Hillary, GOP's best shot at keeping White House


Long Time Member
Many of you will think I'm crazy, if you don't already. But not in keeping with my stupid sense of humor, I would like to float this idea. Not really an original idea because I stole it from ##### Morris. I would have cut and pasted it but some old fart would have chewed me out( RUS).
Anyway Hillary would be the best answer for the GOP because of the galvanization effect she would cause. One could only imagine the Republican base turning out to defeat her. Talk about mobilizing the base in a voter turn out. This would be the biggest turn out the GOP has ever had if she is on the ticket.
Okay Dude and other moderates let's hear what you think.

What makes you think the republicans have a larger base than the dems? Giuliani is the most moderate candidate the right has to offer, as he says he's the only one with a chance against Hillary. the hard line conservative movement is dead, a radical dem has a chance, a radical republican has no chance in the next election. if the republicans nominate a hardliner like Frankenberry then Hillary is a sure thing, she'll pick up more of the swing vote.
Morris is just another writer, Hillary will be hard to beat. right or wrong that's just the way it is, she's more popular in NY than Rudy is so do the math when the general campain gets going. I don't think much of Hillary but counting on her to be her own downfall is wishfull thinking, it won't make up for a weak republican opposition.

Who's Frankenberry? didn't you eat cereal when you were a kid? Jon Stewart calls Thompson Frankenberry. the resemblance is there for sure, he probably shouldn't wear red.
Since the republican party (we use to call it the GOP, or the conservatives - but not anymore, they are different) has lost its focus and it's way, it has to reorganize and present to the american public a good reason to vote republican. I think the hillary bashing will backfire in the long run. I think the republican party needs a platform based on real conservative yet reasonable policies. Unless they adjust and convince the voters that the conservative party is the party of the USA, it wont matter how much bashing it does of hillary, it wont win. . .

I say get a platform, present it and the public will make the right choice. . .

Are you a conservative? Not asking to be a smart a$$, just curious. Your tone makes me think you might be. If your saying the Reps are not conservative right now I would agree and that action needs to be taken. Anyway what you did say makes perfect sense.

Tfinalshot is 100% dead-on! That is exactly what Newt has been saying for months.

If that dumb ##### wins, I'm gonna start buying a lot of guns. Mostly AR's because you know that is one of the first things on her list. Communists do not like us average Joe's owning "assault weapons".
How 'bout we vote for the best candidate? I don't think anyone has a clue yet who that might be. Gee! we have to do primaries and all that stupid stuff 1st. All I hear is a bunch of paranoid bullsh!t about who you don't want it to be.

One can only hope either Donald Trump or Oprah will throw their hat's in the ring. Let's all just get down on our knees and praise Jesus that dumb-dumb's reign is almost over!

What American male who still possesses a set would vote for Hillary Clinton? If she is the democrat candidate, I'll vote for WHOEVER runs against her!
I once carried the card of the Republican Party until about one year into the current Bush administration when I saw that it invited all the radical right and the very moral Christian extremists into their camp (I'm not anti-religion, I'm conservative and believe in a strong but limited central government which is little affected by religious beliefs, or corporate power). I saw the writing on the wall then went independent.

Now, I wish the conservatives of old would return. The Republican Party once presented a solid and well founded platform from which to run the nation. Today, the Republican Party is NOT conservative, in fact, invading another nation is about as unconservative as one can get, it is anti-conservative and so to is the unwise use of our natural resources, both of which this administration has managed to abuse.

Today?s Republicans more closely resembles a centralized power of corporate big-shots, and big government than ever before. The current Republican Party is using government to prop up the elite?s minority of the wealthy in this country, that's wrong. And I'm not saying the Democrats would side step the gutter that's been redefined by the Republicans. . .

Neither party has my respect right now. However, I would much rather have Hillary in the Whitehouse than a drag queen (as a small business man, I like some level of predictability, it makes it much easier to plan for the future) . . As for Hillary, at least I believe she's a woman and is therefore somewhat predictable. . . I don't know what to expect from a man who, at times, likes to dress like a woman. . .

If you think that no one knows the field, youre mistaken, today there's no come from the sticks candidate, there simpley is too much money involved, the days of winning with only your platform ended with the Wallace, Muskie, Mcgovern race of 1972. . .
>How 'bout we vote for the
>best candidate? I don't think
>anyone has a clue yet
>who that might be. Gee!
>we have to do primaries
>and all that stupid stuff
>1st. All I hear is
>a bunch of paranoid bullsh!t
>about who you don't want
>it to be.
>One can only hope either Donald
>Trump or Oprah will throw
>their hat's in the ring.
>Let's all just get down
>on our knees and praise
>Jesus that dumb-dumb's reign is
>almost over!


You did get fired! I can tell, your still ornery.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. As a small business man you like some level of predictability? At least I believe she is a woman and therefore somewhat predictable?

TF, are you unmarried or gay? Women are NOT predictable. Women are the main cause of ulcers and high blood pressure in men. Not to forget our love for beer.

A woman like Hillary, whose ideas go against the foundation this country was based upon and the Constitution, has no business running this country.

I am not a woman or a black man being president. I just wish one would run who was more in the middle. Hillary's communist idea's will ruin this country.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-03-07 AT 05:46PM (MST)[p]"I am not a woman or a black man"

Congratulations BUNGELINGBULL. You're on the team!!!

Ransom, ain't fired yet ... if I was I wouldn't be so cranky!

nothing could be worse than having both a man and a woman, yet never knowing who he/she is at anyone time. . . A woman is predictable, in as much as you KNOW what youre dealing with, when you dealing with rudy, you might be dealing with a woman, or you might be dealing with a man.

Trust me, i've been through a few women, and have kids to show fore it. . . I'd rather know I'm dealing with a woman, than I would have never know which one is showing up for the meeting . . .
>nothing could be worse than having
>both a man and a
>woman, yet never knowing who
>he/she is at anyone time.
>. . A woman is
>predictable, in as much as
>you KNOW what youre dealing
>with, when you dealing with
>rudy, you might be dealing
>with a woman, or you
>might be dealing with a
>Trust me, i've been through a
>few women, and have kids
>to show fore it. .
>. I'd rather know I'm
>dealing with a woman, than
>I would have never know
>which one is showing up
>for the meeting . .


Do you have the hots for Hillary? She too old to have kids. Pick a younger and better looking filly for crying out loud.
If I read your post wrong, sorry.

Let me rephrase what I intended to say. I have nothing against a woman or a black (sorry, African American) man (muslim?) being president. My typo. I know I am not a woman and only the lower half of me is black.
All this Hillary paranoia brings up a question. most of you on here hold Bush harmless for 98% of the crap that's happened since he took office. if the president isn't responsible for much of anything why is Hillary such a threat to you?

Hillary to me is a little far to the left but there is one thing about her, she's smart. I'd rather have a smart woman in the whitehouse than a dumb butt like we've had . don't worry too much about Hillary her first term, it's her second one if she had it that could be scary.

Polls out today show Giuliani with a decent lead amoung the republican candidates. there's still 6 months before the primary but most people are putting their money on a Giuliani-Clinton race. I guess we'll see how a woman does as president, I'll remind you how un American it is to talk bad of the president as you do to me. but I can't promise I won't join you.
It is sad to see how this war has made us forget the Clinton legacy. White stains on a blue dress. A cigar in a fat girls ass. I think I will vote independent. The crooks have too much money and too much media power.
LOL - first time I've heard something like that. If that's your standard we might as well forget the history of the world. . .

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