Hillary is Looking Better


Long Time Member

Yep. She is finally starting to look better. What do you guys think?

If it comes down to her and Franken berry, I mean Thompson, the debates may get rough.

Of all the candidates, both Dem. and GOP, Hillary is dead last on my list. In fact if she was the "ONLY" person running for President, or any public office, I would refuse to vote for the first time in 30 years. That woman is a damn outright crook, deceitful lying P.O.S.
She will lie to your face about issues and turn around and forget you and your problems before you are out of sight and do what she thinks is best for her no matter the results.
If you think Bush is stupid, hardheaded and out of touch, he is a piker compared to her. She is more cunning about getting away with acts that are outright criminal. Any of the other Dem. candidates are far better then she could ever be. The only thing I am banking on, is that more dirty laundry about her is going to come out that may make people take a hard second look at her. Obama is banking on that also.

She's a snake I'm not going to argue about that with anyone. but what I see as the most probable outcome is a Hillary/Obama ticket which will be hard to beat. the republicans are doing their best to get a dem elected in '08 and these will probably be the clowns the dems give us. again I say a moderate republican would have a chance against them but no way, the republicans will give us a hardliner who'll roll the red carpet out for Hillary right into the whitehouse. believe me now or believe me later, the hard line conservative movement is dead. moderates decide most elections and Bush has turned them off, infact as we saw last Nov there's a backlash and it's not over. the word for republicans is moderate or die.

The advantage Hillary has in the dirt dept. is being married to Clinton all the skeletons have been pulled out of her closets and stomped on for years. Franken berry , Gulianni , Obama and the rest are still not as well known, so the dirt diggers have lots to play with.

Unfortunetly most moderate republicans didn't even try for the nomination and the ones who did are being ignored . the moderate dems like Richardson are being ignored also, but the dems are in a position to throw a hardliner out there and win. paybacks suck, and as a moderate I get hosed either way when we play all or nothing.
Be afraid, be very afaid....

Have you heard this before? Think about it as you read these six statements.
(1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
(2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...... And to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."
(3) "(We) ....can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."
(4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own turf in order to create this common ground."
(5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."
(6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."

Now you might think these were the famous words of the Father of communism, Karl Marx........

....and you would be on the right track in thinking so.....but you would be wrong......
These pearls of socialist/Marxist wisdom are from non other than our very own, home-grown Marxist.........

Hillary Clinton!........

Comments made on:
(1) 6/29/04
(2) 5/29/07
(3) 6/4/07
(4) 6/4/07
(5) 6/4/07
(6) 9/2/05
Be afraid, Be very afraid!!
There's no doubt Hillary believes in Robin Hood plolitics but quotes taken out of context can say about anything you want them to. I have a hard time thinking her politics would be that much different than her husbands, her supporters expect Bill Clinton style and she'll lose support if she strays too far. look at it this way, no matter who gets elected from either party taxes will have to be raised, and the republicans have shown us they like to spend money like a drunk sailor, the conservatives haven't been to conservative and now we're going to have to pay some bills.the leadership we've had from this administration won't be hard to top, I hope it's not Hillary but who ever it is will be an improvement, I'm not very affriad.
Might take another actor to win. Thompson needs to start letting people know who he is (other than an actor). Starting to piss me off.

At least if Hillary gets on the ticket it will motivate the other side.

I'm no fan of either side, but hillary in the white house scares the he11 out of me.

What you said about the far right GOP is the same thing our Govenor "Arnold" just recently said. He stated that for his party to win, they must promote the "moderate" ticket as he considers himself. Putting forth hard right wingers will lose them more seats in congress. I agree also. We may have a hard time for 4 years after next election, but it might end up being a "wakeup call" to change politics in both parties.

It's too bad it has to be this way, the republicans get people so discusted they'll elect someone like Hillary in protest, then she'll tick eveyone off so bad they'll elect a tard like Bush to show the dems who's boss. if we could get moderates from both parties elected it would take the big mood swings and revenge voting out of politics and give us a more stabile country.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-07 AT 01:37PM (MST)[p]Ransom, That photo has to be at least 10 years old. She looks a lot older than that now!:)

Her new look? if she's built as it looks like she is in the pink outfit put a bag over her head and I'll vote for her, anytime.

Yeh but can you image Fred Thompson in a bikini?
Whats up with all these guys that have no sense of humor? Rus and bobcat won't even comment. Dude keeps missing Hillarys photo. No hope for them.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-07 AT 06:33PM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-07
>AT 01:37?PM (MST)

>Ransom, That photo has to be
>at least 10 years old.
>She looks a lot older
>than that now!:)



You were right once again here is an updated photo of Hillary.

>>LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-07
>>AT 01:37?PM (MST)

>>Ransom, That photo has to be
>>at least 10 years old.
>>She looks a lot older
>>than that now!:)

>You wre right once again here
>is an updated photo of

I knew I was right!LOL!


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