Herd management


Active Member
Archery whitetail in Minnesota.

The season opened this past weekend here in Minnesota. I had gone out for the opening day. I watched a doe at about 35 yards. I would not have had a problem takeing a 35 yard shot, but when you have to lean way back and hang off of your stand bend down and then shoot between two other branches I figured I would pass. I sat in my stand for another couple of hours and saw nothing else. got down out of mystnd and headed home for the day. I didn't hunt that night for two reasons one my dad had sprayed for weeds and I had my clothes out on the clothes line and the other was the heat. I didn't hunt day two of the season either because the clothes could have smelt like the weed killer yet and didn't want to tip of the deer. I wnt and got a scent bag and some fabric sheets for in the dryer. I put all of my clothes in the bag and the fresh earth fabric sheets.

The morning of day 3. The alarm goes off at 4:45am role out of bed. Get ready and hear out to the feild. I got to the corn feild where I park. Get out of the truck. As I do so I hear something in the corn feild. I don't thing anything about it and finish putting on my gear and spray down with scent cover. I walk the about quarter mile to my stand. Apon arival at my stand I take my pack off and tie the rope to my pack and bow. Climb up into the stand and hoist up my gear. Sitting in my stand waitfor the sun to come up I hear something crunching away on the acorns. It is not on the same side that the deer came from the other mornig. Then again you never know what the deer are going to do. So as the sun comes up I see a doe that is what was making the noise. I am guessing that is what I had heard in the corn feild. I let her walk. I just want to get used to seeing animals because I have been invited to go to Colorado for an elk. I have not taken any large game prior to this year either. So I am sitting in my stand watching the squirles run around and make all kinds of noise and the doe walkes out again. I grabbed my video camera to tape her but didn't push the record button. Before I realised that I had not pushed the record button I was narrating for the video. I said that if she comes out again I was not going to be able to pradon her agian. I am sitting in the stand for about another half an hour and from my right side a coyote approaches. I wistled lighly and he kept right on moving. I wistled againa dn he stopped. It was not where I wanted him to have stopped but what could I do. The coyote was standing with his head just passed a little tree (tiny tree) I took aim anyway. i release the arrow and away it goes. I hear it hit. I know I got him. Yes I texted one of the guys I am going to Colorado with. I think it was something like not what I wanted but I got a yote. The coyote ran off and made a ton of noise. Guesse who walked back out because of all the noise he mad. You got it the doe again. I figured man I got a coyote and if I go and pick him up I am going to get my scent all over the place because I didn't know how well I got him. So when She looked away I stood up. I can't take aim because she is looking around and I don't want to spook her. So when she finally looked away I am able to pull draw and take aim. The shoot that I presented is a high shoulder shootdown and away. I release the arrow and away it goes. smack Right where I had aimed. As she goes to run away the arrow is sticking out. I watch her runn off at about 60 yards I see her do a little what I would call crappie floop. I get a text back from my buddy and he was like nice what a little buck because he didn't understand the texted and I texted him back and say I got two down. He then called me going what? I have a coyote and a doe down now. He said he would come and help me look for the animals, but he was going to work. I wait about a half hour after I shoot the doe to go looking for the coyote and give the doe some more time to die. I get down and get on the blood trail. I lose it and find it on and off. I hear a littel noisse in the weeds that are infront of me and to my left. So I duck under the trees and crawl threw the brush th get to the other side of the weeds the easier way. As I am walking I find the blood trail again. I look off to myleft and I see the coyote walking off. He was not walking very well. Ifigured I would go and find the deer. I went to where I last saw the doe. What I saw when I though it did the crappie floop was just that. She must have jumped and gone a$$ over tea kettle because she was facing me when I found her. Right where I thought she would be. Gut her drag her out and take her home and quarter her out. I didn't even get any pictures of her with me in camo or prior to be cut up. I was worried about the temp and the meat going bad becase it was to get into the 80 degree rage for the day. I called one of my buddies to come over and help becasue as I stated this was my first big game. so we get her quartered out and off to the butcher. I grabbed my 44mag and went back to where I had seen the coyote last and the bllod trail. No blood crap I walk around for awhile looking and then I see it moving around. Still not dead. It has been a few hours now. I had figured it would have died, but not the case so I dispatched it with the 44 and put it on my shoulder and carried it out. Man was I covered in blood when I got it out.

Pictures to come I hope the pictures are ok I took one in the feild with my cell phone it is of the deer with the arrow still in it another after I got the coyote out and put it next to the carcass of the doe and one with me holding the two heads.
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