Higher Fee's & Buffalo Tags


Very Active Member
If HB 0112 was on the general ballot, I think Wyoming hunters would overwhelmingly support it. Question is, how many of you would support paying more to make up the diff with lost non-rezi revenue? I'd gladly pay more. Just applied for buffalo the night before and shelled out $400 for a chance. I'm guessing the new up front fee's will scare a few folks off. Any of you guys decide not to put in for buffalo due to the new app fee?
I would gladly support much higher tag fees. Doubling them is a good place to start.

I am still in for Buffalo.
I still put in for bison. Im sure there wont be nearly as many people putting in this year. I dont like the idea of higher fees. I think every time they raise the fees is a bunch of crap!
I should draw a line in the sand and help those who need help getting their bison tag too. I have to save everyone from the big bad residents of Wyoming. (trying to see how it is being Buzzy).

I'm a selfish, me, me, me resident and put in for mine last week.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-12-14 AT 06:01PM (MST)[p]>I would gladly support much higher
>tag fees. Doubling them
>is a good place to
>I am still in for Buffalo.

***If a cap is ever instated like that Bill has in it and there is no other funding to make up for the loss of NR money, you can bet your azz that doubling the resident fees won't even come close to making up the deficit! If people actually voted for the Bill while being told that their fees might go up 4 or 5 times what they are right now how many do you think will vote in favor of the Bill? I think several of you are being very naive if you think a reasonable raise in resident fees will take care of the deficit you will incur by dropping the cap to 10%. Last session a 10% increase was resisted by most and it went down, so how do any of you figure a huge increase would ever pass?
I'm out of the buff race for now. I have 3 boys to feed and upwards of 4 gallons of whole milk per week to buy. Good luck . . .
LAST EDITED ON Feb-12-14 AT 06:54PM (MST)[p]GVH,

So when you cut the NR tags to 10%...and you still dont draw are you going to cut them down to 5%...1%????

Apparently you prefer to draw lines in shifting sands...if only obviously.

Just go with the flow and think of yourself first...dont be a leader.
I did not apply for Bison. My freezer Is plenty full of deer, beef and pork. I don't need 2000 pounds of bison meat. Although I would enjoy getting a tag someday and riding back in with horses to bowhunt a bison.. But not for me now so I will wait a couple of years to apply
How many Res hunters willing to put down $2500+ for a Buff tag? Bet the numbers of apps would drop a lot.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-12-14 AT 10:03PM (MST)[p]I have said it many times before, I'm not against NR hunters and I don't think of only me. My father is a NR and I love when he comes out to hunt. I also believe NR should be able to hunt wilderness areas. Stupid law that only benefits outfitters.

I say it's fair, you (buzz) say its not to cut NR tags. Wyoming needs to worry about Wyoming. If NR don't like it then they can do what I did in regards to NM several years ago and not apply. O ya I have no problem paying more and think residents should.
>AT 06:54?PM (MST)

>So when you cut the NR
>tags to 10%...and you still
>dont draw are you going
>to cut them down to
>Apparently you prefer to draw lines
>in shifting sands...if only obviously.
>Just go with the flow and
>think of yourself first...dont be
>a leader.

I'm going to start calling Buzz the 'Renegade Resident'!!
>Buzz is the great crusader.
>Is this one of your
>organizations agenda? Where do
>they stand when it comes
>to cutting NR tags?

Ok, how about "The Great Renegade Resident Crusader" ?

This is'nt any organizations agenda. I think cutting the percentage on elk, deer, and antelope goes too far. On the rest it is long overdue. The money lost on converting tags from moose, sheep, goat and bison can easily be made up. Residents pay $400 for bison and less than $200 for the rest. there is a whole lot of wiggle room there. I know of no resident that wouldn't pay more for these licenses.

The bills sponser today told me dropping elk, deer and antelope from this bill was a good idea.
The easiest way to make up the shortfall is charge Residents the NR fees on the tags cut from the NR pool (both license fees and bonus point fees).

No loss of revenue and the Residents can now enjoy a tiered license fee structure.
Hunted bison in 2010 and was fortunate enough to harvest one with my bow. I'd gladly pay 2500 to do it again. One of the better hunts I've been on.
Buzz I bet you poll the members of your group you'd find most would support the increase. I haven't seen buzz (pardon the pun) about any legislative matter like I did when I told the guys I work with about the bill.
Bison is an iconic critter I have always wanted. Since fair chase opportunities are so few for them, I plan to stay in the WY game for one. Anyone know if they will have points with this new format?

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
The money up front will certainly reduce applicants a bit, but not that much. Instead of applying for everyone in my family (4), which would be a rather prohibitive $13K in NR app fees, only two of us will apply this year. I've always put in for all my kids before, but that will have to stop. It won't stop me from applying, however.
Even residents will feel the pinch if putting in for several kids, the wife, etc. The biggest change, however, is not really the up front fees. It is the fact you have to purchase the tag at time of draw. IN the past, about 20% of those who had low random numbers never bought their tag. You don't have that option going forward. Imagine if all 4 of us had drawn low numbers in the past - we wouldn't have bought 4 tags in one year. Now if you draw, you have paid for the tags and there are no refunds.
The verdict is still out but I would disagree with Llamapacker that the up front money will only reduce the number of applicants a bit. I think there will be a significant reduction in applications. He said that he's reducing his family's applications by 50% from 4 to 2. I will also reduce my family's buffalo applications from 4 to 2 and possibly I may only put in for my daughter and not myself. There are lots of us folks out there that will need to reduce they're applications because of the expense of the up front money.

This is a tough time of year to come up with the extra $ since it's the same time to apply for a lot of other tags as well. We'll see what happens.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-14 AT 04:03PM (MST)[p]Ya I don't think it will deter the hardcore guys that want a bison. But I agree it should cut loose a lot of multi family member party hunters. How many do this I don't know. But I have to think its significant given the previous low fee. Kind of like when they jacked the sheep fees. I pulled 3 sons out.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club

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