hey tag..


Long Time Member

Actually I was avoiding being #####/pissed on by the 80 year old lady that had NO control of her bowels or bladder, when Justr sent me a text version of this....I was able to view the picture without being noticed, but the laughter it caused, made to patient think I was laughing at her incontenance...I assured her I WAS laughing at her crapping herself for the 5th time today, and she got mad, and shits ome more.

Actually my first thought was, someone has actually met my mother....then I turned around and sent it to my boss, and 2 of our Physician Assts...

That shits too funny not to pass on!

Tag will look real good in that shirt & his Green Hospital Jammie bottoms!:D

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

I've got Wild Honey Tree's and Crazy Little Weeds growin around my Shack!
These Dusty Roads ain't streets of gold but I'm happy right where I'm at!
All these Perty little Western Belles are a Country Boys Dream!
They ain't got Wings or MM Halo's but they sure look good to me!
Not if that shirt doesn't come in something 5 sizes smaller...

I'm just a lil feller..you know that, STTM.


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