Hey Rug!!


Long Time Member
I got your email Rug...sorry to hear about the intense swelling but I'm pretty sure that's normal!! I'm confused though...bout a couple things...why did you send me this pic and wtf is that standing next to you?? Didn't your doc tell you not to let anyone touch em for at least a week or two?? :D

PS...nice shoes!!

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Well ~Z~ thats about how they feel this morning. I spend a few hours yesterday working in the Jeep. When I got done I was paying for it!!

The guy in the picture in our very own MM memmber foundation.. he is always willing to lend a helping hand.. NOT!!!
HAHA , ewe wish you was taller than me Rug . I'm normally willing to lend a helping hand , but with your family jewels you are all on your own .

Those are some stylish shoes though . I think you should wear them elk hunting .

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