Hey Slam, help me with some figures.


Long Time Member
Mr. Slamdunk,

Let's say MDF found a spot that needed some juniper whacking. How many acres with $35000 and some good ol MDF volunteers could yall get grabbed out?
After MDF pay's its employees, rent and some Miscellaneous expenditures, $35,000 wouldn't even get the Brush hog warmed up.
It takes them that much to get the front lawn mowed.
Mr. Slamdunk,

Let's say MDF found a spot that needed some juniper whacking. How many acres with $35000 and some good ol MDF volunteers could yall get grabbed out?

Maybe there's some comparison in here somewhere ?

We were going to have a great thread.

Well if you end up finding out a round about figure of acreage post it up could you.

How about how many bitter brush plants does $35000 buy?

We were going to have a great thread.

Well if you end up finding out a round about figure of acreage post it up could you.

How about how many bitter brush plants does $35000 buy?
D-40 (two year old sprouts) with vexar tube are approximately $4.50 each
The WRI link i posted in another thread lists hundreds of projects throughout the west and breaks them down to the vary plants, acreage and itemized costs.
You can spend hours on there researching anything you'd like project wise, including what conservation groups are involved and every penny spent.
It is extremely transparent.
Materials and Supplies
20,000 two year old shrub seedlings in D-40 pots with vexar tube protectors at about $4.50 each.
Materials and Supplies
Two earth augers and bits
Personal Services (permanent employee)
4 Full time UDWR employees 40 hours.
Seed (GBRC)
Seed for 50 acres
Personal Services (seasonal employee)
Seasonal labor to help plant seedlings
Archaeological Clearance
200 acres X $21.50 =$4,300

We were going to have a great thread.

Well if you end up finding out a round about figure of acreage post it up could you.

How about how many bitter brush plants does $35000 buy?
Do your own homework...isn't hard to find answers to your questions.

Here's a question, boy, show us an itemized list of all the conservation work you've done.
Do your own homework...isn't hard to find answers to your questions.

Here's a question, boy, show us an itemized list of all the conservation work you've done.


I talk a lot of junk on these forums but I mean this with all seriousness, you are acting like you are under the influence of chemicals. I hope you find the help you need.
Materials and Supplies
20,000 two year old shrub seedlings in D-40 pots with vexar tube protectors at about $4.50 each.
Materials and Supplies
Two earth augers and bits
Personal Services (permanent employee)
4 Full time UDWR employees 40 hours.
Seed (GBRC)
Seed for 50 acres
Personal Services (seasonal employee)
Seasonal labor to help plant seedlings
Archaeological Clearance
200 acres X $21.50 =$4,300

Very interesting. Thanks for the info. So it looks like about 4,800 plants +/-.

If yall were planting 4,800 plants, over how much area do you think yall would spread that?
You think old tristate would go to the source for the answers he seeks. Instead he’s trying to go through the guy that cuts the sleeves off all the MDF t shirts? And he’s trying to to play it off like he’s serious. Asking slamdunk anything regarding habitat etc is like asking the guy who takes your order at the drive through what’s in the special sauce…

<insert sauce jokes here>
The archeological clearance fees, are those a permit fee to the state, or just some CYA paid out to a consultant?
Dang Slam, just trying to get some conversation around here so everyone can see some of the obstacles that conservation organizations face on projects and everyone just wants to talk about me.

Anybody that has more info on costs, or even better ways to cut them, feel free to chime in.

I find it interesting that yall have to pay the DWR extra to get their employees to do their job. Kind of sounds like a national parks department in Africa.
Thanks for the info Mtnrunner. So the $21.50 per acre is paid out directly to this state agency.

So it looks like more and more state regulation is not the majority cash monster on these projects but it looks like somewhere around 1/3 of the project cost is to pay off the state.
Dang Slam, just trying to get some conversation around here so everyone can see some of the obstacles that conservation organizations face on projects and everyone just wants to talk about me.

Anybody that has more info on costs, or even better ways to cut them, feel free to chime in.

I find it interesting that yall have to pay the DWR extra to get their employees to do their job. Kind of sounds like a national parks department in Africa.
We don't pay the DNR employees, that cost is just figured into the cost of the project because they are paid employees whereas 95% of the people on the project are volunteers.

I do appreciate your broader perspective of things though.
Most people only have a view from 10,000ft versus the 30,000 that is the reality of it all.
We don't pay the DNR employees, that cost is just figured into the cost of the project because they are paid employees whereas 95% of the people on the project are volunteers.

I do appreciate your broader perspective of things though.
Most people only have a view from 10,000ft versus the 30,000 that is the reality of it all.

That's great to know. For a second I was really worried about the DWR.?
Thanks for the info Mtnrunner. So the $21.50 per acre is paid out directly to this state agency.

So it looks like more and more state regulation is not the majority cash monster on these projects but it looks like somewhere around 1/3 of the project cost is to pay off the state.
No not state agency to state agency.
The 21.5 goes to a company like Logan Simpson or Eco-plan. They conduct the on the ground field work that satisfies the agency regulations.
It is typically of benefit to "run" the cost of projects up. This provides match for other available funds.

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