Hey Giant/Dodger fans


Long Time Member
Do you find this as offensive as I do? It's a baseball uniform....not gang colors!

Should you be able to wear your team gear to an opposing park? I say hell yea!


Steigerwald: Know when you've outgrown the uniform

Maybe it's time for sports fans to grow up.

As I'm writing this, Bryan Stow, a 42-year-old paramedic with two kids from Santa Cruz, is in a medically induced coma in a Los Angeles hospital with a fractured skull and serious brain injuries.

Part of his skull had to be removed to allow for the swelling of his brain.

Stow went to the Los Angeles Dodgers' home opener on April 1 wearing a San Francisco Giants jersey. That was obviously too much for two 20-something men wearing Dodger blue to handle. Witnesses say that after the game, they came up on Stow from behind in the parking lot, knocked him down and kicked him as they spewed expletives about the San Francisco Giants.

It's probably safe to say that the two "Dodgers" were high on something or things, but somewhere in their sick, juvenile minds, they probably also thought they were doing their duty as Dodger fans.

They were protecting Dodger turf.

Just before he was beaten to within an inch of his life, Stow texted some friends and said that he was "scared inside the stadium."

Maybe someone can ask Stow, if he ever comes out of his coma, why he thought it was a good idea to wear Giants' gear to a Dodgers' home opener when there was a history of out-of-control drunkenness and arrests at that event going back several years.

Remember when it was the kids who were wearing the team jerseys to games? It was a common sight to see an adult male coming through the turnstile dressed as a regular human being with a kid dressed in a "real" jersey holding his hand.


Are the 42-year-olds who find it necessary to wear their replica jerseys to a road game, those kids who are now fathers who haven't grown up?

Are there really 40-something men who think that wearing the jersey makes them part of the team? It was cute when a 10-year-old kid got that feeling by showing up at Three Rivers Stadium in a Pirates jersey, but when did little boys stop growing out of that?

Here's tip for you if you actually think that wearing your team's jersey makes you a part of the team:

It doesn't.

The team is those guys down on the field, ice or court who are, you know, actually playing the games. They like the noise you make as a group, and they love playing in front of you. If you're an adult, and you approach them in a replica game jersey with their name on it and your face is painted, you scare them.

If you don't put that jersey on in the locker room with them and have your own name on your jersey, you're not one of them.

Let's review: If you're sitting in the stands, you're a spectator, a fan. If you're down on he field, you're part of the team.

Obviously, not every fan who wears his team's jersey to a game is looking for someone from "the enemy" to beat up. But maybe somebody should do a psychological study to find out if all those game jerseys have contributed to the new mob mentality that seems to exist in the stands these days.

There's an outside chance that alcohol plays a role but apparently, the teams have ruled that out and continue to sell $9 beers.

If you're one of two or three guys wearing Steelers jerseys sitting in the middle of the Dawg Pound in Cleveland, guess what? The Steelers players can't see you and even if they could, they're not really getting a lot of inspiration from you.

If you're set upon by a bunch of drunken adults wearing dog costumes, you probably shouldn't expect any help from the guys on the field who are wearing the jerseys that look just like yours.

Why not just go to the Browns game in Cleveland dressed as a regular human being? When did it become necessary to wear a uniform to the game?

? Former Cincinnati Reds reliever Rob Dibble told Fox Sports that Barry Bonds' teammates in Pittsburgh were known to ask Reds pitchers to throw at Bonds.

He said, "When he was with the Pirates, his teammates would come up to Norm Charlton and I and say, 'We'll give you a steak dinner if you hit him."

Do you find that unbelievable?

I don't.

It doesn't surprise me a bit.

He wrote, "Are there really 40-something men who think that wearing the jersey makes them part of the team? It was cute when a 10-year-old kid got that feeling by showing up at Three Rivers Stadium in a Pirates jersey, but when did little boys stop growing out of that?"

Eel, i don't agree with this guy's stuff at all. Not at all.

That said, i have a good friend here that went to see the Giants yesterday. He's on a really fixed income that he barely gets by on yet when offered a good seat and a ride, he felt he needed to see the Park at least once in his life so he went and the budget be damned. Before he left he told me what Giants gear he was going to wear, i offered to loan him a hat, because he was worried of being thought of as a Dodgers fan and getting thumped on. WTF?

He hasn't made it back yet, i'm concerned about the guy.

I am 58 years old and fell in love with baseball, the Giant's and Willie Mays in 1962. My wife and I even went to a Giant's doubleheader the day after we were married in 1974. I will admit that I have no desire to attend a game in LA, but have traveled to many others cities to watch our Giant's. The fans I have been around in the other cities have been very nice and we have had zero problems. So I will proudly wear my Giant's cap and my Willie May's jersey on our 5 game roadtrip in May. Go Giant's.
Joey and larrbo, if we ever go to LA for a game, I'm sitting between you two.

I was at AT&T one time with my two brothers. About 5 rows in front of us sat two girls in DBack jerseys. The game was against Arizona. My youngest brother started throwing peanuts at them. I thought we were in for trouble, but before long my brother was down sitting with them. We all ended up taking photos together and having a good time. I think my brother even got a phone number.

Heck! I'd go along just to throw peanuts with your brother! :)
I'm sure the Warden wouldn't mind, as long as I didn't bring any phone numbers home!
What do ya think, Joey? You've met the Warden. Think she'd mind?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-11 AT 01:58AM (MST)[p]I don't know...

He's a loner guy, worked for me in years past, but we keep in touch, mostly about sports, especially the Giants, my team, and the A's, his. We get along and have been for close to 30 years now.

He can be a little hard to handle when he gets mad with a few beers in him. I really am starting to get worried about the guy. No way to get a hold of him that i know of and i know he only had a full tank, to get to his ride and back from Chico, and 50-$60. in his pocket, no credit card, when he left here. Hope he turns up soon...

Nick, good on you!! Heck yeah, tell the Warden that i'll take care of you and make sure that you get home in one piece ;-) Love to do something like that sometime...

Well it seems my buddy survived the Dodgers game Wends at the Giants park. He got home and called me this am, said he made the most of his limited funds by staying over in Chico at a friends nd going to several Chico St games while he was in the neighborhood. He said Chico St has a heck of a ball club. All's well!!


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