Hey #####


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-10 AT 08:53PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-10 AT 08:52?PM (MST)

dont know why it x'ed out the name????
i dont know why when you type "blue mountain adventures " in one word it does that? i've done it too
well XXXXX'ing out his name is a bunch of BS!

How did the show go??? I meant to make it over to meet you but things came up and couldnt!

Did you fill all your hunts? Wishing you the best-of-luck on that!

Anyways just checkin in to see how your doing after the big week.

taker easy ~ muleyman
Lol, its ok guys! Shows this year have been better than last years. It seems alot of hunters are booking drop camps this year. Since I can supply NR guaranteed tags, this seems to be increasingly popular way to go.
We Drew that Mt Emily NR Outfitter tag again, and same guy that hunted last year with me (with that unhappy guy) bought it again. So, we will be going for that really big bull again.
Wish I had more Spring Bear hunters this Spring though, as there is very little snow pack, and get into alot more bear country this year.
Thanks to all of you that came and said HI at the shows! I was hoping that the "unhappy hunter" that posted on here would at least come to talk to me at the show, and work things out.....did not show. Anyhow, I try and make everyone happy, and just realize its impossible to do. Give them a nice warm comfortable place to sleep, good warm meals and lots of big bulls in their sights is about all I can do. If they choose to be too picky and not pull the trigger, well, thats on them, not me.
I was just throwing in a little humor.

Hey, are you doing the Italian Catering thing again this year?
I might have to stop by some night...
Ha! Actually the other hunter that is coming back for a crack at that big bull liked it! So....Maybe! But I did make sure what everyone is expecting to eat at my camps this year!
I always take care of any diatary concerns, but never had someone complain about the food. I thought vacuum packed Italian was a great idea, but guess not everyone agreed! lol
Well, hopefully We can close the deals this year. Even tho we are guides, its still hunting, and we cant pull the triggers. But those of you that have guided, know what I mean.
yah just being there with someone, watching them possibly pull the trigger on a monster...priceless!

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