High dollar hunting duds


Long Time Member
I see a lot of Sitka brand hunting clothing for sale in the classifieds..The stuff sells for crazy money even used, is this stuff like the Giorgio Armani of hunting clothes or what?


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Can't afford it...but if it allowed me to kill a bigger animal, at this point in my life I'd buy it!!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
As if like there is anything else? Everyone in NYC and all teh fashionable gents arewearing the stuff. Come on...

Personally I am a carhart kinda guy.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
Yeah that's what I was thinking Eel, I can't afford the used stuff let alone new.

Some of it looks nice but most is not my style.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-10-11 AT 07:08AM (MST)[p]no doubt eel ! after a few days of salmon azz, ripping heavy 15 second long farts and sweating like a pig couldn't imagine anybody wanting to wear my clothes
Its like all high end hunting gear, if you road hunt and only hike up the hill to drop a deuce, you wont really gain much and Wally world gear works fine....... Hell, who needs fancy binos when you can use your rifle scope to check out other hunters....

I bit the bullet last year and got some nicer clothes for the first time and it makes a world of difference for the way I hunt. I can't believe how much time I wasted being miserable in denim......

And most dudes making fun of these clothes spend their days in tight ass wranglers that they can't button standing up...... Thats far more disturbing to me...

Whats wrong with some old, faded Wranglers? If there good enough for yard work then there good enough for the hills. Cheaper also.

Nothing wrong with them. The newer materials are just better, safer, and more comfortable. Ever been rained on wearing jeans? Ask search and rescue the worst thing that they run into with hypothermia cases.... Wet denim..

All that said, more book bucks have probably been killed in Levis than all Camo put together.... They work fine for lots of guys.

+1 Eldorado!!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
If they keep me warmer and more comfy,I will buy them. I love my cold weather under armour will never go on a cold weather hunt without it.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I'm confused on why its so expensive... It must be a brand name thing... Though, I had never heard of it until this year I think...

$200 for a vest..?? You gotta be kidding me... Pants I can see investing in, but tops..?? how much wear do you get on your shirts or jackets...?? I go through pants pretty well, but not tops...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Whats wrong with some old, faded Wranglers? If there good enough for yard work then there good enough for the hills. Cheaper also.

Our grandfathers, uncles etc never had these camo bitches, shirts. My grandfather wore just plain old Uncle Ben's overalls and my uncle wore Levi's and JC Penny flannel shirts.

I have Outfitter camo jacket, Alaskan Shirt and wrangler pants...good enough for me.

If i were young again and hunting the way i did back then, i'd have some good hi tech gear and clothing, no doubt about it. As is, i hunt using polyester fleece sweats, $100, boots, and enough cloths to stay warm.

You are just paying extra for the thong, camo pantyhose, and the velcro, easy access tampon removal/insertion flap......but hey, some guys want all the newest gear!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I remember the days when you could get some smokin' deals at the Army/Navy store on military surplus. Now you can't even do that. When hunting gear costs more than an Italian imported custom tailored suit, something is wrong.
I don't like it. I take this stuff very seriously and have looked at SITKA repeatedly. It's not waterproof and makes a LOT more theoretical sense than it is useful. I wouldn't use it if it were given to me, because I want effective. I recommend Rivers West.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Shoulda known someone woulda inferred if you don't wear this overpriced crap you must be a fat lazy road huntin' wheeler rider. Funny Chit!

Use what works for YOU, but with most deer seasons in the dead of FALL with its nipple busting low 30's temps I don't think Sitka or other such over priced crap is necessary, IMO.

Wear your favorites and hunt hard and you will have even odds of success.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!

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