high or low


Very Active Member
what do you guys like to hunt more; HIgh timberline or above? Or low river breaks and desert area. What is your favorite elevation? Mine is about 9,000 feet, with the timberline being about 8700 feet. There are some trees above that, but they are all mangled, twisted, whitebark and limber pines. In fact, the highest treee in the state of oregon is a 20 inch tall bush at 9700 feet, in one of my favorite hunting areas.
OO, so you are saying that the tallest place in Oregon is only 9700'? I would have thought one of your volcanos or other mountains are taller.

I have no particular favorite, kind of depends on what I'm hunting. Get me off the pavement and I'm one happy cook.

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
That is another question I had.... Why is timberline so diffrent in diffrent places? I find it amazing that you have trees at 10,000 feet, when nothing but grass and lichen grows at that altitude anywhere in oregon. Is it climate? Temperature? Geology?
Holy balls! A 9,700 ft tree? Think of how many board feet are in that momma! Heheehehhaaa.. High or low, wherever they happen to be at the time. I prefer to hunt high.

Not too sure, Timberline here is probably really around 9500-10,000 feet, not for sure. above that, same thing, grass, strawberries, and whatever else, rocks. I really don't think it is much different than where your at. What trees there are over 10K, if any theres not many.

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