hiking, hunting snacks



Ok guys. I have been struggling with all the items coming onto the market claiming all these great things. I was wondering what you all take for reviving your body on breaks. Power bars, cliff bars, ect. thanks so much, Tim
salami and cheese

LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-12 AT 09:03AM (MST)[p]Hammer a couple of red bulls in the early morning hours! You'll be suprised how well you can hike! You may not be able to hold your crosshairs still though! I alo like the Larabar they are good made with fruit and nuts. they are only 200 calories. wish they were more. they taste good but look kinda gross.
=1 on the toasted peanut butter,bacon and honey sandwhices. also I pack peanut and granola bars for the crunch.
I prefer Zone bars to Cliff bars and add some trail mix with dried fruit/nuts/MM's, some jerky and Emergency C powder and I'm all set.
I've tried the cliff bars, power bars, and most the other energy bars. Frankly, they don't taste good and they are expensive.It's pretty hard to choke down a power bar when your hunting buddy is chowing down a nut roll. I now make up grab bags that get me through the day of hunting that consist of things I like: jerky, peanut mm's,salmon packets in sealed foil , nutroll, starbursts, individual gatoraide powder packets. I used these for 3 weeks in alaska and never felt like I was out of energy.
A myoplex 42 gram protein shake, a peanut butter and jelly heavy duty style or moster tuna fish sandwich never hurt anybody.
2 peanut butter, bacon, and honey on a bagel is my favorite and you can smash the bagel flat and it's more calories than regular bread. These 2 sandwiches are over 2200 calories. I eat one around 10 a.m. and the other around 2 pm. Anything I take has to be at least 150 calories an ounce for it to be worthy of my pack.
I can only do Pb&b bagles for about two days then I get sick of them. I like honey stinger wattles for a good snack. They are like an energy bar but taste good and weigh less.
PB&J sandwich's, at least 2 usually 4, Cheese and cracker snack packs, hershy's bite size chocolate bars , an apple or two, and all the water I can carry.
We've had this conversation before, but I really like peanut butter, bacon on the crispy side,and rasberry jam, instead of honey. I also toast the bread so it doesn't go so soggy. Bagels might be a good substitute. I also like to carry a small can of tangerine oranges, with the easy off lid. They are a real treat, even if they do add a little weight to the pack. I usually throw together into a baggie, some smoked almonds or cashews, raisins, and Reeses Pieces. Made myself hungry just thinking about a sandwich.
Peanut Butter on Rye sprinkled with Muscle Milk Powder and drink lots of SEGO, Strawberry flavor is the best.


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