HEY dude???


Long Time Member

I Know it's hard for you to do!

We're All Wrong once in a While!

Most of us can Accept/Admit it!

But it's your Turn!

Admit You were Wrong!

Just F'N Once in your Life!

It Might Take a Tall CROWN!

Maybe a Double!

Or a Triple CROWN!

But Admit it!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
LMMFAO>>>>>never happening bess


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
Wrong about what ? and do you have any facts ( no alternative facts ) to prove it ?

Amuse me chumps.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
> Wrong about what ? and
>do you have any facts
>( no alternative facts )
> to prove it ?
> Amuse me chumps.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends


LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-19 AT 08:34PM (MST)[p]Shall I continue retard?

OMG......that one if for the ages DW....lmmfao


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
>OMG......that one if for the ages

>GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans
>-- when they're dead...

Lennie's wrong so often he's gotta be the local Oregon weatherman!

Trump thought he was going to lose too. that why he kept the Russia project going and lied about it. why lose money for nothing he said.

Still none of you will bet me except good chump Glen for 2020. I think you got lucky, so do you.

I was right about part of it, Trump is grabbing you by the puzzy.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Trump thought he was going to
>lose too. that why
>he kept the Russia project
>going and lied about it.
>why lose money for nothing
>he said.
>Still none of you will bet
>me except good chump
> Glen for 2020.
>I think you got lucky,
> so do you.
> I was right about part
>of it, Trump is grabbing
>you by the puzzy.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends


Basically EVERY SINGLE POST/STATEMENT from Dude440ochosixxer over the years should have started with "I hope.........".
Unfortunately for him, not so much.
Still only 1 chump will bet on the grand Fuhrer's reelection.

That pretty much says it all. talk is cheap and you whores are free.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
The election is about 20 months away. You need to put some odds on that wager when tge general election is that far away. I'm game with odds, if not (weak sister) lets see who the candidates are next year.
You picked my horse so I'll pick yours. I'll give you Beto O'Rourke. I got $500 on my horse now put up or STFU you little stump broke retard!

LMAO, this thread is hilarious. DW that is some awesome searching you did to find those quotes. So awesome in fact that it makes me wonder if FTW "taught" you how to search the archives? He is MM famous and the one who taught people how to search the archives you know?
>LMAO, this thread is hilarious.
>DW that is some awesome
>searching you did to find
>those quotes. So awesome
>in fact that it makes
>me wonder if FTW "taught"
>you how to search the
>archives? He is MM
>famous and the one who
>taught people how to search
>the archives you know?

Why yes, foreskin did teach me how to search the archives. He is after all our resident genius, just ask him! I keep waiting for the Republican party to collapse under Trump's administration as foreskin predicted, but all I see is the Democrat party collapsing. There's no way foreskin missed with his prediction so I'm sure it's just a matter of time!

Seems like the reality of the situation is too much for him to bear. Ochoko choking on his tripe.........Duped again, again and again, a wise man would learn from it Ochoko not so mucho! Starting to see a trend here El Dupo.....LOL

Say EL oCHOKO DUPO care to comment on just how FOX got it right and you and all your networks and websites got it wrong? LOL You may want to look up the definition of propaganda.... it might enlighten you a bit! How could so many journalists and media professionals be so wrong!
>You picked my horse so I'll
>pick yours. I'll give you
>Beto O'Rourke. I got $500
>on my horse now put
>up or STFU you little
>stump broke retard!


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