Hey Founder????


Very Active Member
How about a "classifieds" section on the forum instead of the way its set up now? The way it is, it does'nt get much attention. I've seen it be very succesfull on other sites, with the shortage of ammo and other things I think it would be really usefull to all the members....Just a thought.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I agree. It would be a nice addition. One of the snowmobile forums I use regularly has them and it is very useful for members whether buying or selling items.
Omit the men seeking men part of it though. I don't want to know anything ore about the "CAT" than I already know. LOL

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
Yeah this is a cool idea. Then I could rent Eelgrass out!! Sorry eel just trying to raise a little cash so I can afford to bye my grandkids some shoes. They have been without now for a couple years! First thing I would need to know do you have good teeth??

. Rutnbuck
Ya, I will have to think about it. Probably will happen.

Brian Latturner
Founder, Thanks a bunch. I think it would get alot of traffic.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I too think it's a great idea BUT have seen many problems develop when a few are not completely honest. A lot of headaches for the owner of the site and even more problems between buyers and sellers when they don't do their part of the deal.

For several years i was a buyer, mostly of vintage fishing tackle, on Joe's old lures, http://www.joesoldlures.com/wwwboard/ . It's a tightly run ship and Joe can only pull it off because so. I'm not saying that it won't work but something like this can get big in a hurry, attract unneeded attention, and maybe be more problems than it's worth. Imagine paying for a nice rifle setup that never shows up??

Rutnbuck, you want to rent me out? And the only question you have is how good my teeth are?

I guess my question is, exactly what do I have to do that requires good teeth, (or NO teeth, for that matter?) I do have all my teeth, and they are in great shape. I hope you're not dissappointed.:)

Do kids in Utard wear shoes?

Joey, the whole trick (from founders perspective) is to put up a disclaimer and just stay completley out of it. Thats the way it works on other sites....buyer beware, if a person does'nt feel comfy doin a transaction then they are free not to participate. Your right though every once in awhile a deal does go bad, but I dont think anymore than in the real world.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I feel re-born......
and the urge to post some pink is miraculously gone!
really founder watch what happens....its a good thing!



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