
LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-08 AT 08:44AM (MST)[p]OK bud - time to break out the draft (mine will be Hires of course!) and talk a little Football!

So here are the results of the bowl games:

MWC 4-1
WAC 1-3.

Hawaii got spanked HARD! BSU got out-pointed against Eastern Carolina!!?? (I thought there was only a North and South Carolina - pretty bad when you get beat by a school that only represents a region of a state!)Poor Nevada didn't even show up against NEW MEXICO! At least Fresno State came to play. Air Force was only a TD away from beating Cal or the MWC would have been undefeated!

Lets hope that next year once of these schools gets in the BCS! Hawaii was doomed from before the season started. It sucks that a good team can go undefeated and still only end up being ranked #10. That's why we need a playoff! I sure hope BSU recruited heavy on defense too. They sure need it!

So what are your thoughts?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy great post +1....UNR got the smack dropped on them , shut out for the first time in their 589 year history...Who's the "REAL' WOLF PACK????
Wow NMNUTT! Talk about kickin a dead horse....
Just kidding...I saw your previous posts to Nv_hunter
Yeah I know, but it's our first ever bowl win, too bad it had to come at the hands of the gutterball of the WAC lol....
Yeah New Mexico wanted a bowl win so bad it even invented its own game and invited itself to it and still couldn't win until this year!

At least they had Urlacher!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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