Helping a BeerAholic



i need some help on getting my stepdads best friend from always drinking beer everyday all the time

he drives over to our home and has been drinking beer all day and has a new 30 pack of keystone in his truck

my mom is so worried he will get in a wreck or even worse

how can anyone get him some stop stuff

Bobbie Faycer
well think about it bobbie,
this joker drives around drinking,right?
sooner or later something is gonna happen..................
and no i don't mean anything good.............
you wouldn't like it if a drunk driver hit one of your friends or family member or anybody else would'ya?
so bobbie?
you're young,right?
when you become a man you have responsibilities...............
are you gonna help this guy?
or are you gonna let something happen?
remember bobbie,somtimes helping somebody might mean you might have to let the law know where this is happening..............
I'd put it to him straight before calling the law,but if he's a pro at what you're saying he's doing i'll bet it will take more than just telling him how it is.......
if he wants to keep drinking that's fine,just make sure he's at his house and all vehicles have been disabled,sure would beat jail time!

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed


"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Two ways to look at this young can either be a narc and turn this joker in or you can take the high road and give him a ride where ever he wants to go so he doesnt ever hurt anyone and he can still get where he needs to go. You're a giving, religious person right? Safety for all others first, young Bobbie....

Steve better "let that sleeping dog lie".

The chitstorm you may cause your Mom, won't be worth it.
Your stepdad is friends with Huntindude (aka 440thirtypack)? Does he have a Free Leonard Peltier bumpersticker on his pickup?
Be a narc. Let's get this D-bag down to Rugarm's bed and breakfast where he belongs.
This whole thread reminds me of a DUI arrest I made once. Two key pieces of information. First, the guy was over twice the legal limit two hours after driving a commercial vehicle through the streets of town. Second, that commercial vehicle was a fire truck and the driver was a fire fighter.

Did this guy wake up one day, jump in a fire truck plowed, and go to a call without any prior warning? I would suggest NO, but rather he was ENABLED by all his complacent 'friends' for years who turned a blind eye to his obvious problem.

Everybody loves a good cliche (ie friends don't let friends drive drunk) but only a few have enough cahones to take any real action. It's easier to play it safe and just see who gets maimed or killed as a result of the childish behavior of a drunkard.
Take it easy, 1911. Maybe this guy's really focussed when he's driving drunk! Being drunk makes it a lot easier to give mouth to mouth to the not so pretty ladies, if you know what I mean....

"don't be a narc" I would be a narc all damned day long! Let law enforcement know just what is going on with that guy. You know at some point he is going to injure or kill somebody on the way to your house.
Turn his arse in before he hurts or worse kills someone. My little brother was killed by a drunk driver several years back and I do not think you would want something like that on your mind for the rest of your life.It is not a matter of if it happens it is when it will happen. Get him off the road !!!
sometimes rock bottom is what you have to hit to finally get help.
What are you doing at home? Haven't you joined the military or gone on a mission yet? Don't you become like this d-bag, sittin' around drinking all day. Take care of your life, not his.
What did you end up getting your step-dad for Christmas, Bobbie? You never told us if you settled on the pajamas or the coffee mug. I'm dying to know. Did you guys take any family pictures with your gifts? I love Holiday photos....

"Be a Narc" What a bunch of crap, my Aunt is dead because of a drunk driver. Call the law and get that SOB off of the road.
What's the problem with the word narc? Oh, you're looking at "narc" as a a guy that tells on somebody. What the hell is this post about? DUH!!

I hope you got your stepdad the coffee mug. My stepson got me pajamas one year and I haven't quit drinking since.:)

Seriously, read manny16 post again and follow his advice.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Bobbie, would you call the police if you saw someone committing a criminal act? Driving drunk is a criminal offence, turn him in! I don't walk on water & I'm not preaching. I'm an alcholic; sober now. I know what I'm talking about.

Good luck...

I've been there before, except it was my dad instead of my step-dads best friend. When I had enough of my dad pulling the ##### he did I told him to get in the pickup with me and I took him down to the local doctor and forced him to take anibuse medication for drinkin. Now I can prouldy say he hasn't drink a drop in over a year. He doesn't even wannt a drop of liquor now. Do the right thing. Help him out. I think all alcoholics want help, even if they deny it. Help the guy out. Tell the guy he has a choice of taking ani-buse medication or you will call the cops on him.
my mom said he has 3 kids from his first marriage and that he and his wife now have 4 kids and that if he goes to jail the family will suffer more from it than him will

he has had close to 3 jobs in the last year because he will drink his beer when he can at work so he gets fire from them

i have talked to one of the sheriff that come in to the BK and he said there is some counsul help and some other help from aaa place

he is nice to me but i do not like it when he talks spanish to my girlfriend becasue i do not speak spanish with her very much her english is real good

Bobbie Faycer
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-10 AT 07:11AM (MST)[p]Bobby,

What about the pain and financial angst he will cause when he kills an innocent person? Get him off the road.
Drunk guy is hittin on your chick and you have his best interest in mind instead of the innocent people he's going to injur or kill one day?? Ok bobbo...

Bobby, you sound like a nice guy. You can't help a drunk who doesn't want to help himself.

If he drinks so much that he loses his job, then he doesn't care about his family. So don't feel guilty about that. Maybe if he gets in trouble with the cops he will wake up.

Just make sure you never ride with him when he's been drinking.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Hey Bobbie,

Some good advice on here. One thing for sure, someone needs to do something. A guy like that just gets more and more complacent as he drinks and drives until he or someone else ends up dead or seriously injured.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold

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