Hilarious Peay Quote


Long Time Member
?We knew that there was this huge block of middle America that's tired of all the corruption, tired of all the insider dealing,? Don Peay said.


I can't help but agree, just not in the way he intends.
PEAYDAY just might be President some day!:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Listening to Doug Wright on election night and it was Don in NY with the Trump camp that they were talking to on the show. It's a good thing to have a Soortsman in a position to have a voice.
Don is tired of all the corruption lmfao
Of course you guys are welcome to think whatever you want but in my mind it's not a bad thing for sportsmen (especially in Utah) that Peay is in the Trump camp!

Sportsmen across the country might just be the big winners here since Don Trump Jr. is an avid sportsman in his own right.

He might not be the "grind it out" hunter like the rest of us but he understands our issues and Peay has his and the POTUS's ear. Nope, not a bad thing at all.

>Of course you guys are welcome
>to think whatever you want
>but in my mind it's
>not a bad thing for
>sportsmen (especially in Utah) that
>Peay is in the Trump
>Sportsmen across the country might just
>be the big winners here
>since Don Trump Jr. is
>an avid sportsman in his
>own right.
>He might not be the "grind
>it out" hunter like the
>rest of us but he
>understands our issues and Peay
>has his and the POTUS's
>ear. Nope, not a bad
>thing at all.

+ 1
>Of course you guys are welcome
>to think whatever you want
>but in my mind it's
>not a bad thing for
>sportsmen (especially in Utah) that
>Peay is in the Trump
>Sportsmen across the country might just
>be the big winners here
>since Don Trump Jr. is
>an avid sportsman in his
>own right.
>He might not be the "grind
>it out" hunter like the
>rest of us but he
>understands our issues and Peay
>has his and the POTUS's
>ear. Nope, not a bad
>thing at all.

Unless you like to keep your public lands, then its kinda not so good. What is it with Utahns? The guy that bilks us out of millions each year, the guy that fought to keep us out of streams, the guy that yearly comes up with new and inventive ways to enrich himself and a handful of others while claiming he saved the deer, or stopped the wolf? This is the guy you want speaking for us? This guy, THE DON, is the guy you want telling a New Yorker (moderate at best) about public land issues in this state? WTF?? Just because hes from Utah, we are supposed to get all giddy? After Rocky Anderson, I can't think of a worse representative to "bend Trumps ear" about hunting and land rights in Utah. YOU DO remember that trump is a land DEVELOPER right? You DO REMEMBER THAT IS WHAT they do for a living. He is not a hunter, he is not from a public land state, he made millions developing land(not a bad thing, but its his job). Do you not think that perhaps, just maybe, he might have a group around him that would love to get some cheap western land? THE DON hasnt spent 1 min representing the average, public land hunter in this state in 30 years, but somehow its a good thing that he is "on the inside". I know there is an afterglow because the Hildabeast went down hard. As a gun owner it let me relax. As a libertarian, trump being a social moderate i think is good. As a hunter, and western state born, having a big city New York land developer as president, doesn't make me all warm and fuzzy, and having THE DON doing the talking scares the hell out of me.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
>Of course you guys are welcome
>to think whatever you want
>but in my mind it's
>not a bad thing for
>sportsmen (especially in Utah) that
>Peay is in the Trump
>Sportsmen across the country might just
>be the big winners here
>since Don Trump Jr. is
>an avid sportsman in his
>own right.
>He might not be the "grind
>it out" hunter like the
>rest of us but he
>understands our issues and Peay
>has his and the POTUS's
>ear. Nope, not a bad
>thing at all.

FYI I think Peay is the last person most of us would want in Trump's ear, LOL! Possible Sec. of the Interior---what a friggin joke that would be!
It would be interesting to know what Don Peay could influence with Trump. Obviously the funds to lobby and put Peay in the position to have Trump's ear is Utah Conservation Tag money (my guess anyway). How could Trump help sportsmen?

What could Peay influence?
(Maybe this can be a conversation that doesn't turn into a bash Peay and SFW thing)

Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
Founder---I doubt seriously that Peay can be discussed by most of us on this site in a positive way such as Zeke might think of him and knowing how he has been behind most of the negative stuff in Utah and the DWR.

Some of the posters are correct

I submit that Peay can't be discussed at all because too many guys post on here for the shock factor and groupie-following and have no interest in a civil discussion.

Keep your minds in your little boxes boys and don't even think about or discuss how we might benefit and/or capitalize on current events.

It's all doom and gloom now. Y'all might as well hang it up!

Zeke, I always enjoy a good civil discussion. I too found Don Peay's comments about America being "tired of all the corruption, tired of all the insider dealing" fairly comical. Oh, the irony of those statements.

Mr. Peay seems very concerned about the problems in DC but is overlooking our local problems because he is in a position to benefit from them. Shouldn't we get our own house in order before we worry about cleaning up our neighbor's home? And shouldn't we drain the local swamp before moving on to bigger and more complex projects?

Founder how do u seperate $fw and peay? For all the talk ofhim not being associated, are we to believe he is in dc because hes a private citizen? When he fired out fund raising letters for more coyote money based on incomplete studies, its not Don Peay private citizen. He always plays 2 hands at a time, i doubt highly his ear bending would be about more public access, or more open land. In fact, i got money that says one of the trump boys will be hunting utah soon, think it will be on the manti? Or Cache?. Lets not forget Robert Redford has dems ears, hows thst turned out?

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
I don't know if it will happen but I do think it is highly possible for Trump to gut USFWS. I don't know if Peay is lobbying for it but I know other groups are.
>I don't know if it will
>happen but I do think
>it is highly possible for
>Trump to gut USFWS. I
>don't know if Peay is
>lobbying for it but I
>know other groups are.

I hope Trump guts them!
If you've ever hunted outside of the US you know how oppressive they can be.

Even with proper documentation and permits it literally took congressional intervention to get one of my animals back!

It's a prime example of self-perpetuation through over-regulation.....and they act like they OWN the world's animals and we just stole one from them.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-16 AT 11:27AM (MST)[p]IF hunters think we would be better with Hillary and liberal supreme court justices for hunting, gun rights and sportsmen access and opportunity they are on drugs.

Both Donald Trump Jr. and Eric are avid hunters. Trump was endorsed by NRA. We might get wolves and grizzlies managed now.

We now have a voice with ESA. Not as worried about Sage grouse over protection, blocking out sportsmen off pubic land, and grazing stopped. Game animals, and hunt-able populations will get more consideration than desert tortoises.

Trump is not going to cave into the liberal environmental wacko's.

Trump has his issues. He is a lot better than Hillary.

Don like Trump do know how to get things done. We need to get rid of excessive regulations and make a change in the direction of this country.

Don helped Romney as well. PETA and other groups spend millions of dollars lobbying to take our rights away. We have a few that help hunters.

There is some that just like to complain. Let us give Trump and his administration a chance.
Some do and some complain. Don has always been a doer, he will continue to do. Like him or dislike him. It's a good thing to have a sportsman positioning to have a strong voice, bottom line.
My comments were directed at Donald Peay -- not Donald Trump. I actually voted for Trump and I am anxious to see what he can accomplish in office. I am particualrly interested in his appointments to the Supreme Court.

I agree that Don Peay is a "doer", has a ton of horse power, and has accompished much. However, he is also a major fixture in the "local swamp" that many of us believe needs to be "drained."

>I agree that Don Peay is
>a "doer", has a ton
>of horse power, and has
>accompished much. However, he is
>also a major fixture in
>the "local swamp" that many
>of us believe needs to
>be "drained."

Spot on with that one Hawkeye, I agree.

We DO NOT, I repeat We DO NOT want Don Peay anywhere near the Secretary of Interior position!!!
It would be interesting to see how many really feel the local swamp needs to me drained. Because if you look at it realistically I believe the group you represent is awfully close to groups that are currently rioting and protesting Trumps victory.
>It would be interesting to see
>how many really feel the
>local swamp needs to me
>drained. Because if you
>look at it realistically I
>believe the group you represent
>is awfully close to groups
>that are currently rioting and
>protesting Trumps victory.

I agree. How about the WB, currently run by $fw put it up for a vote. A simple yes or no included with every tag drawn next year.

Should $fw continue to be allowed over 200 tags to fund their organization?

Don is a doer. He has been very successful. Unfortunaltely his success has been in lining his own pockets, $fw pockets, auction tag buyers. I to this day am still shocked that the boots on the ground at $fw still have his defenders in their ranks. My question has always been, what has he done for you, other than drag you guys through the mud, take credit for your hard work, and leverage your membership to benefit an extremely minute number of "whales".

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"

What you are asking for is a public referendum. It actually rarely works out. Public referendums have driven industry out of states and ruined international economies. Whether it is a case of the ignorant being manipulated by special interests or specific cases of voters being too stupid for their own good, it rarely turns out good.

There are very important reasons that highly intelligent men founded this as a republic and not a straight democracy.
>What you are asking for is
>a public referendum. It
>actually rarely works out.
>Public referendums have driven industry
>out of states and ruined
>international economies. Whether it
>is a case of the
>ignorant being manipulated by special
>interests or specific cases of
>voters being too stupid for
>their own good, it rarely
>turns out good.
>There are very important reasons that
>highly intelligent men founded this
>as a republic and not
>a straight democracy.

You are 100% correct Tri. So when does my ELECTED representative get a vote in this? No one on the WB was elected, they were appointed. THE DON wasn't elected. My elected representatives didn't vote on the tags given to $fw. To be fair, only Benson and BGF got money that was voted on by my ELECTED officials.

The WB, $fw deal, if you want to be accurate is based more on the communist idea where in the leaders give power and money to their cronnies. Similar to how Russia and China companies are set up via the governement to benefit friends, family, and party officials.

Also, you are right, public referendums have on occasion ruined industries. The tags belong to the public. The animals belong to the public. 70 % of the land belongs to the public. I don't think the public getting some say, via an election rather than political appointee is asking to much. BUT, and its no secret. I would favor the ruining of the $FW industry. Like I have said for nearly a decade now, somehow the DWR gets out over 100k tags every year, I am pretty sure they could conduct an online auction, and keep all the profits "for wildlife". When this fiasco started, perhaps there was a need for a third party as technology wasn't capable, but I can buy guns from aucton sites, buy everything at KSL.com and amazon, pretty sure the whales could buy tags that way too. Although, it kinda does take away the big shlong in public contest, and Lee Greenwood would loose a gig. When dealing with the publics money(tags and the "profit from them) the government has a responsibility to be as conservative as possible. It plain costs too much to have any group(including RMEF) do this. Available technology has made the entire thing obsolete. There is zero reason from a buisness standpoint for the State to pay what it does to any third group, and THE DON is one of the major reasons this bilking is continuing. So, yeah, lets vote.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"

Who appointed the WB?

"There is zero reason from a buisness standpoint for the State to pay what it does to any third group,"

Wrong. Most of the time a third private party can do it cheaper and more efficiently. That's why third party contractors are used all the time.
>Who appointed the WB?
>"There is zero reason from a
>buisness standpoint for the State
>to pay what it does
>to any third group,"
>Wrong. Most of the time
>a third private party can
>do it cheaper and more
>efficiently. That's why third
>party contractors are used all
>the time.

The governor. Did you miss the part where I said I would like to see that changed. Not interested in how its done now, that system is corrupt(hence the very reason THE DON is still "used").

Your right, thats why the DWR hires a third party in Nevada to run their draw. You made my point, we already have the infrastructure, already have the manpower. Ever notice that at the expo, its the DWR manning the booths and doing the data entry? So $fw supposedly brings in the whales, but lets be straight, the whales want the tags, and will follow them. Without the tags, the expo couldn't stand on its own. The DWR(taxpayers) pay for the advertising, tax credit the entire show, pay the DWR to man the booths, do the data entry. I guarantee Fallon charges a lot less for their random number generator than $fw does. In fact, I would dare bet, and if Zeke or Muley know different than correct me, but I bet they use either the same system, or the entirely same company to do so. Paying millions to $fw to do what 2 IT techs can do themselves is a waste of public money, plain and simple. And yeah, that goes for MDF, RMEF, DU, Full Curl, or whoever else wants in on this, the price is too high for any of them, I want the state to keep 100%.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-16 AT 08:22AM (MST)[p]SO there you have it. You answered your own problem Hossblur. THE VOTE FOR GOVERNOR IS WHERE YOU MAKE YOUR VOTE FOR TAG DISTRIBUTION. You already have a democratic system set up for the changes you want. If the majority voters agree with you then yall all vote in a new governor, he makes the proper appointments to the wildlife board and suddenly, according to you, the majority gets the tag distributions they want.

Hey Hossblur, if it was just a straight democracy like you want it, couldn't everybody just vote that everybody gets one antelope island tag every year. Or maybe everybody votes that everybody gets a sheep tag every year. What if everybody voted for hunting in city limits. How about every body gets to vote on whether they get to shoot 4 muley doe each season. EVERYBODY. Are you starting to feel the gravity on the slippery slope yet?

By the way I enjoy how on one thread the DWR can't figure out their own sheep rules and distribute that information to the public but on this thread they are going to run a multi-million dollar expo and tag give away flawlessly. M...hmmmmm.
I now know why somebody wrote the fine poem, "Here I sit, my cheeks a flexin'; I just gave birth to another f***ing Texan."
Yep Grizzly. A lot of sour grapes when your sugar daddy, hossblur, takes an internet pistol whipping.
Like I stated above. Reminds me of the protestors. It's not kinda like that, it is exactly that. You guys just come on here to cry instead of the streets.
Nobody on here is crying. People are simply expressing their opinions and views on an issue of public concern. I have not seen any sportsmen protesting in the streets, vandalizing property, or threatening police over these issues. If you don't want to hear sportsmen express their views and concerns because they differ from your own, then don't read the posts.

If you cannot see the irony of Don Peay complaining about backroom deals and insider dealing, then I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. On a related note, assuming that Peay lands a federal position or has the ear of the Trump, what are the chances that BGF suddenly begins to land some major federal contracts? Perhaps this will be a good thing for the State of Utah if BGF lets go of the state teat to move on to bigger and better things?

LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-16 AT 01:19PM (MST)[p]I hunted this year in Central ID and near Delta CO. Trump signs everywhere. I don't know if I saw a Hillary sign in CO. Yet Hillary won CO, because of big city Denver, CO springs, Aspen, and Vail liberal influences.

Trump was listening to hard working Americans, ranchers, hunters.

I think we as sportsmen will have a much better future, than with Hillary. For the next 30 years we should have a supreme court that will protect our right to bear arms. Trumps administration will not cave into the environmental wackos. Don's help will be a plus for sportsmen, even though some hate Don and the approach and ideas he has sometimes to try to make things better.

I doubt the RMEF, MDF, DU, NWTF, PF, SCI, NRA etc wish Hillary would have won. I'm grateful for all sportsmen and groups that work to protect our rights.

There are back room deals in all politics. PETA, Clinton foundation,and corruption in both parties.
>AT 08:22?AM (MST)

>SO there you have it.
>You answered your own problem
>Hossblur. THE VOTE FOR
> You already have a
>democratic system set up for
>the changes you want.
>If the majority voters agree
>with you then yall all
>vote in a new governor,
>he makes the proper appointments
>to the wildlife board and
>suddenly, according to you, the
>majority gets the tag distributions
>they want.
>Hey Hossblur, if it was just
>a straight democracy like you
>want it, couldn't everybody just
>vote that everybody gets one
>antelope island tag every year.
> Or maybe everybody votes
>that everybody gets a sheep
>tag every year. What
>if everybody voted for hunting
>in city limits. How
>about every body gets to
>vote on whether they get
>to shoot 4 muley doe
>each season. EVERYBODY.
>Are you starting to feel
>the gravity on the slippery
>slope yet?
>By the way I enjoy how
>on one thread the DWR
>can't figure out their own
>sheep rules and distribute that
>information to the public but
>on this thread they are
>going to run a multi-million
>dollar expo and tag give
>away flawlessly. M...hmmmmm.

Sorry, i thought the tags were about improving wildlife habitat and saving the deer, didnt know it waa about a multimillion dollar party. My bad

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Founder, your asking for a lot!

What could Peay influence?
(Maybe this can be a conversation that doesn't turn into a bash Peay and SFW thing)

? LOL!


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
Trump is good for sportmen right?
Didn't he say that he was going to protect our rights as hunters and to protect everything that
Teddy Roosevelt stood for?

Thanks for your time

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora

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