Hey Utards.....



I know as LDS folk you're not suposed to bet. But, if you were to bet who is geting baptised next Sat, Who would you think it was.......

Does getting your sins washed away mean that I'm forgiven for all the Heartache I've caused the punks at Monster Mulies over all the years ?!?!?!


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!


No more hunting on Sunday for Moosie!!

LAST EDITED ON Oct-20-08 AT 04:47PM (MST)[p]

Say it aint so Joe! say it aint so.....

I think its alot like getting married....sounds like a great idea at the time but in the end it isn't and you end up asking yourself, "what the f$^@!#$%! was i thinking"

so as a friend (or doing what a friend should do) i send you this "b!tchslap* wake the hell up, Son!*" courtesy of your true friends here at MM!

No,really moosie, being as i was born and raised as one, i know there are some good things about what you're about to do...good luck and no you dont get a free pass on all the heartache you've caused, you'll have to truely repent (which means saying and meaning your sorry to each person you've offended).

A couple little known things that ARE acceptable
- Home teaching the dancers from the Pussycat Club(while they are at work).
- Using the coupons for all you can eat at the steak house of your choice on the first sunday of the month


"YD- thats some funny chit!"
I'm sure you guys have had that sick feeling you get when you hear that someone you almost know has died. Maybe you only knew the guy from a site like this but you have heard enough about him or read his stuff enough that when you find out he's dead you feel physically sick to your stomach. Like you lost a real friend to a tragic accident.

That's kinda how I feel right now. :'(
what do you think the chances are the water will be deep enough they can hold him underwater for an extended period of time and do us all a favor :)
I thinks it would be more for HIS own good, not ours, we kinda like the guy!!

I guess if your excited to get to the "other side", what a great way to go....while being babtized.
That way you can go STRAIGHT to the top with an absolute clean slate!! ;-)

Just razzin ya Moosie, congratulations....life as you once knew it is now over. Lol


IF what you are saying is the truth, then all I have to say is Im proud of you. When and where?? I might be willing to make the drive to see this.

Thats what I like about the BOYZ here, Always offering support :) :)

Tuff, It's going to be in NAMPA, Idaho at the Greenhurst Stake Building. I think another fella or two will be coming from Utah, maybe we could get a buss ;)

You guys dont' worry about me, I can hold my own. I have a Guy flying in from texas to Dunk me. There are 2 hired insiders I'm palying to make sure I come out of the water....... Cuz, ya never know with you guys ;)


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
"no you dont get a free pass on all the heartache you've caused, you'll have to truely repent (which means saying and meaning your sorry to each person you've offended)."

If you could start a List so I can Start an Email chain... I'll have that done by 2032 I'm sure ~~


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-20-08 AT 04:58PM (MST)[p]Actually i do believe you get a free pass....I'd ask my dad to be sure but his azz wont be home from his mission in Thailand for another 6 months...and i'm a lot bit rusty on the rules and regs. of the church.

like i said earlier...good luck, if you'd put it off for 2 weeks i'm gonna be in Eagle, and would drive over to see this lightning storm about to hit a church that you speak of.

Hey Moosie-"How come you never got baptised"?

Moosie-"I never got around to it, OK"!

Seriously though, good for you. I hope it works out well for you, I know it has for me.
You guys make it sound like I'm dieing, Instead of being Reborn ;)

I actually tried commiting a Sin the other day and Realized I was all FULL..... So I figured I would start over with a clean slate *wink*

My biggest fear is the Water will turn Brown from all my sins as I'm lowered into the water *EEK*


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!

I don't think it will be your sins that will turn the water brown...it'll likely be all those chocolate milkshakes bleeding out of your pores...

Every once in a while, you log on to MM and wade through the crap people spew, and find something that just makes ya feel good. If its a new way of life you're seeking, I'm proud to say congrat to ya. If you lost a bet with browtine on your elk hunt, then I'm proud of him. :) Either way, I feel good. But this event won't be near as cool as the one a year from now.

>Post a picture of you burning
>your EMINEM CDs and I'll
>believe you.:)

You're not supposed to have Eminem CD's???? Crap.
Us Utards are only Mormon till we get to Wendover , then we pretend we don't recognize each other :)
WHOOOOah !!! Chit, I never heard that EminEm is out. Is that a Comandment ? I'm glad I heard about this before Sat..... ;)

You guys are too much. Don't worry, I won't change much, I'll still call the Stupid people Stupid, and Call BS when I see it... which at this place is most of the time !!!

Yellum, they were short on a Bishop in the 9th Ward so I jumped on the 2 month Fast track. No year for me to get my G's.... If anyoen can pull it off, I think it's me. I hear if you pay 13.5% you get you Gold card pass sooner ;)

Is it wrong to wear Arm floats when I go ? As long as they are white ?


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!

Next come the angel shaps and the unleaded Coke!!! Oh yah, I forget, you have to start drinking O'Duhls!

It's always an adventure!!!

That's what happens when you know a "buttload of crap about the gospel". I admire converts because they know what they were missing.
Pete: Well I'll be a sonofabitch. Delmar's been saved.

Delmar O'Donnell: Well that's it, boys. I've been redeemed. The preacher's done warshed away all my sins and transgressions. It's the straight and narrow from here on out, and heaven everlasting's my reward.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Delmar, what are you talking about? We've got bigger fish to fry.

Delmar O'Donnell: The preacher says all my sins is warshed away, including that Piggly Wiggly I knocked over in Yazoo.

Ulysses Everett McGill: I thought you said you was innocent of those charges?

Delmar O'Donnell: Well I was lyin'. And the preacher says that that sin's been warshed away too. Neither God nor man's got nothin' on me now. C'mon in boys, the water is fine.
Congrats, but I will bet your wife and kids are the happiest. Congrats to them also.
Jeremiah 16:16

"Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall fish them ; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks."

Congrats on your decision. I imagine that you've got lots of neat experiences ahead! You've been called to serve for sure! :)
Holy $hit, I leave for Nevada for a stretch & look what happens.

I got sum questions;

1. Who performed the exorcism makin this possible ?
2. Did they lower their standards or WTF ?
3. Whats 10% of nuthin ?
4. do they know your gay ?
5. Is there an overactive ego policy ?
6. does that mean porn is out ?
7. Manny/Moosie gospel show ?

Oh well, nuthin ventured nothin gained :)
LAST EDITED ON Oct-28-08 AT 11:08PM (MST)[p]congrats from a Brazilian baptizing Idahoan!! Definitely the way to go, and if you survive it "dunking" then you have a lot to look forward to! Look forward to that year mark!!
You can have my membership spot Moosie. Never really found much use for it.

I have a better idea. Send me 10% of your pay and I will put you to work on Sundays/weeknights/every damn free moment you have, and I will not pay you a nickel? I can also provide you with some of the most gawd-awful underwear you ever saw. I will give you punch and cookies, call you Brother, and pat you on the back a lot. Deal?

Please do not use the words "thee" and "thou" in your posts either. Get rid of the porno section on HuntTalk or I will talk to your Bishop. You will now be judged by all around you!! Ha ha ha ha!!!
Some people can be down right rude....
Don't mind them...
Congratulations Moosie :)

Awesome, Moosie. I ain't a Utard, but if you're ever in NM I'll buy you a non-alcoholic beverage of your choice and you and Bugler can still tell me all the hunting lies you want... ;-)

It ain't a sin if I already know you're lying, is it?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-08 AT 10:52PM (MST)[p]I am not rude! Just honest.;-)

Nothing wrong with what you are doing Moose-Knuckles. No more coveting thy neighbors wife tho. Hell, if my jokes bug you you will never last. Some of my best friends are very LDS and so is my wife. I have lots of repect for them. Not you, but them.;-)

I never rip a guy for doing what is best for him.

I even think Mozey likes me a little bit?;-)
Frozen in AK, No worries, I don't have soft "feelers", I don't take much personaly around here... or anywere for that matter.

KTC, you make me laugh man :) But you need to remember I didn't join for your respect, So if I don't have it I think I'll be OK. My adult jokes section would go away but thats the only way I can get the Utards to post at my site. It's funny who all asks for the password...... You are right though. There is alot of things asked from people. Some people are put out by helping others or doing things. I've jsut never been one to be put out. I have been actually doing less now that I've had the "Exorcism" as BFE puts it, done ... :)

B_F_E, I was wondering where you were. I figured to one of those bi-yearly Bi-se}{ual meetings you and your boyfriend Seth go to. Sounds like you're playing it off like a hunting trip or something ?

As far as Porn, As long as it's "MISSIONARY STYLE" it's OK ;)

Mozey, I'll make a Post when me and Bugler are down in your neck of the woods come Feb for the ORYX tag we drew. You know thats why KTC is crying right ? I dra all his out of state tags !!! :)


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
Congrats Moosie.

I'm sure everyone knows why you have to always take 2 of us mormons along hunting when you go right? If you only take 1 he is going to drink all your beer.

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