Heres a couple



Here is Mrs Dakota and Dakota Jr's 05 Wyoming lopes.

The missus had two opportunities at much nicer lopes but for one reason or another the stalks didnt pan out the way we would have liked them to and she was able to get up on this little fella later in the afternoon, I told her he was just a young buck but she made it clear to me that she wasnt in this for a pride thing and would be happy to be able to take this guy. I gave her the nod and she dumped him from about 100 yards. This is her first antelope.


And here is juniors goat, ironicaly I had convinced the missus to pass this particualr goat up a week earlier. When it became Matts turn to go out hunting we found him again and Matt decided that this would be a good one to try to put the sneak on. We made our way down a hill and the herd was on a creek bottom with steep/deep cut banks. As we made our way down the does started to get nervous and began heading out the opposite side of the creek. The buck was nowhere to be seen and eventually all the does were well up and out of the creek. So I told Matt to set his bi-pod and get ready and I would peek over the creek bank, just as I stood to look over I could see two black horns be-bopping in our direction so I quick like sat back down and told Matt to be prepared. The buck cleared the creek bank about 20 yards right in front of us but head on. He saw us and began to get that sinking feeling in his stomach and he quartered away and trotted about 20 more yards out and stood broadside and Matt let the air out of him with a textbook shot. This is his second antelope now and he is just 13. Very happy kid and I am a proud dad.


Congrats to Misses Dakota & Dakota Jr. on some fine Lopes! I am sure Mr Dakota is very proud plus being able to make a family outing of it is what its all about!


Thanks and yes, we have truely made this a family sport for us. Mrs. Dakota was thrilled when she dumped that little guy. For her its not about horn size (see guys, size really doesnt matter), its about family and traditions. My son did have a little side wager on with the missus that he could shoot a bigger antelope than her. So she is eating humble pie now, its all in good fun though.

I got your PM too Mark, give me a chance to take a few deep breaths here and I will get back to you. If you havent heard from me in a week or so, bug me again. We still have tags to fill here for elk and a couple more antelope so bear with me.


First of all I must apologize...I wrote Misses when I should of said my first reply. Sorry.

Family and good friends is what it is really all about for me when it comes to hunting. I would probably still do it by myself but would not even come close to the enjoyment of having family and or friends to share with.

I'm sure there will be plenty of time for talkin later...go get the biggun!
Mike, nice job. Way to indoctrinate the next generation! Man, I miss it there. Good luck with the rest of your hunts. Keep us posted.
You wanna take a poke at me, fine and dandy pal. You wanna take a poke at my family and you are treading into bad territory. You can either come clean and let us know who you are or you can run off into the distance with your tail between your legs.... whats is going to be?

Speak up or STFU!!!!!!!! Fricken low life.

Man, are you really beig an ass. No one ever insults a man's family. Please go away. We do not need your kind. Your momma obviously didn't raise you right. You just took a stab at one of the most helpful guys on the site. Any kid holding up a well earned animal is a good kid and any woman who hunts with her family is a dandy. A sure keeper in my book. All you're doing with that kind of talk is making yourself look like a real jackass. I'd like to get in line after dakoda for the butt-whoopin.
I see that deerhuntsalot still doesnt know when to shut his piehole so now the moderators are editing his posts for him. Its a pity that such low lifes have to resort to this type of thing to make them feel better about their own miserable life. I divorced a hateful,spiteful, miseable person such as yourself. You are only happy when others are as miserable as you.

>i'd like to see what the
>ex looks like- god have

Not to hard to figure out bud, take a look in the mirror, all ugly people look alike.

Now you going to come clean or are you going to keep skulking about like a gut shot coyote..... Its a no brainer that you are a regular with another user name but your balls are the size of frozen peas and you cant stand up on your own two hind legs like a man. Speak fido.... come on, you can do it.

Looks like a good year for the Dakotas! Great stories and fine antelope. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing.

Thanks Steve, I'll pass along the kind words to the family. The oldest boy has an antelope tag to fill and this weekend we are going to give'er a go.

Congrats to your wife and son. Bet your son feels like the big guy right about now around the wife! Cool being a kid and getting the bigger one! Looks like he's off to a great hunting career.

Now I've got to find and marry a hunting gal like yours.

Congrats again to both of them.

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
Congrats on the goats!!! I can't wait until my son (4) can carry a bow. I think maybe next year I will start bringing him with me. My wife, ...well it's not her thing:)


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