Hendo finally shuts bisbings mouth not once but twice. Hendo dominated the first round and came out strong the second and just controlled the entire fight from start teo end.

Thiago not as conditiond as GSP just got thrown around by the champ. I hate GSP and would love to see hime loose but the guy is just so damn good. who the hell is he going to fight now.

Lesnar with those "lunch box hands" of his just kicked the $ hit out of mir. the man is a a hole but is good and i don't think guys take him serious because he used to be a WWE wrestler. I think Dana white is bringing in kimbo slice as some compo. for lesnar. we will just have to see how kimbo does in september.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-11-09 AT 11:23PM (MST)[p]I really like GSP. He IS so dang good its ridiculous. Kimbo? Are you serious? Lesnar would kill him. Who is really going to fight Lesnar? I vote for SLAM!
It was a very entertaining night, although I don't like Lesnar very much. But seeing Hendo shut Bisbings mouth was well worth it. He knocked him out colder than cold. GSP is a true champion, and is great with his sportsmanship. I do like his fighting, and do not see him losing in the near future honestly. Lesnar is just an animal, no questions asked.
Pretty decent night of fights. I was very pleased to see Henderson put a hurting on Bisbing. GSP was very impresive. As far as Lesner, he's an animal but what an A-hole. Total lack of class after his fight. Fliping off the fans and cutting down major event sponsors and talking about hopping on top of his old lady. It's easy to hate that guy. I hope Shane Carwin gets a shot at him.

Lesnar is a piece of crap, I can't wait to see someone give him a beating...someone will, there is always someone out there bigger and badder no matter how big and bad he thinks he is.

Bisbing didn't even know what happened!
I picked Bisping to win that fight. How did he do? HaHa!! You should've heard the cheers at my house when Hendo connected with that right hand and then the slo-motion replays with that fininshing right hand....like it was needed. We had about 50 people over last night. What a blast. Kimbo is not competition for Lesnar.....Carwin will have to get lucky with a big punch, which he has a big punch. Lesnar has no class and he's trying to turn UFC into the WWE. Will Dana White allow this to happen? Looks like with Lesnar in the UFC, it is happening. The guys a plick.

There always needs to be a bad guy to make it interesting. Look at Ali in his day, he wasn't very well liked either. Not that I'm comparing Lesner to Ali, it's just that I believe Lesner is taking a page out of Ali's book.
I like Lesner, I really don't think he's as bad or stupid as he appears to be. It's a money or marketing ploy, wait until you see his upcoming paydays in future fights.
Did anyone see Joe Rogans comments? He said " Lesner is a mountain man, he lives in the woods and only has TV to watch hunting shows, he shoots and kills deer to eat them". Joe Rogan's a stoner that probably has PETA ties just like most of the Hollywood dip$hits.

()_) ()_)---)_)

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
the Bisbing knock out was the best i've ever seen, knew it was coming...

Lesner is a big ofe, I like to see some one with the belt as being more well rounded mixed MA, Like GSP...Lesners just a heavy bulk, I see no real talent in him....
If you watch Lesnars post fight interview, he apologizes for his comments and said Dana White ripped him up and down. He goes on to say he's an entertainer and that his "coach"...then he stops like he caught himself. I think his PR guy told him to say those things in order to get people to dislike him so his draw will be larger. Everyone will tune in to see him lose...hopefully. He admits to being an entertainer but also wants to be a fighter. I'll give him this, he may not be a "fighter" but he can beat the hell out of guys. I felt bad for Mir when Lesner had him in the headlock in the middle of the octagon pounding away in the first round. When Mir allowed the clinch in the beginning of the second round, I knew the end was near.

Bisping getting KO'd was the highlight of the night. GSP is a force to be reckoned with and I hope that some day him and Anderson Silva meet in the ring. I will have to disagree with those that say Brock has no talent. How do you have the college career that he had and not have god given talent. I don't like the way he disrespected Frank in this fight but it was a very easy win for Brock. I wish I knew how to post the link for the Minneapolis Star Tribune who had a story about Brock Before this fight. The interview clearly shows that outside of the ring Brock hates being in the spotlight and he lives very simple in a small town up here in Minnesota. He makes it easy to hate him but for "having no talent" he's made some very talented men look pretty bad and it will be interesting to see who they can find to beat this guy.

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never has and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
LAST EDITED ON Jul-13-09 AT 08:06AM (MST)[p]Mir has already beaten Lesnar and will do it again for Lesnar/Mir III.

Hopefully Fedor and Lesnar will meet soon. Fedor is a machine. I bet Lesnar is a pussycat in person but a d!ck for show. He'd be great to have help haul your elk out of the mountains.
>AT 08:06?AM (MST)

>> He'd be great to
>have help haul your elk
>out of the mountains.

Are you serious! Have you seen the price of muscle milk? It would cost a 10,000 dollars just to keep him hydrated.

bisbing was a over hyped puke to help the UK get more ratings, Matt hammel beat him. Dan is the man

So who thinks the decision with the Jap guy was legit?

Archery is a year round commitment!!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-13-09 AT 09:16AM (MST)[p]Belcher got ripped off!!!! one judge had the Jap winning all 3 rounds! not sure which fight he was watching.

GSP showed why he is the best fighter in any weight class, Henderson looked good and it was great to see Lesnar romp all over Mir. Great card
LAST EDITED ON Jul-13-09 AT 09:55AM (MST)[p]I don't think people want to see Lesnar succeed, and therefor they don't give him the credit he deserves. The guy gave up a job in the WWE where he was making millions upon millions to fight for real at a fraction of the cost.

With the background he has, he has the best base you can have for MMA, which is a wrestling base. With his sheer size and strength, followed by his excellent wrestling, the guy was made for this sport. He is still very new and green at MMA too, he is only going to get better and better.

I have also never seen anyone KO another guy from side control on the ground, the force of those short punches is amazing.
So Steve - after re-reading all your comments prior to the fight, hyping Bisping and Mir and rooting for them, looks this turned out to be a pretty disappointing night for you all around!

First off MANNY - - I think Lesnar fought a smart fight - technically sound. He controlled Mir and dominated him using his wrestling and showing patience in nuetralizing Mir's jiujitsu on the ground - that takes just as much skill and talent as the actual jiujitsu does, though his bulk and brute strength definitely did play a huge role in the outcome. BUT that is what MMA is all about - using your very best assets and techniques against the other guy's best techniques. It doesn't make sense when you say that you don't like it that "Lesner (sic) is a big ofe, I like to see some one with the belt as being more well rounded mixed MA, Like GSP...Lesners just a heavy bulk, I see no real talent in him.... " because it doesn't matter if a guy is all that well rounded! Did you ever watch Royce Gracie? He is a pure Brazilian Jiujitsu specialist and wasn't know at all for his striking or kicking abilities, though just like every one else who has two arms and legs he could kick and punch, it just wasn't his strength. Chuck Liddell was known almost exclusively as a pure puncher, though he could go to the ground when needed, it certainly wasn't his strength. Lesnar can punch and wrestle with the best of the best, so as far as being well rounded - he is a lot more well-rounded than a lot of other champions. Sure, Anderson Sylva and GSP are masters of multiple disciplines and can do it all, but they are by far the exception to the rule. Most MMA fighters rely on one thing and know enough about the rest to defend themselves against it - maybe. Most of the great fighters excel in only two disciplines and know enough about the rest to defend themselves consistently. That is the reason you see very few undefeated fighters and why a loss isn't as career ending as it is in boxing.

Finally - when you guys say "that Jap guy" are you referring to Yoshihiro Akiyama who fought Alan Belcher? Come on guys - don't let your prejuidices cloud your judgement. Watch the fight again - it was close - it could have went either way, but in the end I think the judges got it right. Akiyama did more damage and showed superior technique with his judo and striking, plus HE was dictating the action and Belcher was reacting. That always will push the judges one way or the other.

That KO of Bisping was just brutal. Hendo rules!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Great call on Bispuss swbuckmaster. He was pure marketing for UFCUK. Hammel beat him soundly and was denied a win in the single most ridiculous decision in UFC history just to market to a bunch of bored soccer fans. Of course Bispuss is popular in GB now that that metrosexual soccer player came to the US to "bend it." He will be completely in over his head in any match against a top 6 or 7 in his weight class or those close too it. Anderson Silva, Forrest Griffen, Jardine, Rampage, Vanderlei, Rashid, would all beat him senseless. Even the Iceman wouldn't have any problem at all with Bis.

Freakin' mouthy Brit had it coming and legions of UFC fans across the country got their money's worth on that punch to his jaw by Hendo. I'll bet his short term memory loss is still keeping him from remembering anything beyond April. He just might be drinking milkshakes through a straw for a while too.
>Belcher got ripped off!!!! one judge
>had the Jap winning all
>3 rounds! not sure which
>fight he was watching.

I believe he got ripped off worse by who ever did his Johnny Cash tatoo! :eek:
LAST EDITED ON Jul-13-09 AT 02:16PM (MST)[p]you thought is was jonny cash I thought it was Obama!

Archery is a year round commitment!!
it is very bad whomever its supposed to be.
I think he wasted his "cash"

I said before the fight that I hope he lost because of his Obama tato but when he lost I was pissed because it was just another ploy to get japan more involved just like Bisbing was for england.

Anybody that puts a tatoo like that is a moron

Archery is a year round commitment!!
DITTO on the ugly tattoo!! One of the worst I have ever seen - I thought it was Korean dictator Kim Jong Il for a little while - then thought maybe Elvis - but can now see it is just a bad bad bad Johnny Cash. Hope he got his money back!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
That's gotta be the worst Johnny Cash portrait I've ever seen. Great idea, but a terrible result. Whatever he paid, it was too much.
If I am wrong, correct me, but didn't Dan Henderson KO Vanderlei Silva the same way a year ago or so? Remember seeing that video clip over and over here as a signature clip on a past MM'er.

I believe it was a left that time and as Vanerlei hit the canvas, Dan came down on top with a right elbow to the jaw too to make sure he was OUT COLD.


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