Hillary beats Obama in NH


Very Active Member
NBC is saying Mrs. Clinton won New Hampshire.


She pulls that little crying touchy feely crap and exit polls show that women voted for her in overwhelming numbers. Do they really think that little ?emotional moment? wasn?t planned and rehearsed ?

Hey Dude, you still think our galpal is history ?
She pulled a rabbit out of the hat. I'd rather have her than Obama I think. the next president will be one or the other, choose your poison.
Proves that the majority of women are not very bright and can easily be taken advantage of. Should have never allowed them to vote.
Dude - You are fast. That reply took 5 minutes. Were your ears burning??
I have to agree with Dude on Hillary the "B", but for different reasons. He loves her crooked ways and the way she and her husband hand out the welfare money. I can not stand her because I am convinced that she and willie are two of the biggest crooks that ever set foot in the white house, even over Nixon. As for national defense, she would would make Carter look like a hawk with her flip flopping and we will be the laughing joke with other countries like we were with carter.
But there is so much dirt waiting in the wings on her that she will have a tough time of winning the general election as opposed to some of the other democrats that are running. I do not think she will do that great in CA. New Hampshire is noted for it's left leaning at times.
In a way I would like to see her packing in total humiliation in the primaries,and hopefully that would shake up the democrat party into reducing the powers that their left wing liberals have and step forward with more moderates for office seats. If that would happen, we might see a better change in the GOP candidates being more in the middle and we could have a better balance of congress and the white house.
Yea I know! wishful dreaming on my part.
I keep hearing about this dirt waiting on her, what is it? she's probably been researched more than any woman in history looking for dirt going back 25 years. yes there is some but it's all out there, she has FAR less to worry about than all the relative new comers, Obama is at risk and in the republicans Giuliani is a treasure chest of dirt and the rest? look out we're just getting started.
If Hilary would spend more time on the Oprah, Ellen shows and the View she would have ALL the women and most all the libs. in her pocket. When you look at ALL the candidates it's sad thats all we have to choose from. Just shows America is really changeing and not for the better.... Wake up America !!!
Hillary as President is not comforting.

Better her than Obama; I simply don't trust that Raghead....there, I said it. Blast away...I can take it!

I don't want to have a cabinet full of Muslims in sheeps clothing running this country and then waking up one morning to find that there is nothing left of the America I grew up in. Hell, there hardly is now.

Looks like McCain will get the nod for the Republicans.....that is also not comforting. New Hampshire rallied about 2 million more Dems to the polls than the GOP and I expect that will be the norm thru the next series of primaries.

Think I'll go buy a new gun today....gonna be a whole lot harder next year.
Crap. The problem with the HillObamaWards debacle is that you can't disagree with one w/o being a sexist, racist or homophobe. Whom does the discriminating socialist vote for? Richardson I suppose.
What's wrong with Richardson? he's an NRA member and a decent guy. name one of the goobers running on the republican ticket who's any better.
>What's wrong with Richardson? he's an
>NRA member and a decent
>guy. name one of the
>goobers running on the republican
>ticket who's any better.

Since when? He could have signed up on the internet last week........ Besides, have'nt seen him pheasant hunting :)

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!
Hey huntidude,
I'd take McCain over any of the bums on your side. I know, I know, Fat chance in hell. It well probabally be a Dem but that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it. I hope they run your little sweetheart. I have faith that the rest of the country aint gonna be swayed by her crying wishy washy ways. Just my two cents so don't get all fired up.
It would be neat if Paul could make it but no way, I'm surprised he did as well as he did though. it's going to be Huckleberry or Rudy.
McCain won't even win the nomination but have you looked at his record on gun ownership? he's worse than half the dems, just because he's a republican doesn't mean he's not a bum, you should have learned that from 7 years of 'lil Bush.
It just gets better and better.
John Kerry will endorse Obama today, snubbing his former running mate Edwards, and his gal Hilly. You know the Clintons are throwing a fit behind closed doors.
All I'm saying is, this primary season has been fun to watch, and it's getting better and better.
I didn't know that. Thanks. I will look a lot closer if it looks like he has a chance. Its funny my wife is a teacher and usually votes Dem while I usually vote Rep. We cancel each other out. Makes a lot of sense, huh? A lot of you folks know a hell of a lot more about politics than I do and I well try to listenin to the discussions with an open mind.

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