to date electric wiring and central heat and air. But she was able to do it the way she wanted, not being told by some liberal do gooder who had nothing invested in the property.
Enjoy your high priced Historical value dilaptidated barn, you got what you asked for.
as always Bob I'm getting my jollies from this....lmao

great post/pic, thanks for sharing


Just do not hit the floor rolling with laughter, it might throw the seismic graph off and we get a report of a earthquake centered in the Bakersfield area.
Now we know why ziggy is a liberal, wants to belly up to the feed trough and get free money to refurbish his "Historical Barn". Did you notice that he made a statement about making it livable. Heck might as well come out and say, Hey! taxpayers build my house for me and I will be beholden to you suckers.

"Heck might as well come out and say, Hey! taxpayers build my house for me and I will be beholden to you suckers."

Why wouldn't I?

Sadly girls, the property is in the most expensive county in sw Montana. I could sell it next week if I wanted for a killing. It's a prime location too. LMAO!!! I've already got a second home started on it that will be finished this summer. Just adding to the value. You're not familiar with sw Montana are you? LMMFAO!!! Interest rates and building supplies are cheap right now so here we go. I'll post pics.
Why bother? we could not care less. we are used to your bragging, first it was your girlfriend, now it is your expensive property. What are you going to do next, pull out the ruler and compare your manhood????

No need to use a ruler when you have one of these handy little fellas.


They are even measured in centimeters so the number appears larger than it really is.
LMAO at Zigga. He's playing the "I got more money than you" card and nobody cares. Why you ask? Because everyone knows that whatever wealth he has obtained certainly wasn't because of anything smart he did. I'll bet he's secretly married to Rosie O Donnell. Oh wait she's a lesbo. Well maybe she's bisexual or something. Rosie O Zigga! You never know!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, it's past your bedtime!

Hdude, Jose needs a yob!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-04-09 AT 10:45PM (MST)[p]>Why bother? we could not care
>less. we are used to
>your bragging, first it was
>your girlfriend, now it is
>your expensive property. What are
>you going to do next,
>pull out the ruler and
>compare your manhood????

Girlfriend??? I got more money than you card??? WTF? Proof again that you two are F**ed up righty wack jobs. Where did I state my financial situation? Please reference my finances and girlfriends. I can't wait to see this. If you can't answer a question about historical preservation then stay out of the frickin post. Just because me and most of America think w was the worst president in US history you think you need to take it personally on topics that don't even remotely have any thing to do with w. You are what we call righty wack jobs. I could have a post about wildflowers and you losers would drag the word "liberal" into it somehow. WOW! Righty wack job has a great ring to it. Waiting for the girlfriend reference. Dig hard retards. You've got a few other references for me that I haven't seen yet that actually pertain to politics. Lets have em. My wife of 8 years will kill me when she finds out I have a girlfriend. I haven't once mentioned that I nailed Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Simpson (pre-weight gain), Kelly Pickler and numerous other supermodels but please reference those on here. I also haven't mentioned the lakefront property that borders 30,000 acres of wilderness and 50,000 acres of Forest land. My retirement outlook sucks.....but so do a lot of peoples thanks to w. Thanks for reminding me. LMMFAO!!!

Dig hard retard. LMAO!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-04-09 AT 10:50PM (MST)[p]Here's the barn and the "pants$hitter" trying to get the fire started.



I also forgot to mention that you could walk from the barn door for three months before you crossed pavement. Those pesky elk from Yellowstone roam these mountains.

Dig hard retards!:)

(For those of you non-righty wack jobs, I'm really not a jerk. Just trying to keep up with dumb and dumber.)
Yep - give that kid a sparkler and let her go, but stay close so you can grab her right after she drops it in that big pile of poles.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>Shouldn't campfire be neutral territory?

Not to righty wack jobs.

I just got an appraisal back for the 2.6 acres the barn sits on and it came in at $180,000. Is that good? How much money am I out if the barn falls over? How much am I out if I can't touch it? How much can I get from tax payers to refurbish it and rent it out for a grand a month? Would I be a bad person if I got approved to use tax payer money or donations to fix it up and make it usable? Of course I would be in a righty wack jobs eyes. I love this site.

Had there been junky modulars in every direction do you think it would have appraised in that range? Thank God for the Humane Society.:)........oh I mean the Hysterical Society......oh I mean the Historical Society. Thank God for the republicans......for not fixing the "problem" the last 60 years. RELH and D sure taught me a lesson I won't soon forget.

Ok, I'll be nice. Hate me, I deserve it.

But seriously, it is bs that you have to pay taxes on stuff you can't use. Agreed. There's good and bad to it. Luckily taxes are cheap at this point.
>I just got an appraisal back
>for the 2.6 acres the
>barn sits on and it
>came in at $180,000.
>Is that good?

That's it? 180 grand? They way you were acting I expected it to be worth a fortune. My friggin equity loan is almost that big.

I want to nominate this thread to go in the Monster Muleys Historical Preservation of National treasures.. Way to many twists in turns.

No Campfire does not appear to be neutral ground. It overflows from the political forum right into the campfire.

RELH, when it comes to the girlfriend, could you be confusing Zima or the guy that posted pics of his asian girlfriend hauling a hunting stand on her back for Zigga. In all fairness I cant remember Zigga bragging a bout a girlfriend. LMAO

Zigga, hate to pile on, but, how about donating your barn to house the Gitmo prisoners so that we can help Barry keep his campaign promises.
Can I still have a girlfriend?

"RELH, when it comes to the girlfriend, could you be confusing Zima or the guy that posted pics of his asian girlfriend hauling a hunting stand on her back for Zigga."

RELH is so friggin confused that next week he might confuse me for one of his righty wack job friends. Let's wait and see.
>>I just got an appraisal back
>>for the 2.6 acres the
>>barn sits on and it
>>came in at $180,000.
>>Is that good?
>That's it? 180 grand? They way
>you were acting I expected
>it to be worth a
>fortune. My friggin equity loan
>is almost that big.

So $180,000 for 2+ acres of basically bare land is cheap? Thank God. I didn't pay squat for it so that's a good thing. Lots of big $ houses going up around it. I hope that doesn't drive my value down. Can't wait to see the value when the house is done. I'll get bent over on taxes I'm sure. How much is land per acre where you're from? I've got an infinite number of good huntable public property across the fence so hopefully that doesn't drive the price down too much. Saw a mountain lion within a mile away and hammered the grouse just up the draw.
> How much is land
>per acre where you're from?

You made it sound like you could bail out GM with it.

> I've got an infinite
>number of good huntable public
>property across the fence

On the public ground that the libs are working hard to keep you and I out of?

>Saw a mountain lion within
>a mile away

We can hope he gets hungry.
>Can I still have a girlfriend?
>"RELH, when it comes to the
>girlfriend, could you be confusing
>Zima or the guy that
>posted pics of his asian
>girlfriend hauling a hunting stand
>on her back for Zigga."
>RELH is so friggin confused that
>next week he might confuse
>me for one of his
>righty wack job friends.
>Let's wait and see.

No way my cuz was confused. His tactic, him being a retired law enforcement officer, was to draw out any info on your rumored girlfriend on the side. So far we have info that at least you want one.

I'll get bent
>over on taxes I'm sure but
>I like butt sex.





THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!

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