HELP. XM or Sirius satelite


Long Time Member
I am going to be getting on of these, XM or Sirius, which is better. Any likes or dislikes? Thanks, elkantlers
From what I know Sirius bought XM. They are the same thing now. Sirius dropped alot of shows to put the XM shows on. I think it sucks now. I know alot people that are thinking of dropping it. If they would have dropped Ellis on the faction channel they would have quit it already.
last I looked my $2.50 sirius stock is at 12 cents.....please don't cancel....please

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

XM actually bought both companys. I have XM, they also include the "best of sirius". Go XM


Later, Brandon
Have a lifetime membership with Sirius. Got to love Hairnation channel 23.
They have indeed merged. I started out with XM. Most favorite was The Boneyard XM 41. Now it's Hair Nation. I heard the Boneyard is coming back in Jan. 09.

On a side note. Between Cell, DSL, Phone, Satellite radio and Satellite TV, I'm paying over $300.00 per month. Kind of makes you long for the good 'ol days when it was all free.


Thanks for making me look at how much im spending on those items myself.. yikes!!!!!!!!!


Later, Brandon
As others have stated now that they are 1 you get the best of both worlds. I have had Sirius for 4 years now and will never be with out.

I love "The Grateful Dead Channel" "Radio Margaritaville" They have a Led Zepplin Channel right now, and Blue Color Comedy

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