Hey Sage!!


Long Time Member
I've been hating on the guy all year but I definately have to give your guy the respect he deserves dude...I promise this will be the ONLY time I'll ever say this but...GO RON ARTEST GO!! lol good freakin gawd that dude played out of his mind against Denver today!! By far the best performance of his career and imho that was the best physical game I've seen all season long, possibly the best in a couple seasons...

LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-10 AT 02:53AM (MST)[p]NC, I watched part of that Game today too. Sports this weekend were off the chart fantastic to see. My remote is going to take a couple days to cool down. :)

You know Ron Ron has been playing hurt. His concussion around Christmas set him back way more than the games he missed and i still don't think that he has recovered subconsciously from the knock he took to his head. Then lately he has developed plantar fasciitis in both feet, lost a step or two there, but more importantly, the guy is hurting bad yet giving it his all.

The guy is a warrior though! I watched him play every game for most of the two years that he was in Sac and he flat earned my respect for the heads-up stuff he does as a matter of routine on the court. Yeah, no doubt that he had a great game Sun, some of his numbers were high, great D on Mello, 6 steals i think, and near 20 points scored, but with Ron out there, you got a guy who wants to win so bad every single game and is going to do all the little things, give you his best every time...even in a loss.

I don't want to disagree with you about this being his best game, even with the lakers, but believe me, if you value other parts of the game and guys willing to step up if need be, shoulder the load, Ron Artest is the kind of guy you want on your team. Hopefully, he'll get his feet recovered and his first step quickness and jumping ability back. Then you'll see the real Ron A. and at times he'll flat blow your mind with the stuff he can do on the court. It really sucks that Sac let him go, now, Sac ain't hardly worth watching and i'm rooting for the Lakers...WTF :)

Very true he has been playing hurt...I guess when he got traded to LA I expected him to play like he did in Houston during the playoffs last year and when he didn't do crap the first little while I was pretty ruthless in my judgement. Dude is definitely a warrior though!! The first game against Denver this season he told Kobe and PJ that he would lock Melo down on defense and not to worry...well that didn't happen but it was probably due to injury...he has officially redeemed himself lol!! Melo is a top 5 scorer in the world and for anyone to be able to lock that guy down on defense is a HUGE accomplishment...hats off to your guy :) His defense was incredible today!! With how physical the game was I was shocked he didn't punch someone though lmao!!

If he plays like that in the playoffs this year there's no chance they'll lose in any seven game series...no possible chance!! Kobe's had a busted shooting finger, back spasms, and sprained ankle most of the season...Gasol has had his share of injuries...Artest with his...and LA is still on top of the West by a long shot!! I know you've been a Laker Hater before but welcome to the dark side brotha!! }> }> }>

I'm glad to see Artest fitting in and playing the roll that they want of him, if he can get his feet well, it speaks doom for the rest of the league. I want to mention or ask though, how do you think Odem is playing?

I've not been a big fan of his but he looks to be improving all the time. I could even see a time where Artest might be the one to come off the bench and he'd be ok with that. With those 4 guys though, gonna be tough for others to compete.

L.O. is the type of guy that "could" be an All Star anytime he wants to be but for whatever unknown reasons, he isn't consistent...until playoff time...

Last season you may or may not recall but the Cavs had the best record in the NBA and lost only 1 game at home and it was a loss to the Lakers...not because of Kobe...Odom straight up tore Cleveland apart by himself!! Neither Lebron or Kobe scored over 20 points that game and I think Odom had 27 points with a ton of other stats, if I remember right. I'll guarantee when it comes finals time game 6 or 7, 4th quarter with 8 or less minutes remaining, the line up will be Kobe, Gasol, Fisher, Odom, and Artest...:)

Ron's having a tough time guarding Wade tonight. He doing OK but Wade as a guard, is just too quick. Kobe is going OFF!! :)


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