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Hey this is not Elder Davenport this is Paul he baptized me and my wife and he asked me if i would do this for him but i know he would love to hear from you.





I'm thinking this should be on the campfire forumn or your myspace page, but not the mule deer forumn.
Maybe it should be in your photo album or sent home to your family, not posted all over the net. And a lot of us know the missionary rules on here BTW.
>I'm thinking this should be on
>the campfire forumn or your
>myspace page, but not the
>mule deer forumn.

I'm thinking if he wants to be a missionary he needs to be a missionary and put this stuff behind him him till hes done.

I am thinking you sould read the post it wasnt him that posted it! and second i know if someone told me i couldnt hunt or find sheds or even talk about hunting and finding sheds i would tell them to go piss up a rope.

Just Living The Dream
Relax guys. Not a big deal! Show_Me_Your_Rack has a lot of friends on this site. All he is doing is asking a friend in the mission field to post a few photos of his mission for the rest of us to see. I was serving a mission ten years ago right now. Is it easy to leave your life (hunting) and family home and serve? No it is not. I commend him for his service and am not at all concerned that he still remembers his friends and interests back home. As long as a missionary stays focused (this does not mean, not send pictures to friends) and works hard he will grow and find success.

I don't personally know Show_Me_Your_Rack, but tell him we all say hello and wish him the best as he continues to work hard and serve as a missionary.

>I am thinking you sould read
>the post it wasnt him
>that posted it! and second
>i know if someone told
>me i couldnt hunt or
>find sheds or even talk
>about hunting and finding sheds
>i would tell them to
>go piss up a rope.

He can talk about hunting and sheds, but screwing around on the internet whether or not he is doing the posting is not part of a missionary life. BTW what are people gunna think about Mormons when they see these pictures?
>He can talk about hunting and sheds,
>but screwing around on the internet whether
>or not he is doing the posting is not
>part of a missionary life.
>BTW what are people gunna think about Mormons
>when they see these pictures?

Thats the point he was not on it says right in the post it is not him that was on. and i think that those pic say mormons like white elephants, hats and hair cuts if that is a bad thing then i am going straigt to hell.

Just Living The Dream
i have only seen this post. and i would like to add how terrible those pics are. o what will they think of you now.
Just Living The Dream
I think it needs to be in the camp fire as well. For sure actually.


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-08 AT 05:39PM (MST)[p]i agree with you on that timber it does need to be in the campfire as it has nothing to do with mule deer.

Just Living The Dream
i thought the mission field was some where in africa or some place like it, not a big city.? Hmmmmmmm
I go lookin for deer instead of goin to church, then I get church while I am lookin for mule deer???

Good luck to ya out there RACK.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-08 AT 11:32PM (MST)[p]He'd like us to send pics of our daughters? appropriate? he'll have his judgement day, i wont throw a stone, cause you can send me pics of your legal aged daughters too.


These are mission pics for sure! Yes it does appear that some mission rules have been broken or at least bent. But it also appears that Elder Davenport is working hard and his personality and testimony are shining through and making a difference in other's lives. It also looks like he is enjoying the experience and having fun. Not excommunicateable offenses for sure. It may take him a while to get called to be a DL or ZL but he is on the fast track to AP for sure! (All the RM's on here will understand that - for those that don't - PM me and I will explain!)

Relax y'all. He's still young!

Manny - the "Mission Field" is wherever Christ is needed in people's lives. For me it was Miami, Florida. For some it may very well be Africa, Brazil, Mongolia, Canada, Mexico, Denver or even Provo, Utah! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints has nearly 60,000 missionaries all over the world - even in your neighborhood. So if you see two young men in white shirts and ties wearing backpacks and black name tags, invite them in - they might just me MMer's! You don't have to listen to their message, but if you do, it will change your life. Besides, they will be thankful for your hospitality and will pray with you and your family. We can all use some of that!

PM me if you would like to know more! ;-)!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Ya what roy said. You guys gotta really mellow out. Cabin fever getting the best of ya and gettin ya all pissed off? Just lay off of him abit.

-Cody AKA BigBuck92
Its bad enuff we have a ton of politics on this site, we dont need religion too.


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
oh wah! you guys are acting like a bunch off a$$holes. he was just trying to show us his pics.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-08 AT 05:36PM (MST)[p]You know what.....in 18 month or what ever he's got left, he'd like to post the pictures of his mission, he wont catch any crap. No one dislikes this guy, they just believe that if you have decided to give up 2 years of your life to your church, that they should get the whole two years.

I'm positive that this young man didn't mean any harm by posting or "having his convert friend" post these pictures, but we all know that he has scripture, and teaching plans to be working on.

And by calling us azzholes you aren't being very christ-like!!! and i realize my brokeback comment wasn't very nice but i'm not claiming to be a nice guy, besides its funny

just my 2 cents again
Oh this one is gonna get funny!


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"

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