Hiking with kids


Long Time Member
I'd like to introduce my 8 and 5 year old God daughters to backpacking, just wondering if 5 is still too young?.. I was thinking a short hike to a high country lake where they can fish and spend one night under the stars would be good.. Shortest hike to a high country lake around here would be 2-3 miles at 7000'+ and I'm just not sure if they are up to it.

Me and their daddy would be packing their gear but I'm still worried about burning them out..

Anyone here take young kids with them backpacking or am I asking for trouble?


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The more I think about it 5 seems too young.. :(


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How about a (hike) walk around a local park then a tent in the back yard. Been a hit with my grandkids.
Good call Snort. I too think they are to young. I'm sure in 2-3 years they will be ready to go on that trip. Your intent was however, commendable.

Yeah, I'm thinking an overnight camp trip to the back of a higher lake with my boat will be just the ticket for now..


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BuckSnort, I don't have any girls or nieces but my 7 year old son has been a hell of a hiker since he was about 4. The only thing he can't handle is sitting in one spot for very long...he'll fall asleep in a hunting blind within 10 minutes but will hike around no problem for a couple hours as long as we take a few breaks here and there. And his idea of a break is stop, wait ten to twenty seconds, then start hiking again lol.

Maybe try taking them for a hike half the distance, a mile or so, and see how they do?? I think if they are excited enough to do it then they'll be fine though :)

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
I dont think its over the top if you stay on easy trails. It might suprise you how good those 5 year olds can hike. I would bet they would out hike you with you carrying all the gear.

This was my first trip with my girls Age 3 and 5. They love it! It was a lot of work however. I think the key to getting it done is pick a really easy trail. This was a trip to lizzard lake up payson canyon. I cant remember how far the hike was but the girls did fine. We didnt fish because there isnt any fish but it did have a pile of frogs, salmaders, and snakes. I can still remember my oldest running to the pond screaming "NOOO NOO NO." I thought something terriable was happing. When I got close I could see she was wrestling with a pretty good size garter snake and the garter snake had a frog in it mouth which she pulled out and tossed in the water. When I asked her why the frog was floating on its back she said "you would too if you just about got ate by a snake." LOL She took the snake to the other side of the pond and let it go. She didnt hear any frogs on that side of the pond so she thought the snake would stay out of trouble.


My oldest now loves to go with me and has been on some gruler hikes. I almost cant go anywhere without her begging me to take her. My youngest loves to go "trailer" camping but shes just not the hiking type like her sister is yet.

Either way if you choose to go on a pack trip or just an easy camp trip to the lake the kids will love it and remember it.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-08-11 AT 10:20AM (MST)[p]depends on the kids,,,,,, my girls probabably would have been a little to much for them at 5,,,,,, now one of my nephew's on the otherhand would have ran uphill all the way backwards ,,,,lol
I think yor good to go. My yougest son is 3 1/2 and he just did a 3 mile (roundtrip)hike last saturday and he had a blast. Everytime we tried to stop for a brake he would say "no stopping come on", ah so proud. Next year whole family going on a 4 day backpack trip 2 adults, 2 kids, and 2 dogs should be fun. Keep them warm, dry, and away from bug and its all good.
When my son was 7 and my daughter was 5, my Wife and I took them on a hike down Bright Angel trail on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon to Indian Gardens. It is about a 4 1/2 mile hike to Indian Gardens. We stayed the night and came back out the canyon the next morning.

We bascially took an easy pace and they did great! In fact we got to Indian Garden early in the day, ate lunch and when it cooled down we hiked out to Plateau Point, a very flat hike which is another 3 mile round trip. Again no problem at all that day with the hiking.

Next morning we got up early and started hiking out. About half was up my daughter appeared to be getting tired and was not at all happy. We took a break, gave her a snickers bar, and with me holding her hand the rest of the trip and she did just fine!

I just think it depends on the kids and you have to be prepared to take it easy if that is all they can do. But I think kids can do much more than you would think.
So I've been thinking about this whole camping with the kids thing all day. I finally got a wild hair and let loose with the proclamation that we were going to do a backyard camp out tonight, tent, fire pit, marsh mellows and all. Of course this was a big hit with the kids. I chit you not, when this conversation began, it was blue sky and sunny outside. Before it was over, dark clouds had boiled into the valley and thunder began to roar. Hopefully it passes soon or I will be eating crow.
Thanks you all for the suggestions..I'm thinking the overnight boat trip to camp at the back of a lake may be a better way to start.. They haven't even stayed in a tent yet and I think they may be a little "soft" yet as far as backpacking goes..

swbuckmaster, That's a cool picture and looks like fun..I think I remember seeing some of your packing pics on the 24hr site..Feel free to share more of them here..

1911, sounds like fun..I'm sure the kids will love it..


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My (now 8-year-old) son went on his backpacking trip at 22 months. I made a saddle so he could ride a llama. He wanted LITTLE of that. He preferred to run all over the place. It was a gentle hike but 7 miles in. We camped 3 days total. He rode on my shoulders a little but mostly walked, because he was having a ball!

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