Highest BAC recorded...


Long Time Member
.400 is right at the fatal level for those not acclimated to being drunk on a regular basis.

1.024 BAC​

It was -10 degrees outside in the middle of a chilly Polish winter, but police found a Polish man asleep and half naked out on the streets. When he was given a breathalyzer, he registered a whopping 1.024%. There’s no word on whether he woke up from his chilly sleep, but that’s beyond the lethal BAC of .40.

1.400 BAC​

After one Californian woman was found dead, they measured her blood alcohol concentration during her autopsy. It registered as 1.400, and her official cause of death was organ failure.

1.480 BAC​

After a car crash that resulted in serious injuries, a Polish man’s BAC was taken and it was 1.480%. That’s the highest BAC ever recorded in known history. Doctors said he survived his brush with death due to drinking, but he later died due to his injuries from the car crash.

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