Help wounded Coyote...


Long Time Member
I feel sick, last friday i was hunting coyote's and just as soon as i start calling a trophy run's over the hill at twenty yards. he's on a dead run at me and i slowly try to pick up my rifle. he busted me at ten feet and he ran like hell. as he ran i pulled up but the only thing i could see is hair. so i shot. instantly blood started out his rear. i tracked him several miles but finally had to give up. if anyone comes across a trophy coyote with a bullet in his bum, send me a Pm and i will describe what it looks like. thanks
Trophy Coyote Located!

Well wetboot!

You ain't gonna believe this sshit!

I've got your BUTTshot Dog located!

Piss Poor shooting by the way!:D

The Fur is Slipping and the exit hole is even bigger than it once was but with some extra $$$ the Taxidermy will fix it right up!

Anyway,before I give too much info,what's the FINDERS FEE lookin like?

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RE: Trophy Coyote Located!

Well logslinger!

He said Rifle but I think He's Lieing,bet it was a Bow!:D

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RE: Trophy Coyote Located!

Lol! Next time use a bigger gun!

You unethical bastage! You come on here acting all cavalier about this like it's no big deal! What if the antis read this? We owe the animals we hunt respect and dignity. Obviously you took a shot you weren't capable of making. I spend thousands of hours at the range every year practicing just that type of shot but I would wager you do not! That's what's wrong with our sport today. Guys like you who will take any shot, regardless of your ability, and then come on here looking for help. Its hunting for God's sake, not shooting. We need to be more respectful! And I'm sure you are the same a-hole who was driving around the Wasatch recently road hunting and taking extreme long shots. I saw you. Got you on my trail cam. You drive a big jacked up truck with a MM decal in the window. Not once did I see you follow up on a long range shot at a trophy coyote to check for blood. Many times a coyote hit with a .338 at 1000+ yards will not act like it was hit at all. I follow up every shot. I owe it to the animal! If or when you do finally connect on a trophy coyote you will no doubt come on here and post a tasteless picture of the animal in a less than dignified way. Blood showing and all. I suggest you carry some rubber bands so you can at least tuck the tongue back in and close its mouth. And don't stand way behind it in the picture and try to lie to us and tell us its bigger than it really is. We are experts at trophy judging and will call you on it. Besides, we already know you're shooting these animals on winter range on special extended season permits or on the reservation so it's hardly fair to compare your trophies to ours.

So Mr. dry-hole-boot, I've got your number!

And don't forget:


and another thing why dont you stock a little closer? again we owe it to the trophys we hunt to make the most ethicle shot we can its easy to just sit their and take bad shots and then come on hear and ask for help insted of going out and putting in the time tracking youre animal like we do its not are place to be the ones who find your animale for you its yours if you took more care and spent less time at sfw shows getting your rich guy permits taking tags away from us reel hunters and more time actually getting out their learning about the animales you hunt you would be a better hunter and wouldnt have to come on hear asking for are help

just saying you should no better
Lmao. . . I will come help you track, but be sure and punch your tag. You know its the right thing to do.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Guys, i didn't come on here trying to boast that i can hit animals from ten feet. i tried really hard to close the distance but i am not a good stocker. my dad taught me if there's lead in the air there is hope. im going back out to look for him tomorrow and i will not give up. i feel sick i know he would make book. ill tell ya what, i haven't seen something bleed that much since last time i was in prison. i still have a limp.
Did you do the ETHICAL thing and punch your tag???

You draw blood, you're done. I've read it right here on MM.
I feel your pain. I headed out to my favorite patch on public property to check my field cams for trophy yotes and almost got my ATV stuck when swerved around that post with the sign saying something about closed trail. That sign post is dangerous! Don't people think before they sink a post right there where I drive?

Back to the story, when I got to my 12th waterhole (I have hunted them holes for years) and looks like someone may have looked at my memory card. About that time a yote busts out of the brush headed for the county line. Oh, it is on! I popped him good with some hot lead. Was easy tracking but I am better than average on that. I would post pics but will be in a major magazine so can not. I am sure you understand.
Don't worry one_dryboot. A coyote that only bleeds for several miles was probably not hit that hard. It will probably heal just fine.

Normally I'd call BS on this but Boot has sent me a few photos of his B&C coyotes he's taken in the past. He tells me this tipped the scales at 145 pounds and I have no reason to doubt him.

Dang it Feleno, I asked you not to post those photo's. Now my exclusive contract with Coyote Crazy Mag is shot. They just called me and dropped all my sponsers. Not to mention everyone now knows my honey hole.

B bop, if it is true that you found my yote, I am willing to make it worth your time. I dont have much but I can offer you the Pos gun I shot him with, or if your interested in my sweet Geo Metro we might be able to work something out.

I know what a Peddle Machine is so send me a Pic of the Gun!:D

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"describe what it looks like." ............?

like a coyote with a hole in it's ass?
One thing about you guys on this can keep a crude bastige like me entertained every morning.....
I still say it was UN-ETHICAL shooting at it's best!


20 Yards?

That's a little out of your range!:D

God is Great!
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I love not acting my age,
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Long Range shooting at it best, Try and get closer next time you Jackwagon.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Id bone, ya that is the trophy coyote i shot. i can tell its the same one by its thick coat and bushy tail. i guess i should of known my pump Daisey pellet gun was no match for a trophy dog at those ranges. B Bop, how dare you accuse me of stick flippen this dog. i can't stand stick slippers and how many animals they wound and can't recover. Pisses me the hell off
Great thread... but ponder this one. I wonder how many guys read NV's first post and almost... almost... almost.... went the "f" off. I'd be willing to bet there were more than a few.

Good stuff.

The really messed up thing is that G&F is trying to do their Coyote counts right now and you guys are screwing it all up.

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
Well wet_boot!

You said you wounded it!

Animals only get wounded by StickFlippers!:D

We thought you mighta joined the "I wounded it Club"?

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