Henderson v. Silva



I would hate to see the Henderson/Silva discussion get buried on the back end of Lesnars post.

Dan is a friend of mine and would love to see MM rally around a fellow hunter as he tries to make history on March 1. Dan is as good a guy as you would ever want to meet and as humble as they come.

War Hendo


That should be a good fight. I think Hendo will win this one. Silva has the advantage in the standup but I think Hendo will take him down and he'll just be too strong on the ground. Will be interesting to see what happens.
This will be a great fight between a couple of real warriors. Both fighters have great standup and ground skills but both have different styles standing or grappling. I think its anyone's fight but I'm pulling for Hendo. He'll be Sylva's toughest challenge to date. This is why I watch MMA fights!
I am looking forward to the fight also!
Hendo is a warrior but I just don't think he can beat Silva.
My moneys on Anderson Silva!
It will be one of the best fights in MMA history guarnteed. My only regret is not being able to go and see it live.


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
you think dan is going to get an ass whipping? he has fought some of the toughest fighters in the world in every weight class and has yet to have his "ass kicked".

anderson has beaten a one dimensonal rich franklin, a sub par fighter in nate marquardt and a dehydrated and exhausted travis lutter. dan has knocked out murilo bustamante, ryo chonan, wanderlei silva and damn near knocked out the current ufc heavyweight champ minotauro noguiera before being submitted in the 3rd round via armbar only after rolling out of 4 previous attempts.

I will be pulling for Henderson for sure.

Silva is one bad dude, hard to hit square and pretty good on the ground if somebody can get him there...

I wonder if cutting the weight will be a factor for Hendo? he is a bit small for light heavy weight, but i wonder if that is where he is "used" to fighting. I use that fight with Swick the other day as an example. I thought he looked too thin and it appeared to affect his striking and speed to me.

No matter, GO HENDERSON.
I agree it will be a great fight. Henderson will have to get it to the ground if he is to win. The thing that Henderson has going for him is that his chin is solid as a rock. It will take a huge knee....several huge knees in order to hurt him enough for a stoppage or a knock out. It will be a fight to remember.

Jackon, Misaki, Nogueira, Arona, Wanderlei Silva. He can get beat and will get tarred and feathered like some young punk at a frat hazing. I'd like to see him win though :)
Go hendo, I think he's too big and strong for silva, he's used to fighting guys 25+ pounds heavier, I think he'll dominate silva. Silva really hasnt beat any top level fighters in the UFC, this will be his first real test.
One thing is for sure Dan Henderson will put out 110%
I want to see Hendo win every fight he's in.
I'm with everyone that says silva hasn't fought anyone with dan's power and experience. I think dan will win hands down. at least I hope so. Ought to be a great fight none the less.
I think this fight is a huge mile stone for both fighters. If Anderson wins he shows that he can compete at any level with the most talented fighters in the world, as well as the best wrestlers and strikers and big chinned guys out there. He has all that to look forward to when he fights Hendo. The same goes for Henderson, if he beats Silva that would be a huge win for his fight resume. He would be beating the best pound for pound fighter in the world, as well as the Middleweight champ in the UFC. Also he would be defeating a solid Jiu Jitsui guy with incredible knees and awesome athleticism. As I stated before this will be one of the best fights in MMA history. I like both fighters alot and have the upmost respect for both, I have liked Anderson Silva longer and I hate when people switch teams or fighters or whatever they cheer for so as I have from the first time I seen him fight, Im gonna go with Spider. I dont thik either fighter will dominate in this fight, but one will add a serious and very impressive win!


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
theres no doubt silva is a good fighter. i just dont think as good as henderson. so after saying that i think it would be alot bigger win for silva but thats not going to happen
I hope when Silva tries that clinch he is famous for (in the above picture) Dan comes up with a huge uppercut and lays him out.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-05-08 AT 08:58PM (MST)[p]325wsm- Silva hasn't fought any top level fighters in the UFC? Come on, man....he kicked the crap out of UFC Champion Rich Franklin....twice.....in the same fashion....killer knees! How do you beat the same guy twice using the same tecnique?..Strength and determination.

I think it will be a good fight...but I as well back the Spider in this one. Sorry Hendo lovers!

Franklin was never the same after he messed his hand up and had surgery, he look defeated before he ever stepped into the ring with silva. Silva beat a worn out beat down franklin, dont get me wrong I am a franklin fan but I think his best days are behind him.
Is Franklin fighting Michael Bisbing in UFC 83? Bisbing won a decision last time he fought, I think it was against Matt Hammill. He should have lost that fight. The judges gave him the decision because the fight was in London.

>Is Franklin fighting Michael Bisbing in
>UFC 83? Bisbing won a
>decision last time he fought,
>I think it was against
>Matt Hammill. He should have
>lost that fight. The judges
>gave him the decision because
>the fight was in London.

Yeah that was a crappy decision..I was in awe when they said Bisbing was the winner.

Sherdog is reporting that Franklin will fight Travis Lutter on April 19th in Montreal on the same card as the Serra/Pierre fight.
Bisbing has always fought as light heavy weight (205) but makes his middleweight debut on that fight card against Charles McCarthy. Bisbing's last fight was agains Rashad Evans where he lost by a decision. He looked much better in that fight than he did against Matt Hamil in the previous fight.
"It will be one of the best fights in MMA history guarnteed. My only regret is not being able to go and see it live.


I will be there live with Drum courtesy-Hendo! I talked to him last night and he is more than ready for this fight! It's going to be awesome watching him walk through Silva like shallow water!

He may perhaps win, but he isnt gonna walk through shi*. If he under estimated Silva he is gonna be in trouble. He's a great fighter, perhaps better than Silva but there is no way in hell he is gonna """walk through him""".

"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
I am very impressed with Dan Henderson fighting Rampage(205) then coming back 6 or so months later and fighting the MW Champion in Silva(185). Fighting 2 of the best in the world, in the same year, in different weight classes is a feat in itself.

Lutter was a wreck and he took down Silva. I think Henderson will take Silva down whenever he wants. However, Silva is a great striker and anything can happen in MMA.I don't care what you guys say, Rich Franklin is no slouch... Silva kicked his ass twice...

My opinion is Henderson has a slight advantage against Silva. I know Henderson is popular on this website and I also hope he wins. I just think this fight is closer than most think.

Henderson by decision.....
This fight will go to a decision. If it goes all 5 rounds, they both will be a bloody mess. I think Silva hurts him either in the second or third and Big John stops it. Just my opinion!

Hendo 4 sho! And the only decision will be how long we want to spend at the after fight victory party. Move over shallow water let the deep Sea roll!
Dan Henderson is an American?.from America! LOL

I meant to say that it will NOT go to a decision. Like I said, Silva in the second or third. I hope for you guys that Hendo does win...that would be one hell of a party!! BUT...Silva in the second or third.....sorry!

>This fight will go to a
>decision. If it goes all
>5 rounds, they both will
>be a bloody mess. I
>think Silva hurts him either
>in the second or third
>and Big John stops it.
>Just my opinion!

I will bet you any amount of money that Big John will NOT stop this fight no matter how bad it gets. One of the guys could be in serious danger and Big John wont do a thing! Guaranteed!

Big John retired bro, he is no longer in the Octagon. Ref will propably be Herb Dean...


Drum- I'm sure you saw my last post where I said that this fight would NOT go to a decision, right?

Why would Big John retire? That looks like a pretty good gig! Now that I think of it, I haven't seen Steve Mazagati much either. Is he still around? I've noticed two new refs the last couple of pay-per-views. I know Herb Dean has been around a while but you know these two are going to be bloodied. I'm not sure that someone gets a bad cut and Dean stops it as to not get anyone hurt any further.

Can Marvin Eastman compete with Terry Martin? Eastman is a bit smaller than Martin. Martin can brawl. He's like a thicker McFedries.

Like I said before a good fight, perhaps the best one in the history of MMA. We will see. Dan is the man, he hunts and is a great guy but like I said Im not one to swtichin teams or fighters so go Silva. Good luck to both, No one will go home disppointed guarnteed.


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-08 AT 05:02PM (MST)[p]"Can Marvin Eastman compete with Terry Martin? Eastman is a bit smaller than Martin. Martin can brawl. He's like a thicker McFedries."

Do you even watch the sport? Big john is retired and here is the official stats from the fight that already took place between Eastman and Terry!

Win over Terry Martin by Decision (Unanimous) UFC 81 - Breaking Point 2/2/2008 Round 3

And you want to tell me that Hendo will lose? Do you know what MMA even is? Do you even know who Dan Henderson is? Just curious! BTW who do you think is going to win the presidential election Between George W and John Kerry?

Dont bring weak $h@t to strong people!

>AT 05:02?PM (MST)

>"Can Marvin Eastman compete with Terry
>Martin? Eastman is a bit
>smaller than Martin. Martin can
>brawl. He's like a thicker
> Do
>you even watch the sport?
>Big john is retired and
>here is the official stats
>from the fight that already
>took place between Eastman and
>Win over Terry Martin by Decision
>(Unanimous) UFC 81 - Breaking
>Point 2/2/2008 Round 3
>And you want to tell me
>that Hendo will lose? Do
>you know what MMA even
>is? Do you even know
>who Dan Henderson is? Just
>curious! BTW who do you
>think is going to win
>the presidential election Between George
>W and John Kerry?
>Dont bring weak $h@t to strong

Son, you beat me to it! By the way, hot coffee out the nostrils sucks! Having it all over the keyboard just adds insult to injury! That is sone FUNNY stuff though!


Yes, I watch the sport. I could've sworn they were on the 83 card. When/where did they fight? It wasn't on the last three pay-per-views cuz I had them. Did they fight on Spike or something? Do I watch the sport? That's like asking you if you have a problem finding big deer for rich guys to shoot! Presidential election? Ya I got a prediction.....America is so desperate for change that it will either be Clinton or Obama. What a sick country!

They fought on Feb. 2nd on the same card as Lesnar and Mir? I had about 30 people over here and didn't leave the couch except for getting Coors Lights. There is no way I missed it! Why wasn't it televised?

we were just busting your balls a little. the fight wasnt televised, i believe it was the only fight that wasnt televised that night. when you go to a live event there is a huge intermission before the main event and thats when they show previously recorded fights, since theirs went to decision it wasnt shown.

Dans our buddy so we're going to be his biggest fans no matter the outcome. its matchups like this that are so good for the sport, lots of potential for it to be an epic battle...


Went to ufc's website and found the results to the non-televised fights. Didn't realize they already fouhgt cuz it wasn't televised.

Just a word of consideration- Sonofthesouth and Drummond...you guys don't need to make yourselves look any smarter by slamming someone else. There are ways to get a message across without coming out and being complete dickwads!! Just my two cents.

Wow, Someones in a bad mood.


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
Dickwad is a word that doesnt get used nearly enuogh! lol. Sorry pal, its a sporting event-trash talk is a given.

I was wrong about the lesnar fight but after watching it you know he has some serious talent just needs to sharpening his skills and he will be a wreking force. Meer is good he will beat the curent champ if he gets the fight. As far as the henderson fight, i think da spider has a small chance...Dan is the man!!!
I agree it is a cool word!


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
Dickwad, dickwad, dickwad!!!! You've got enough now to last 'til Sunday!! Sorry, my wife is sick and I've been doing everything with the kids and it has taken a toll! Apologies for jumpin in with both feet. No hard feelings? I figured the Martin/Eastman fight would have been one of the fights that would have been televised. Oh well! I think when 82 gets closer, I will post "Pick the Winners" of the matchups for that particular card. It might be fun.

Why did Big John retire?

Talk to you dickwads later!

Laughing just a bit here at home. I am not being a "dickwad" (bitchin word) but you said you had a bunch of friends over to watch the Lesnar/Mir fight. But you did say alcohol was involved as well. I mention this because you asked where Mazzagati has been. He reffed that fight. There was a big controversy when he deducted a point from Lesnar for hits to the back of the head. Anyways...not a big deal but just got me laughing as I saw all this UFC discussion.

Big John left to the Fight Network I think doing analyst stuff. (Pretty sure, not certain it's that org.) I listened to an interesting interview with him. He has a really nice facility in CA that is making a bunch of money as well as sponsors. He talked about how much money he would make for doing most of the PPV's and it was horrible money when you consider what ZUFFA pulls in after every event.
LMAO!! Mazzagati reffed the fight, eh? I started drinking at about 530 and the fight came on at about 730 so...ya...that's about right!! That is too funny.

You mentioned that Big John has a gym in Cali. Chuck Liddell has a place in San Luis Obispo which is about 40 minutes North of where I live. We have some mutual friends and my bro-in-law, who was a cop, died a year ago. It was his sons wish to meet Chuck and it was able to work out. Pics. below. Then on another occasion, I took my family to the beach and we saw Chuck and ended up talking for quite some time. This was about 3 weeks before he lost to Keith "The Dean of Mean" Jardine. Chuck is a hell of a guy. I think most of these guys are real people and they rely on their fans for support. I route for Chuck anytime I can. Did he not beat the hell out of Wanderlei?

Heres the pic of Chuck with my nephews.

Heres the pic at the beach before the Jardine fight.
Cool pics! Thanks for sharing!


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"

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