Hey mightyhunter


Long Time Member
How close is the fire to your house? Watching it from the window and not looking good.

I was out of the area until yesterday. You could see smoke from this fire along the interstate from Big Timber on. There have been two other fires on the east front of the Beartooths since I have lived here. This fire is in Montana and is north of Line Creek. Last night the wind was blowing the smoke and fire North and West towards Red Lodge. Since that time, the wind has shifted from the South and is now a North wind pushing the smoke and fire South back towards the Clark and Line Creek area. Where it may be headed is near the area burned a few years ago in the last fire.

When it was clear last night, I could see the fire heading towards Red Lodge and the community of Bear Creek. It was climbing the steep mountainous areas towards the top of the Beartooth Mountains. It was also burning along the Meeteetsee Trail heading North. This area has many homes off the grid and a few very nice homes just over the ridge from Red Lodge. I was told it was man caused. This is the usual initial response from the USFS. The last two fires along this front were caused by lightning. There is a lot of beetle killed lodgepole along the front but below it is the usual sagebrush and grass.

Access to the fire should be a little easier except for those portions climbing up into the Beartooths. That is extremely steep and remote.

Any changes to the response?!? Out here, first sign of smoke and there’s a huge response to jump on it, at least by local and CalFire, which is good…I know for a while FS was like, it can burn a bit…:oops:
Any changes to the response?!? Out here, first sign of smoke and there’s a huge response to jump on it, at least by local and CalFire, which is good…I know for a while FS was like, it can burn a bit…:oops:

I saw planes/helicopters before i heard about it. So i would say quick response in my opinion

Brokeback Mountain 2 (uncensored) - Alaska Version. The story of a forbidden and secretive relationship between two cowboys and their lives in Alaska.

Sorry I don’t have time to watch that. Why did you take down your YouTube videos?
The catch is it’s 2 Alaskans making there way to California In September and hit the bighorns and that same Wyoming air that drives the bulls crazy drive them nuts so pitched a igloo and made bumps in the night!! Finally made there way to the beaches where they now live happily ever after!! Found love warmth and became Democrats!! Ohhh and forgot they lost there adopted kid going over white mountain which is where the seductive horse whisper showed up!!

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