''High Fence Bird Hunts''


Long Time Member
Does anyone do the bird farm thing in Northern Utah? I like hunting wild birds as much as the next guy but it's pretty much a thing of the past around here it seems. I went to a place many years ago that worked well if you didn't have a dog. Most I am aware of anymore you'd pretty much need a dog to get your birds. I'm toying with the idea of getting a bird dog and doing some of that in the future.
There are several preserves and pheasant farms around here. Let me know if you're interested.

"Some people are like slinkys; not really good for anything
but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!"
If you're used to hunting wild birds the preserve will probably be a let down to you, having to kick the bird half the time to get it to fly takes something away from it. I hunt preserves when training a pup but after that I don't care for it, but I have wild chuckar to hunt.

If you like shotguns and want to have some fun have you tried sporting clays at a good club? as far as I'm concerned it's a lot more fun than preserve shoots.
You have to pick your clubs carefully. The key is good cover(no brainer there) and good birds. Birds should be small, good flyers and not over fed. There are several varieties but the clubs I am familiar with raise/buy Kansas bluebacks. I have hunted clubs for sevral years and have experienced clubs that had big, fat birds that barely flew. The ones I hunt now have small birds that really run and fly like wild birds. I've chased birds for several hundred yards and still have them flush 100yds ahead when I can't keep up with my doggie.

from the "Heatland of Wyoming"

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