Hey Z


Long Time Member
I feel your pain man!

But my team lost on the road!

Yes the big man will be back on the floor in boston and i hope he gets suspended when he chokes out james!
I'd pay alot of money to watch fatazz shaq sit on the chest of lebron and crush him to death!
Blows me away to see the Lakers lose 2 in LA. Did not, would not, see that coming from Dallas. Not over but still...

P Jackson sure seems unconcerned while his second team keeps losing the lead with his first team guys on the bench. He's the Guru but these guys got no ball to play at all if they lose this series. Play your best team to win! They got all summer and fall to rest!

The only reason I'm not concerned is Kobe told reporters "Be careful what you write" after the game, and they've wrote nothing but "Lakers are done" since. If there's one thing I've learned about KB24 it's that he's an absolute assassin after reporters talk crap...tomorrow night can't come soon enough :)


Hey Joey, think Artest will be suspended?? I hope not but I think it'll be announced today...

I hope Boston takes out Miami too!!

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
I can smell a crisp benge in my back pocket! The lakers better bring their A game cuz they look like crap!
"What did artest do?"

I didn't see the replay but at the time, it looked like a forearm to the head neck area of a guy when the game was basically over. Looked pretty intentional to me at the time...

This was after he already had been called, BS call it was IMO, earlier in the game for a technical foul. I've seen a thousand worse hits taken by guys under the rim with no fouls called but it being Artest and out in the open as it was, yeah, i don't doubt that he gets suspended for a game. Probably deservedly so.

Artest is a loose cannon. No offense Joey, but he is a flagrant foul away from seriously hurting someone. Dallas had a breakaway when the game was already sealed and Artest come from out of nowhere and fouled the would be dunker. I understand the aspect of pride but if Artest was one step closer to the shooter, he really could have laid him out....and possibly would have. Artest is physical and I commend him for that. BUT, the dude doesnt use his brain half the time and doesn't know his own strength. I don't think he'll be suspended because it is the playoffs. Phil Jackson should have pulled him with :45 left as Jackson knows of Artests attitude. If Artest gets suspended, I put that on Phil Jacksons shoulders for not taking him out of the game.

I'm a Lakers fan but I don't see them winning both games in Dallas....maybe one. It's a long road for them to say the least.

The refs were horrible calling last nights games. Lots of ticky-tack fouls called with some obvious fouls not called....for both teams. Lakers played like sh!t!! If I were Dallas' coach, I'd start Barea....he tore LA up.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Steve, thanks for clearing that up for me. sarcasm J/k

Did you read what i wrote? Did you disagree with what i said? You really hate the guy huh?

You Said, "If Artest gets suspended, I put that on Phil Jacksons shoulders for not taking him out of the game."

I personally place the loss of the Game on Jackson for not playing Artest more and especially in the 4th Quarter except the last 3 minutes! Jackson had Blake and others in there, doing a TERRIBLE job. Jackson has done this both the last two laker games, both losses. I just don't understand why Jackson doesn't want to win these games??

Laker quality depth goes down to Odem. After that, bunch of guys wanting to get their shots in. Athletic, yes, but they are not near the BB player or winning team player that Artest is, not even close!!

WOW! No Artest for a game. I'm surprised they suspended him being the playoffs. They will miss his defense for sure. Maybe Luke Walton can replace him?! Why do the Lakers insist on keeping Luke Walton? He must be getting the league minimum or something. I just don't get that.

Joey- I agree with you about the bench. Blake had the worst game down the stretch I've ever seen him play. He shot horribly and had two crucial turnovers.

About Phil Jackson- Why was Kobe out for 6 minutes in the second quarter? Yes, Dallas was only up by 3 or 4 when Kobe came back in but with Kobe not sitting for 6 minutes, maybe LA leads by 3 or 4 if he only sits 3 minutes. Just a thought.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Steve, my points exactly. How does a guy second guess Phil Jackson, But, yes give the guys a break, but just a break. He's playing his second string guys way too long for the playoffs IMO. When Artest played with Sac and Houston, he played almost the whole game. Guys like Artest and Kobe don't need or want THAT much rest, especially in big games. If they are going good, the heck with the structured rest times like Phil does, let them play!

I look at and add; rebounds, assists, steals, and blocked shots. Anything over 12 total is a pretty decent game for a guy especially if he's not the major rebound guy. Artest near leads the team in most games in this stat but it doesn't show unless a guy is like me, looking for it.

As i said, i'm not surprised Artest is out 1 game, not at all, and he deserved it IMO. Kinda hope the Lakers can get back in this even though i'm not a huge Lakers fan.

The Lakers guards better D up if they want to win game 3. Berrae Sp? Made the Lake show look old and slow.

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