High end Joy ride!!!!


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jul-06-11 AT 03:07AM (MST)[p]Cant believe this! There are a few dumb azz kids stealing high end cars and burning them to the ground for a few bucks in aluminum parts. ect

I think this would have been the greatest get away car ever! The car was only a week old when the punks took it!


Only a few hundred dollars in computer and camera parts was taken from Nathan's house and a half million dollar get away car torched! What a waste! I hope they catch em. I must say im not a fan of the police work in this area. They leak this to the media instead of setting up a few guys in the trees waiting for the punks to come back. The punks have burned a high end car every week for several weeks in this area. In fact they burned another car in the same area about 2 days after they ran this story.

All the cars have been burned on my job site. I've seen about 10 in the last week. In one of my photos you will see a bmw smashing a Hyundai. The Hyundai was supposedly stuck in the mud and they used the BMW to smash the heck out of it. The Hyundai's dont look like their made very good because it didn't hardly do anything to the BMW!

It actually took a 4 wheel drive to drive into see the Ferrari. So you would have thought there was no way in Heck to get the Ferrari in. Must have been one he!! of a ride!

Here is a photo of the Ferrari before it was torched.



Looks like an insurance scam...

"I actually agree with NONYA on this."
Insurance scam? I don't think so! First off why would a guy that is worth 950 million dollars burn his car. Then throw in the 10 other high end cars that are not his. throw in the fact that we got robbed the first day we were here and Id say its some drugged out pos's. Ive also found canoes stolen here stashed in the reeds. The problem is when stuff is found the cops don't do anything about it. The cops found a kid on the side of the road with a cell phone from one of the owners of the bmw that were burnt and guess what they let him go! shotty police work if you ask me. Then top it all off these cars are being taken from the homes of people that own two story homes. The crooks walk in when everyone is asleep at night. steel a few bits and then take the keys and use your vehicle as the get a way ride.

You practically cant own a gun here and you sure as hell cant shoot them when you catch them in the act robbing you in your own house!

This is the direction obama and the rest of the pin headed liberals want our great nation to end up like. NO THANKS!

Where are these taking place?
I thought you lived in UT?
Crazy stuff man, too bad stuff like this happens. Someone needs an old fashioned high country tune up

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Im working on a dam here. I map underground water "leaks" ect. I like it here. The winter weather is awesome where im at. I do think its funny because all the farmers put canvas coats on their horses like there going to get cold and you can walk around with a tee shirt on half the time. Ive been trying to work out how I can go and maybe shoot a pig, goat or camel lol. Im just on the wrong side of the island for that kind of stuff. I think one of these days when im over here ill get a chance just not on this trip.

I was walking in the trees one night and asked one of the locals if there were drop bears in the area "Koalas". He said hes never seen on in his life. I said aren't those eucalyptus trees? He said yes and I said don't they eat the leaves of those trees. He said yes but they don't like the wet ground around here so you wont see them here. He then looked up and what do you know there was one right there. One of the guys Im working with said never in a million years that would happen because he has also never seen one in the wild. So here is a photo of the "drop bear".


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