Here is the knife I made


Active Member
Here is the knife that I made. Thanks for the help you guys gave me.


That is really nice. Did you make the blade from bar stock or a pre-formed blank ? Not knowing anything about knife making I'm in awe...
Have to love the kicker /eye guard at the bottom .A cool way of preventing slipage.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-24-09 AT 08:45PM (MST)[p]>That is really nice. Did
>you make the blade from
>bar stock or a pre-formed
>blank ? Not knowing
>anything about knife making I'm
>in awe...

No, I would never get it done if I had to make the blade. It was a knife that I found in the breaks and the handle was broken so I built this antler handle for it. I have made a few wih wood through the years. Kinda fun doing it but far from beng good at it. I hope to use it this year.

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