Hey CJBOZ - HORNS UP! Guns down.


Can't pass up my yearly opportunity to tout the Horns victory over the Red Raiders.

Sloppy offensive game but some great defense on both sides of the ball!

Coach Tubberville scares me though - he builds some powerhouses and that D is only going to get better - the next few years might be rough for the Horns!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Yeah, yeah Roy Boy I hear ya! I was not impressed with the game at all. Seamed just like any other game. I dont know if it was because Leach was not there or both teams play did not excite me?

Tommy may put together a great program for Tech. It will be exciting to see for sure.

Congrats on the win. (I will give you that much):)

I sure would like to see the masked rider go throw a big loop on Bevo and drag the hell out of him across the field. LOL

Are you driving through this way anytime this fall going home for the Holidays? If so let me know!!

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